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Started 10 years ago (January 27th 2015, 10 am).
Ended 9 years ago (February 28th 2015, 10 am).

I made "One Room Dungeon" for the 31st Ludum Dare.

I was going to remake it and release it as a free downloadable game.

All the artwork was to be redrawn at twice the resolution, and there would be new music, and tons of changes to make the game worth playing over and over.

I planned to release it February 28th of 2015.

But, that didn't seem to happen...

Recent submissions (30 total)

I didn't update yesterday, so I lost my streak.

It's only 2 days until I'm supposed to release my game, and it won't be ready, so I'm delaying it to the 7th of March. I'm sorry for making everyone wait longer to play.

On the bright side, I put some new things in my game. Combat works for all characters now, and feels much better.

I also started adding a new robot enemy.

I drew two new enemies today.

Beep boop.

Yesterday I forgot to post to both my personal "One Room Dungeon" streak and the "Make games." streak. Technically, I broke my "Make games." streak. sigh... Oh well!

Anyway, TWO new characters today!

Introducing the Psychic and the Brute!

The Psychic uses her psychokinesis field to slow ghosts! The field is passive, and takes a lot of energy, so she's slower than the rest of the cast.

The Brute is fast. I mean, REALLY fast. But he's not very good at the whole "stopping" part of moving, so he slides around a lot.

What are their special abilities? Who knows!?

Alright! The release date (February 28th) is coming up soon, so I'm wrapping up the game and polishing things up for the rest of development.

That means that some features I hoped to implement will not be in the final game, but I need to stop working on the game at some point!

Anyway, I ironed out some combat bugs today, and began implementing some new enemies.

You can smack enemies now! Once you hit them, they fly off the screen.

I got some feedback on the game's current state from one of the people that let's played the original "One Room Dungeon."

I have a clearer idea of what I want the game to be now, and development should be much quicker as a result. Tons of fun mechanics coming soon!

(I also did some minor graphics tweaks that you will see later.)

Here's the logo!

(More behind the scenes stuff today)

Made music for new "states" the room enters (think of it as new levels the player reaches, but still in the same room.)

I'm not exactly a musician, so these tunes aren't anything spectacular.

You can find the first track here, and the second one here.

Today I implemented the scoring system and set up chest and key spawning. The spawning needs some work (the key and chest have trouble finding a spot to spawn right now) but at least it's in now!

All I have to do now is tie up any loose ends and the base game is finished. Then I can start adding new enemies, new levels, bosses, and maybe even some new gamemodes!

Today I started to implement enemy spawning. Portals will appear on the outskirts of the room, spawning enemies. In the original "One Room Dungeon," walls and enemies both spawned all over the room. In the remake, walls fall in the center, and enemies spawn in the area surrounding the center. The spawning system is not done yet: I need to implement "intelligent" spawning and make sure every enemy can spawn.

Slimes now shoot particles everywhere when they land (as suggested by a commenter on a prior update. Thanks for the suggestion!)

Enemies sitting under falling walls get squashed now (I plan to make the effect less bland later.)

I have implemented a lot of new things today!

I have added in a shadow effect to walls so they are more prominent. Don't worry, the player, the enemies, the key, the chest, etc. will not be obscured. Well, there might be *one* thing that hides in the shadows, but that's a mechanic for another day!

The chest can now be opened. I'm pretty proud of the animation, and how the coins go shooting out of the chest.

Speaking of opening chests: In the one original one room dungeon, walls faded away after opening a chest. In the remake, they will go away after a chest has been opened two times.

I've also been preparing to implement something very special: dynamic music! More on that later.

No image today.

Implemented loss from falling walls.

(I also did some work on on-going features. Today was a "behind the scenes" kind of day.)

I don't have anything to show today. I did plan out some future mechanics, but nothing I can present.

I don't feel up to doing anything else on this project today. I'll try to implement a big feature tomorrow to offset today's lack of work.

It's a giant slime! What does it do!? What are those hands for!? Nothing, for now! I didn't have time to implement any features or animation today, so will have to settle for a boring still image of an unfinished boss enemy.

Blocks fall now!

In the original "One Room Dungeon," blocks just kind of pop into existence from their shadows. Now, blocks fall from the top of the screen (just cosmetic, they can only squish you if you are standing where they land.) I think it looks nicer, but I might make the effect more subtle.

I am almost done recreating the original "One Room Dungeon." I should have around 10 days left after that to implement new mechanics, like boss battles, collectible items, characters, etc.

Now the player gets an idea of where a slime will land once it's up in the air via a little flash on the ground.

Also, the slime makes the screen shake a bit when it lands. (The gif doesn't capture this too well; it happens consistantly in the game.

I redrew the original "One Room Dungeon's" room in the remake's resolution. It's not perfect; I will go back to it and make it look better later.

I also made a spawning animation for the key and got it in the game, added sparkle sprites to draw attention to the key and the chest, and got the key spinning around the player once he or she grabs the key.

The key mechanic I started to implement doesn't fit with the game I want to make, so I am removing it. The key will act as it does in the original "One Room Dungeon."

Today I don't have anything finished to show off. I have lots of little things I started on which will pay off later.

When the player achieves a high score and loses, a less somber variation of the game over music will play.

For reference, the game over music.

And the high score music.

The key now bounces off of walls. The collision is really bad right now, so I'll be going back to it later.

I also made an animation for when a chest spawns.

Now the player loses control when he or she runs into an enemy, just like in the original "One Room Dungeon."

I made a little tune that will play at a screen that is reached when the player loses. I cannot attach the file, so I uploaded it to Soundcloud. You can listen to it here.

Accidentally posted to just "Make Games" today. Link to today's submission.

I have two sets of character animations done.

I plan to add several characters, some with different mechanics, ala "1001 Spikes," but for now I just have a female and male version of the play character from the original "One Room Dungeon". I rigged them up to the same input so you can compare animations in the attached GIF.

(I also worked on a secret mechanic today. I'll detail it when it's ready to show off! :-])

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