I had the raw selected in digikam and Bouba stepped onto my keyboard, opening the editor and doing some tweaks. I immediately saved the result when she left (oh also this miiiiight be a shot from a new camera! i got paidddddd)

(:18 days ago

@999999999 that's really cool! i don't remember if you shoot wide a lot, but that's another thing where full frame cameras seem proficient at

99999999918 days ago

@(: also im shooting entirely on manual lenses so theres a LOT to get used to gosh. but damn getting this much control over depth of field is awesome

99999999918 days ago

@(: it feels illegal to have this much Q U A L I T Y

(:19 days ago

she did great editing this!

i see from the EXIF it's a Df, this camera looks super cool!! do you enjoy the full frame experience?

More submissions by 999999999 for Daily Photo Club

i did a lot of color fiddling to take what was a very flat image and give it some pop while keeping the overall saturation nice and subtle

at this point im beginning to feel my pictures of powerlines are getting derivative >.>
yet still im drawn to them

iri informed me that this is whats called bokeh balls and that they have 7 sides due to the 7 aperture blades in the nikon lenses! oh also check out the freak flares in the top, i think its the result of the old lens having no anti-reflective coating?

The Tamron 80-210mm F3.8(4?) is nuts! Another $5 bargain bin lens! Why is the bokeh like that????

the 28mm f2 is nice

an old subject strikes again.
shot wide open on the 105mm f2.5. some juicy chromatic aberrations when this lens goes wide

maaaaaaany photos to go through, the trip was a great way to dive into the deep end and learn how to use this camera and these vintage lenses! (i've learned that I have MUCH to learn).

The following photos are from a concert I wound up at thru sheer coincidence. These are all shot on a pre-AI (Aperture Index) Nikon 50mm f1.4.

I realized after the fact I was shooting at way too low a shutter speed and way too thin an aperture (manual focus in the dark is a CHALLENGE). I could've closed down a stop and shot a stop faster and still woulda been within acceptable ISO range. Learning!

That said, I actually really like the blurriness and unfocus in these, they match the band's unnerving and theatrical noise performance quite well.

sigma 100mm-200mm f3.5-f4.5 with all sorts of fun fungi friends inside :)

its so old it lost all its red and developed deep crackles and wrinkles

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joined 120 days ago
