Submissions from 2016-12-26 to 2016-12-27 (9 total)

A submission for Daily Art Club

So the Castlevania: HofD soundtrack is so bomb. I can't get it out of my head suddenly.

i don't know why i spent over an hour looking for one of these assholes with good stats

These are the last few drawings I working on and doodling around with before my stylus pen died! I am waiting for a new one to arrive very soon. I'd upload some traditional artwork but I need to purchase a new scanner as well. I was able to work on some life drawing work and found a very, VERY old piece of fanart from my old user account online | Kittypaint

I hope that everyone is well and has a good, safe holiday!

1. Life Drawing Practice

2. Sonic the Hedgehog Redraws

3. Darklord Grandma Concepts

I hope everyone's having good times so far! I quick doodle a lil' Daily for something cute. Happy Hoildays, everybody!

A submission for Daily Art Club

One of things that is on my plan for 2017 is doing more drawings.