today, the picture came together really smoothly. i didn't have to think. i just did. yeah, the compositions of the two photographic captures complete each other. that's neat. maybe there's even a meaning behind this one. i won't tell you ;)

0x35c119 days ago

that's some serious cooking :O
i love this layering !!

More submissions by (: for Daily Photo Club

i don't have time to use my cameras, fuck it phone edits time (street art not mine so i won't publish on socials)

sorry for always late submitting lol

didn't do any picture today, so i'm cheating w/ a-test-painting-that-ill-probably-throw-away (i pushed local contrast to make it look very ugly, making shit shittier)

i'll make a cool one tomorrow, i need some sleep

sidetracked a bit from the dark sky but i'm cool with that i think

my sleep schedule is nonexistent (worried i should be, right?)

i'm so tired ;w; i'll do my best to post pictures without burning myself out

another me would call this one "deuxième ciel"

A submission by (: for Daily Photo Club

nothing special

subtler color tooling (still obsessed with clouds)

done in a few minutes, by the feels

i feel terrible, hence i made this

still messing with clouds

i'm done moving!! the sky was beautiful, took cloud pictures with my deer D7100 and from my new place. clouds are beautiful, always great to compose with them. this is not a very technical edit, it's simply pretty

a picture taken in january with my D7100 (haven't used it in a while), i miss this place a bit already

not my best color work but the chromatic aberrations make some parts interesting

macro lens btw lol

my break is almost over, i'll be in my new place in early september so i should have a bunch of new things to see. i'll probably switch up my style once again, i'm getting tired of the current process

destroyed the colors, i really don't like the composition so prob won't share

idk i was late and wanted to have some fun

applying some of the techniques i gathered from my b&w experiments to color photography (ie. light-only local contrast, white balance shifts to manipulate shades, etc.), while still keeping in high regards colors and texture. unlike IMGP7811, i didn't apply any noise reduction on this one (i'm a big fan of pointillism-like color mixing, what can i say). there was a lot of fog this day, hence the clear layer separation

i'm currently reading Pictorial Effect in Photography: Being Hints On Composition And Chiaroscuro For Photographers (what a title), interesting book, i like the takes on photo manipulation (esp on faking the sky), super forward thinking

anyway, i didn't manipulate anything here, this is another uncropped very lightly edited b&w pentax q pic. i'm thinking a bunch about the semi-chaotic properties of uncropped compositions, and whilst my process will always change (i need to change), i believe this "traditional prime master b&w arc" improves my shooting skills a lot. i still kinda see b&w like "cheating" btw, way too easy to make shit look good with b&w lmao, when i'll have more energy i might get back to color


strangely menacing and kinda funny

too much happening, can't really streak as i'd like to rn however i'll make a post whenever i do something. today, quick shadow practice on meh picture

Daily Photo Club

Make photography every day!

joined 121 days ago
