didn't leave the house today so, an abstract

(:39 days ago

holy shit its a 50 entries series :O hypehypehype

More submissions by 999999999 for Daily Photo Club

last update for a while, on vacation and the Df's shutter mechanism died today

love when i have the opportunity to spend the night in the city

Just got an Arsat-H 50mm f/2, it's the smallest f-mount lens I have and I quite like the look it produces

ghosts, featuring ghosts

abandoned lot self portraits

10sec timer and using trash on the ground to mark my focus distances

high contrast - not how i usually would edit something like this, kinda strays from the lens' character, but i quite like the drama of it

ended up underexposing this shot a bit too much, the sunset was only like that for a few minutes though

double exposed with the Df's onboard multi-exposure mode, pretty pleasing result, probably shouldve shot the portrait darker though

50 days of shooting 50mm

Daily Photo Club

Make photography every day!

joined 236 days ago
