Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Yesterday I forgot to post to both my personal "One Room Dungeon" streak and the "Make games." streak. Technically, I broke my "Make games." streak. sigh... Oh well!
Anyway, TWO new characters today!
Introducing the Psychic and the Brute!
The Psychic uses her psychokinesis field to slow ghosts! The field is passive, and takes a lot of energy, so she's slower than the rest of the cast.
The Brute is fast. I mean, REALLY fast. But he's not very good at the whole "stopping" part of moving, so he slides around a lot.
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@HacksawUnit as long as you keep the streak in principle :P The field on the Psychic feels a little small to me. It almost looks like it is just stopping them from hitting you - feels more like a limited use shield than a slow field at that size.