I have implemented a lot of new things today!

I have added in a shadow effect to walls so they are more prominent. Don't worry, the player, the enemies, the key, the chest, etc. will not be obscured. Well, there might be *one* thing that hides in the shadows, but that's a mechanic for another day!

The chest can now be opened. I'm pretty proud of the animation, and how the coins go shooting out of the chest.

Speaking of opening chests: In the one original one room dungeon, walls faded away after opening a chest. In the remake, they will go away after a chest has been opened two times.

I've also been preparing to implement something very special: dynamic music! More on that later.

HacksawUnit10 years ago

@ditto Using a "warp" effect. It distorts whatever is on the layer. In-game, it goes so fast the "circle" part isn't really visible. It can get a little annoying though, so I will have a box in the options to turn off the wiggle lines.

ditto10 years ago

Heh, that flickering, are the shadows made by spawning dark filled circles and pushing away from the object? :D Looks really really cool, I like the imaginative solution, it looks really cool! :D

saluk10 years ago

Very slick! I love how the shadows "flicker".

Make games.

Work on some aspect of a game, let's say 5 days a week.

daily from 2015-01-25 to 2016-01-25

"One Room Dungeon" remake

Remaking my Ludum Dare game "One Room Dungeon" one day at a time.

daily from 2015-01-27 to 2015-02-28