Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
A bit of broken beat with some new synths. Mixings heavy on the Rhodes parts. Probably should take out that Asia harp synth too.
This was a lot of fun. Lots of energy and vibe going. I didn't think the Rhodes was too loud. It reminds me almost like a 16-bit video game soundtrack for an energetic side-scroller. The chiptune elements and the crushed parts do it for me.
Last one of my 52. Another dub. Not entirely sure i've advanced much but i've certainly learnt a few things.
Late again - somewhat ironically as i've written about 6 tracks - however none were properly finished. So this was one of several tracks from this week's session (which continued from last week's session). The set up was i had the noise layers all down and i'd mix into them. It took me a few hours of sample loop faffing to get this down, plus a simple sequence off the CS80V to add some tonality.
A library demo background track to an 80's Doctor Who program was what i had in mind. I wanted something errie and analog. I've not quite achieved the sound as i think it could be fuller, better seperated with EQ and probably with less hi end to simulate tape better. To be honest the string part at the end work best for me however i wanted to punctuate the piece with something so i added keys - but i used two sets of keys with the somewhat naive view thinking that more analog = more analog. Musically it "hollows" in parts owing to my lack of understanding in chord writing...and theres a duff key in there too as i didn't keep to scale.
bit rushed....anyway.... So this started as a dub track. Sometimes I like to try to break down chords into melodies but with a deep sub and kick driving the whole piece. Then i faffed with a vocal sample to kinda do something a bit weird and diffrent. Finally added some melodies to finish it off. Could probably do with a remix to build it up better but i'm so short on time what with Crimbo coming up. The vocal is a bit loud too. Kinda finished as a deep tech house thing i guess.
Another late dub track. Simple affair really - doesn't go anywhere really. More a test of layering plates and delays but happened to be one i managed to finish. Not really proud of it though because its hackneyed musically. To be honest...with more time i'd have done some very much deeper and darker. I still might.
Opps. Forgot this week. Hard electro.
Another dub track with various versions - i like this version but like all my stuff it took a retro techno bent.
Started off as a dub test again....with aim of doing something for winter. But for winter i always think of Detroit techno, as that was the season i first heard it walking home through some old council estate. So it went that way. So follows a fairly well known techno pitch bended chord sequence (m, +2, -2). But the last chord is not so well known and has a Detroit vibe to my ears.
So off the back of the 48' really. Same session but changed the patterns and sounds to produce another hard techno track with a touch of acid (the track was meant to start as a cool 303 style pattern - with a weaker sound but in a nasty pattern and warp into an actual 303 as it built up). I like weird or sinister sequences in techno and this kinda fits into that and builds up a bit - but the sound itself could probably be doing more. I also quite enjoy analog pitch-bent basslines that make you feel a bit giddy and the filter opens here in an effort to increase intensity. It doesn't really work - the 303 should probably have been put through a distortion to sound more sinister then the core sounds. In the end, the core sounds win as they're just as aggressive and the 303 just bumbles along. Maybe if i'd brokedown the track and brought the 303 in solo it might have had a better effect. Frak me...what a ramble!
Just home from Iceland so very little time and whilst some of you might be expecting something akin to Sigor Ros, i just wanted to put out something hard, fast, and rather poorly mastered.
Sorry - been away to Iceland. this was an early techno track i finished and remastered. Its not great but has a kinda old skool' vibe to it.
Another Hauntology piece...
A lil acid thing.
Lil broken beat track. Needs some more sounds but no time this week. Sorry about ending. Put the wrong sound through the wrong reverb. (Note to self - check post send amount!).
Quick dub - been a busy week for me so late again.
Old Piano ambient dub thing i found and remastered. Been on nights so not had a lot of time.
Lil' ambient library thing...
Library tune from somewhere that i didn't have an orignal copy of so i simply rewrote it from a dodgy copy for posterity. I Didn't get time to give it Rhythm so this is demo form only
One of a good few Hauntology pieces i'm writing.
I don't really like this as its a bit messy and i may have hit some bang' notes that kinda work but sometimes sound a bit shit. Its quite old and "dumped" but i wanted to get it out the way as it was near to complete. Oh...and its got the ear piecing synth thing again. must stop that.
weekly from
Cheers buddy. The clav is a Korg XD preset. It still needs some work - like i say, theres an "asia" synth in there which sounds poor on headphones (although better on speakers, oddly).