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dAndy77 years ago

era por que tenia 1900 palabras

More submissions by dAndy7 for GAME 1100 - Diseño de Juegos

(Decided to make it less than 500 words and see how in depth i could go).
Genre: Action, Shoot em’ Up, Arcade, 8-bit, retro.
Audience: Anyone looking to have a “blast” with a pretty weird but awesome looking world war mayhem, old-school feels, great music, hardcore action, packed with fun. 18+
Platforms: Switch, Pc, Xbox, PS4.

Ever wondered how would a lich lair look like if it was a Panzer IV? Well this is how.

You’re a cool lich, on edge with modern tech you’ve lived through the generations, now the last one of your kind, you decided it was time to get a new home and oh my on the year 1942 what better lair than the new large Panzer IV model.

With your 5-man crew, you’re set to cause some chaos in the newfound war, you have no sides, you have no goal, you just want to kill some mortals.

You’ll be looking through a top-down perspective inside an oen world map, the goal will be to kill as many humans as you can, but beware, you have quality, but they’ve got the numbers, so you could easily get obliterated.

Equipped with many artifacts collected through the ages, you can customize your arsenal at certain points though the map, think of them as pit stops, you come get patched up and you leave to battle.

You have 5 slots to equip your tank with, the commander, the bomber, loader, driver and the gunner.
Each time you kill a unit, you’re rewarded with souls, souls vary between units, these can be used at pit stops to buy artifacts for your tank
On each slot you’ll be able to equip different tiers and artifacts, each artifact has different attributes that will be unlocked for the player if equipped.
Artifacts must be bought at pit stops, once bought, if changed they will be stored in the player’s stash and available at the pit stop in case you want to alternate between them.
Some examples could be:
-The Vlad Tepes: ever heard of impaling? Well you can now make it a hit & run sport, one-shot any infantry units that you bulldoze.
-Desecrator: 1 out of every 5 units you kill will be revived and heed your command.
-Plague: Have a cloud of pest, killing anything that stands on it for more than 5 secs.
Enemies will vary from infantry, to heavy vehicles, a crazed wizard here and there, it doesn’t really matter to you, since you’re going to kill them anyways.

-W, A, S, D to move.
-Mouse to aim.
-Left click to use the main gun.
-Right click for the secondary gun.
-R to reload.
-E for the special ability.
Xbox, Switch, PS4:
-Left stick to move.
-Right bumper to reload.
-Left bumper to use special ability.
-Right stick to aim.
-Right trigger to use main gun.
-Left trigger for secondary gun.
Rawesome - Humanity

The Warmonger

Genre: Pixel art, Adventure, Linear, Puzzle, isonometric-platforming hybrid.
Audience: Anyone willing to have a peaceful, yet astonishing experience, for all the adventure lovers out there.
Platform: Switch, Xbox, Ps4, Pc.

The Warmonger, a game about finding peace.
As a war veteran Berserker Viking, you'll set on a journey through the fields of a war-scarred land, battlefields long forgotten, the remains of long lost cities, not a living soul around…
You'll wander and explore, trying to find meaning to all the devastation before you, you'll remember long forgotten battles, talk to long lost souls…

In your travels you'll have to help the damned, you'll have to find ways to cross the untraversable paths before you, but most importantly, find peace inside all the sadness before your eyes.


This game is a story driven puzzle game, as the player traverses the world, various puzzles will be placed upon him, mostly, if not all environmental and dialogue choices given by NPCS, you'll have to take upon this challenges to ultimately find meaning to your journey.

Puzzle types:
These go from traversing enemies non-violently to figuring out which rune on a magical door will activate it.
-Dialogue Choices
Most of these will be given to the player as optional, but will reward him items useful for future aid on certain puzzles.

The player will move with WASD or the left stick and interact with the right click or A or X buttons with objects and left click or X or Square buttons to start dialogues with the different NPCS throughout the game.

Combat is non-existent in the game, but there are creatures that the player will need to avoid in order to move on in the story.

Overall it's a game designed to let the player appreciate the meaning behind everything that's put into it.
Artwork credit goes to: Superbrothers HQ.
Music credits go to: Estas Tonne

Ramblings of an undying man
Genre: Psychological horror, horror, blood & gore, first person, survival horror.
Audience: Anyone looking for a hardcore horror experience that will never get easier, people that love frenetic gameplay. Mature audiences.
Platform: Pc, Xbox, PS4.

The ramblings of an undying man, feeling tired.
Waking up.
Looking around.
See a gun.
See the door.
Should I open it?
I hear laughter.
A dark hall.
I step out.
The laughter is from within.
The door slams shut.
I see a darker silhouette.
I start running.
The Laughter follows.
Everything goes quiet.
I see a window.
I come closer.
I look at it.
The laughter is from within.
The silhouette is behind me.

Waking up…

In Ramblings of an undying man, you’re stuck, stuck inside a house, a house that moves, that changes, and most importantly, a house that’s insane.
Each time you die, something goes off, each time you die it looks more deranged.
This is a first-person survival horror game, goal of the game (it’s not given to the players, only slightly hinted) is to find out what’s going on inside the house, but, the game will purposely lead the player towards leaving the house, when in truth… once you do get out, Waking up…
See an empty room…
I’m strapped…
The roof has a hundred arms…
Where am I…
The base mechanic of the game is death, each time you die, things will go more and more deranged, what I aim to achieve with this game is to disturb, scare and or disgust anyone playing it, even the most hardcore horror veterans, I want to make people feel terrified at the sight of it.
The way I want to achieve this is by, misleading the player, using volumetric uncensored sound, what I mean by this is, if you are forced to chop off your arm, you’ll hear every bone shattering, every muscle tearing, every tendon snapping, it’s a game made to inflict pure terror.
You always start at the same room, the sight changes, the items scattered across change, but the room stays and waking up…
There’s an 8-legged Andromorph crawling outside of what seems to be a wall made of eye sockets...
I’m laying on top of what feels like a woman…
There’s umbilical cords wrapping my legs…
I see a knife…
I hear a single voice whispering “Do it”
She screams…
I hear the guts being cut…
The walls are looking at me…
I see the creature twitching and crawling across the room…
Her arms are grabbing and tearing my skin…
She lets out one last agonizing scream…
I stand up…
The creature looks at me…
I see my guts…
The creature licks me…
Waking up…
The terror is often graphic and disturbing, though, it can be enigmatic and psychologically draining, things like forcing the player to do extremely messed up things will make this an unforgettable experience.
The way you win the game, as stated before, is by finding all the memories, the catch is, you HAVE to die, the game will scatter up to 2 memories on each of the scenarios it generates, the goal is for you to find them, even though, you’ll be guided towards the exit, to reset your stage and throw those memories you could’ve found to the abyss.
Once the player finds the memories, everything will make sense, but the journey would be burned on the back of every player’s heads, the images, the sounds, the thoughts will haunt their dreams for a long time.

Sound credits go to: Gregi and Kurczak
Image credits go to: unknown artist, Pinterest.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Fantasy, rpg, blood & gore.
Audience: Anyone with a hunger for epic boss fights and high gameplay versatility throughout every playthrough, 18+.
Platforms: Xbox, PC, Ps4, Switch.

Who would’ve thought a fallen angel’s blade would fall into your hands? As crazed as it sounds, you now became the wielder of the Blade of Abbadon, the destroyer blade as they call it in old books is a powerful weapon, and as things go, to create… there is the need to destroy, with your newborn power, fight through the horde of Beings invading the earth and use their very power against them.


  • Introduction
    In Anthropomorphic your main goal is to kill, destroy or banish the various beings ravaging earth, from giant monsters to Devils, from Elder gods to Ancient alien civilizations, earth is being used as the battlegrounds for the end of times, and as one of the last remaining humans, it’s your job to stop it and become the ultimate being in your way.

There are multiple core features in Anthropomorphic, such as:
Power within: Ever since this calamity started people began to realize something, the fewer humans, the stronger the remaining become; This gives the player one of the first gameplay choices, either protect the remaining few, or destroy them and become a godlike being through evil deeds, the main difference between the two is, in one you will have backup if anything happens to go wrong, on the other one, if you happen to make a mistake, it’ll be much more punishing, but the player will be much more powerful.

Blade of Abbadon: This blade is a relic, your individual power is transmutation, this allows for you to harvest your foes guts, skins, organs and parts to shift your blade into a wide variety of uses, but beware, it’s not permanent and you will lose the blade’s base features if you do for the time the transmutation is in use.
There are multiple houses of enemies in Anthropomorphic, amongst them you can find:
Lesser beings: these are the lowest forms in each house, generally weak and not very useful for things other than armor crafting.

Creatures: these are the mid ranged beings inside each house, useful for resource harvesting with transmutation purposes but not so much for armor crafting and such.

Deities: these beings are forms of mass destruction and immense power, they all possess a relic, each relic will award the player with unique modifiers and effects, among them you can find things like the heart of Tarrasque, granting the player a few minutes of all but physical damage immunities on a cooldown reset, things like the wings of lucifer that grant the player the ability to fly, the eye of the Beholder, which grants the ability to control any creature or lesser being for a period of 5 minutes, the list goes on, it’s important to point out the relics occupy one of 5 different slots and the player is only able to use one of each type.

-Crafting: Much like the games name, you engage in Anthropomorphism, utilizing the parts of dead enemies to craft living armors and items, your armors will provide a wide range of abilities depending on the parts of creatures they are made, for example a helmet made from the skull of a mindflayer the scales of a wyvern and a hood made of the robes of a Nazgul will grant the player one ability from each, and of course, the grim sense of humor of the mindflayer to accompany through your travels, as he helps you by letting you know about the multiple inferior beings surrounding you, and jabbering about how insulting it is to be confined within a helmet.


As crazed as it sounds, the world isn’t quite “destroyed” as it seems, since the multiple houses of beings have wonderfully stablished across the globe, raising massive structures and morphing the landscape to their liking, few parts are left that look humane or earth-like, but the view is most certainly stunning, if you take away the hordes of ghouls running through the fields and the flesh eating giant demons hunting anything that breathes and tearing it apart limb by limb.

The player interacts in multiple ways with the world, things like crashing a tower above such demons to see them fall to the ground as you raise your wings and create a beam of destruction with your Ancient-alien tech infused Abbadon blade to vanquish the creature to the depths of the Tartarus are most certainly a possibility.

The music of the game aims to be epic and empowering towards the player.
Composer: John williams
Composer: Motoi Sakuraba
Composer: Monolord

Overall Anthropomorphic is a game where you decide what you will be, how you will look like and how you will kill your enemies, either by guttering them into multiple pieces, or by raining heavenly beams of light from the skies, versatility and the sense that your character is what you would actually be inside a world like that is what the game aims to achieve the most.
Image credit goes to: unknown artist, pinterest.


Genre: Rts, commander, Action, Rpg, multiplayer.
Platform: PC, Xbox, Switch.
Audience: People with a grim sense of humor, anyone that loves to be the bad guy, mostly sarcastic people and evil-doers by nature; 18+

In Vessel, become the destroyer, embrace insanity; You’ll be given a human, what you put into it, or what you turn it to is all up to you… just know it’s not going to be something good, whether it’s as simple as a zombie or as twisted as turning him into a living gateway to hell, the choice is yours to make, control your army and ravage the world against 2 other factions.


The game features 3 branches for the player to pick:
-The Cultist
-The Geneticist
-The Warlock

Each one of them will be given 5 possible types of creations to turn their human into, once the choice is made every branching decision the player is given will be around the creation type he chose, some examples could be, if the player chose to be a cultist and then chose fealty to the elder ones, he will most likely start his playthrough as one of 5 types of elder being vessels, these will branch out into another 3 types of sub-races that will branch out into one of two designated elder gods spawning to bring forth chaos and destruction to the known universe.

For the player to keep branching he will have to progress on his research about his branch, meaning he will have to unlock every single possible path to then pick one of them.

The way unlocking works varies between each one, but will generally be a certain amount of resources, objectives and destruction requisites.

Game Phases

The game phases are simple, first, you choose what will your human be, after that is done, most of your playthrough will be focused on controlling your vessel, meaning, if you became a werewolf, you now need to feast on the citizens of a city of your choosing, once inside the city, you’ll be given a set of stretch goals to achieve in order to progress, once those are done, the player will move forward to choosing what sub-type is next, this will go on until the player reaches the last tier, in which he will be given all of the world to play around with until no life is left, after that, he either succeeds or fails at his task and is given all of his scores.

The catch is, there will be other 2 players aiming for the same thing, so eventually the game will come down to facing and destroying your rivals in massive battles where you command your army of lesser beings and take on the front lines yourself, this is not a game where ties are possible, either win, or face absolute obliteration.


Death works on a peculiar way on Vessel, if you happen to die and you already possess other lesser creatures under your wing, you will be given the option to choose amongst them to keep on playing or forfeit your match. However, if you do pick a lesser creature the game will carry on as usual, but you will have suffered a possible mayor setback towards the end goal. No one in his sane mind would want to face Yog-Sothoth as a mere imp overlord, yet again, are you sane?

Camera and in-game interface

The camera will be 3rd person, and the interface will feature a set of abilities for your vessel and a command wheel for your army, the player will also be given the choice to engage in tactical view, but this will set his vessel as a bot for the time being, not being able to command it’s abilities directly and limiting it to only movement choices.

Genre: RPG, Open world, non-linear, blood & gore, Dark-Fantasy.
Audience: For everyone interested in a vast, well-polished open world and a rich vast combination of interconnected gameplay choices that polish the way you interact with it. 18+
Platforms: PC, XBOX, PS4
Disclaimer: I'll focus on more conceptual things rather than detailed mechanic explanations and whatnot.

In Swordcerer, you'll start of as a nobody that just discovered his magical affinity, able to shift his soul essence into powerful blades, you will become a Swordcerer.
The world is vast and the first choice the player will be given is, where is he from, able to pick amongst one of the 12 kingdoms that reside on it, this will be the first mayor influencer in his gameplay trayectory, as kingdoms are not all friends, nor share the same coin nor belong to the same faction.


Swordcerer has many gameplay features, and below i'll start to explain the core ones.

the world is divided into 4 mayor factions, containing 3 kingdoms each, not all factions are allies nor share the same gold, this means that what the player picks as his homeland will affect on how he traverses throughout the land, since enemy factions will attack on sight, will have heavily guarded borders and will not alllow the player to trade with the coins he posesses, meaning he will need to take in jobs inside each faction to gain currency from them, or ask for certain types of payments on his quests, altogether factions also define which type of soul fuze the player can learn, this will be explained further in the class section.

The factions are:

-Paragons of Light-
The paragons of light are rightgeous Swordcerers, or so they believe; their homes are the 3 kingdoms of the east reaches of the continent, each of them having a particular magic prowess, Light, mono-elemental or White magic, their currency is the Suncoin.

Fearsome Swordcerers, envoys of destruction; Living in the north, their magical prowess is grotesque and powerful, Blood, Chaos or Nether magic they are and their currency is the velvetstone.

-Void Waters-
Trickery and untrustworthy the Void Waters live in the Southern Ethereal sea's multiple isles, they delve into dark uses of magic such as Necrotic, Void and Illusion magic, they work on all the currencies.

-Second Order-
They seek knowledge above all, the sages of the west delve into the rarest and most complex magical prowess’s such as Multi-Elemental, Enchanting and Ethereal magic, due to their fixation on studies and discovery their currency is based on the value of materials.

As previously stated the player's origin will affect how the rest of his playthrough feels like, I will now explain how and why.

The most important thing to point out is the fact that, even if, there are all sorts of magical users in every faction and kingdom, it will be harder for the player to envelop in them due to the class progression system, which i'll explain further on, the currency is also a major factor, among other things like terrain and cultural values, picking a faction will be one of the mayor choices given to the player, inside that, picking a kingdom will have a bigger toll on early game progression more than anything.

So I’m aiming for a different approach on difficulty, the way it will be handled is, it will be a variable factor inside the game, meaning it will vary between kingdoms, civilized and wild areas, war scorched land and the overall level of prowess in the area you are inside of, for example, in a war scorched land, the player will likely not find many creatures or people, but the ones that he does will be really powerful foes, since they are able to survive even in the most harsh of environments.

The goal with combat is to make it frenetic, thrilling and at the later phases of the game epic and powerful.
All melee, and some spellcasting, but mostly melee magic combat and summoning is the main goal of the combat system, allowing the different classes to have a wide variety of utility perks and a soul infused magical blade of their affinity.

Terrains and weather will be a mayor input and gamechanger, creatures, dungeons, monster lairs, Swordcerers and things such as cold, dampness, mobility impairments due to environmental queues such as storms will all be a major factor in difficulty and progression.
Enemies vary a lot, and other mages will sometimes seek the same artifacts you search for, or aim to gain the same goals you do, giving the player the choice of either winning a fair fight, killing them, tricking them or working alongside them.
NPC interaction is complex and will aim for the player to feel part of a living, breathing world, rather than the world being focused solely on their actions.

Class Progression:
There isn't such a thing as a fixed class, think of it more like a tier-based class system, what i mean by this is the player’s choice of either focusing on 1, 2, 3 and so on magical prowess’s will have a mayor toll on how his spells work, because he won't be able to cap on either.
The more you fragment your prowess’s, the less knowledge you'll be able to possess on each of them; A nether-mancer that also knows mono-elemental magic won't be able to unlock the last tier of either of his proficiencies, subsequently, the fragmented your knowledge is, the lower tiers you'll be able to achieve on each.

Now the way the player trains these proficiencies is also very particular, at the beginning of the game, the player will be very weak and will have to either search for a master or just start using his spell roster and afterwards find a compendium type artifact to gain a specialty.
If he finds his adequate master, he is given the choice to join him on his travels or buy lesser lessons to gain a specialty, if he decides to join his master in his journey, it is likely that he will be prompted to finish a task to be accepted as an apprentice, on success he will join, on failure he will be denied free studies and be given the option to buy tomes and artifacts from the Swordcerer, if he succeeds, as he journeys with his new master a passive modifier will be applied to the player, think of it as a milestone system, each time a milestone is reached the player will be granted new spells, the first being the magical affinity of his master, meaning if your master is a necromancer, you will acquire a proficiency on necromancy as your first specialization.
After this the progression will be based on spell usage, artifact discovery, magical tome possession and the possibility of learning from an arch-Swordcerer later, which will allow for the player to learn the last tiers of his magical prowess the same way he gained it in the first place instead of having to search for spell tomes and artifacts to learn it.

Having said that, I think it’s clear why Faction and kingdom picking is so crucial for the player, since it will affect the nature of such tomes, artifacts and mages lurking the lands on which he resides.

The game will feature a big roster of skills that will work the same way classes do, meaning you can’t be a master-blacksmith-hunter-farmer-mercenary-burglar, but you can choose to be a master blacksmith or a renowned hunter-leatherworker if you so choose.

Visual Style:

I aim for a hyper-realistic look in the game, the setting will be a dark medieval fantasy land.

Image credit: unknown artist, pinterest.
Orchestral music.
Song: Goëtia.
Composer: Peter Gundry.

Genre: Puzzle, Exploration, non-linear narrative, multiple endings.
Platform: Switch, Xbox, PC.
Audience: A weird game, made for weird people, it's eyecatching and trippy at it's core, art lovers, puzzle lovers and complex narrative lovers will find themselves at home with Escher Box.

Genre: Puzzle, Exploration, non-linear narrative.
Platform: Switch, Xbox, PC.
Audience: A weird game, made for weird people, it's eye-catching and trippy at its core.

Escher Box is a project that went mayhem, you were, maybe you're not or are you John?
A theoretical physicist that worked on the Escher Box program, an alternate controlled dimension that fused itself with your facility.
Escher Box consisted of a set of inexplicable structures and compounds that were highly intriguing due to their complexity and their physics bending rules.

The main goal of the game is to get out, you'll be starting at the very center of the huge box, and will only remember that you need to escape in order to rejoin your dimension.

As you progress, the shapes and structures will become exponentially more complex and incomprehensible as the paths you take will end up in completely herratic and mind challenging destinations, the goal is to find the exit point, located at the farthest outward reaches of the box.

The mechanics on Escher box are very simple, yet complex.
-Perspective shift: this will allow John to see the structure from a different angle, this in exchange will uncover hidden and previously unseen pathways.

-Maze: this is the core mechanic of the game, each path you take, each stairwell you traverse, each door you cross, they all are a significant decision towards your goal, the problem is, there is but one correct sequence of paths john needs to take impeccably to reach the outer edges of the Escher Box.

-Fragments: Fragments are pieces of Johns lost memories, they will be scattered throughout the Box and will be represented as short cut scenes that will explain more about Johns past, this will be the heaviest compounds in the game, due to their link with the ending; The player will not be told this, but will come to understand its importance in the game after the first play through is done, by the commentary and dialogue shown on the final cutscene.
Depending on how many and what fragments the player was able to collect, John will either be institutionalized on a mental care facility for the rest of his days, will be left to wonder the earth as a broken man with knowledge about his surroundings and his field of work but not about himself, the opposite of the previous and up to 10 possible more endings.
there are 240 fragments scattered, the player wont be told how many are there explicitly but by small hints on Johns dialogue throughout the game.

W,A,S,D: Movement.
E: Interaction.
Left Click+Mouse: Perspective shift.

Right Joystick: Perspective shift.
Left Joystick: Movement.
A: interaction.

-Art done by:
3D model Ferry Van Dijk
Original Piece by M.C. Escher.

Internal Flight-Estas Tonne

Dimes & Dices
-Logan Sarkar
-Christopher Stagg
-Andrés Silvera

-El Objetivo del juego es eliminar todas las fichas enemigas.
-Las fichas se diferenciaran por que el jugador uno será CARA y el jugador 2 SELLO.
-El Jugador 1 siempre empieza.
-El jugador 1 no puede atacar en su primer turno, solo mover fichas.
-Solo se pueden mover 2 fichas por turno.
-Las fichas solo pueden moverse hacia adelante y horizontalmente, no pueden retroceder ni mover en diagonal.
-Cuando una ficha llega al otro extremo del mapa, cambia su dirección.
-La fase de ataque se juega de la siguiente manera:
Solo ataca el jugador que esta en turno, el otro jugador utiliza el dado de defensa.
Cuando un jugador ataca los dos tiran dados y el daño que pase es la resta de los mismos; Ej: El dado de ataque fue 6 y el de defensa 4, el daño que recibió el jugador defendiendo fue de 2.
En caso tal de que sea un empate, se tiran los dados denuevo.
Si el jugador que defiende saca un numero mayor al jugador que ataca, no recibe daño.
No se puede atacar en diagonal.

Blanco: Movimiento.
Rojo: Ataque.
Verde: Defensa.

1c: Posee 10HP.
10c: Poseen 5HP.
25c: Poseen 2HP, pero si hacen daño, se le agrega un dado de ataque extra al total; Ej: El dado de ataque fue de 4 y el de defensa 1, el ataque paso por 3 de daño, a esos 3 agregales un dado de ataque extra, ósea que, si pasaban 3 y el segundo dado fue de 4 haces 7 de daño.

-Powerups: Se pueden usar una vez por partida (Solo cuando una ficha este sobre el), con exepcion del Escudo
Corazones: Curan 2HP, para ser utilizados hay que viajar hasta el extremo opuesto del tablero (pueden exeder la vida total de la ficha).
Escudo: Utilizable una vez por ficha, permite anular un ataque (siempre y cuando la ficha este sobre el escudo).
Double Hit: Se añade otra fase de ataque a la ficha.
Move Again: Le permite a la ficha en casilla tirar un dado extra de movimiento.

Genre: Party, family, tabletop.
Audience: Party people, families, friends, enemies, targeted towards those looking to have some fun while crushing their friends on a fun party game, meme lovers.
Platforms: Board.


-Up to 10 players.
-the game has 50 cards with 10 different abilities distributed in stacks of 5.
-Each player is prompted to take a card at the beginning of the match.
-When a player uses a card it goes to the discard pile, in the event of cards running out before there's only one player left, use the discard pile as the main pile.
-The game must go on until there's only one player left.
-Each player is given 3 skulls, each skull represents a life.
-When a player loses all 3 skulls he is out of the game.
-Each turn the player can choose to play his card or hold it.
-The player can only hold 3 cards at the same time, any other card surpassing this number must be immediately discarded.


*Big NiBBa: Target any one player, the targeted player loses a skull.
*Robbie Rotten: You become the most famous villain, up to 3 players lose a skull.
*Cancer: Neutralizes Robbie Rotten and Big NiBBa card effects(for all players).
*No U: Redirects any efects targeted to you to the caster.
*Reverse card: Reverses any effect.
*Normie: Makes any effect go Null.
*REEEEEEEEE: Destroys Normie card.
*Spaghet: Gain a skull.
*Somebody toucha my Spaghet!: If the spaghet card was played during the game, steal that skull, as it is yours.(if that skull is the only remaining skull a player has, that player dies.)
*$399: gain the "but... CAN YOU DO DIS?!" effect; it let's you dodge one effect every 2 turns.

Knot my problem
It’s a game about tying your problems together.
Genre: Arcade.
Platform: Mobile.
Audience: For anyone looking to grab a quick and funny break.

You’re an average joe, that’s about to become the world’s most famous problem solver there is.
Walking down the street, one day you found in an alley a small piece of rope, if only you’d known it was a rope of holding.
Made by elder magicians on the year 1700 b.c it’s one of the world’s most impressive magical items ever known.

You have to tie people’s problems away basically.
How do you do this you might ask?
Well it’s pretty easy, you just throw your rope at them.
The robe has a 1 sec travel time towards the problems, if it hits you then need to shove the problems aside and afterwards you get a point.
On a failure you lose that bit of rope, this means you only have 4 more bits to throw so be careful with when you do.
The whole point of the game is to get as many points as you can, thing is, it’s not as easy as it might seem; the further you go the more problems you need to catch.
Only when you reach the point of having to throw more than one rope at a time, it’ll be truly, a moment of ascension.
Use your fingers.

Género: sidescroller, Punch them all, Fighter.
Audiencia: Personas que buscan una experiencia de juego simple, pero desafiante.
Plataformas: PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch

Eres Liu Qizan el ultimo panda vivo fuera de cautiverio en el planeta después de la trágica experiencia que fue perder a tu familia cuando eras pequeño a manos de unos traficantes de pieles furtivos.
Esto te hizo dedicar tu vida a desarrollar el arte del zuì quán, después de muchos años de practica lograste perfeccionar el arte de una manera impecable.
Sintiéndote preparado para cumplir con tu objetivo final, embarcas en una travesía por los mercados negros de china en búsqueda de el grupo de cazadores que juraste algún día matar.


-sistema de equipamiento:
Hay 3 tipos de equipo que puedes utilizar dentro de Pandattack, Sombreros, Túnicas y Kegs.

Los 3 dan bonus a un tipo de atributo diferente los cuales son:

Estos funcionan de la siguiente manera:

*La intoxicación depende de el tipo de keg y el tipo de licor que estés utilizando, dependiendo de el nivel de intoxicación es tanto la fluidez como la lentitud de tus movimientos, esto quiere decir que si no has tomado lo suficiente no serás tan fluido, pero pegaras mas y si tomas demasiado tendrás muy poca reacción, pero pegaras mucho mas fuerte.

*La velocidad se ve afectada por el tipo de túnica que estés utilizando, entre mas liviana mayor la velocidad pero también el daño que recibes y entre mas pesada menor el daño y la velocidad.

*La resistencia se ve afectada por el tipo de sombrero que utilices, sombreros mas grandes dan mas balance y sombreros mas pequeños mas versatilidad, de estos dependerá el impacto que tiene la intoxicación en el usuario.

el combate es sencillo de aprender, pero difícil de dominar.
Tiene como base tres ataques combinados con los movimientos del personaje, el salto y un bloqueo.

Puño, patada y momentum.
El daño y velocidad de cada uno varia dependiendo de el estado de intoxicación y la armadura de el personaje.
Momentum: momentum es lo que se utiliza para encadenar los ataques de manera óptima.
Los movimientos son básicos, salto, hacia atrás, hacia adelante y hacia abajo.

Combinaciones básicas:

Posibles combos (complejos):
Con adelante se sobreentiende que es la dirección en la cual esta mirando el jugador.
<-(hacia atras).
-> (hacia adelante)
_(hacia abajo)

<-+bloqueo+momentum+puño/patada. Hace que el panda utilice la fuerza de el ataque enemigo como un rebote, de tal manera que su puño o patada hace el doble de daño que dicho ataque.

puño+puño+momentum+patada+momentum+puño. Pega dos puños, dejandose llevar por el desbalance de el ultimo, haciendo una vuelta que conecta con una patada inverza y aprovecha el impulso para conectar un ultimo puño, combo devastador.

salto+momentum+patada. Salta y utiliza la caida para meter una patada cargada en peso contra el oponente.

bloqueo+momentum+<- utiliza la fuerza de el enemigo para moverlo con facilidad y posicionarse detras de el.

-> +momentum+puño/patada utiliza el impulso de moverse para conectar un puño/patada de gran daño.(ataque pesado)

_+patada+momentum+puño. Ezquivas hacia abajo, metes una patada y utilizas el impulso de la patada para meter un uppercut.

El resto de los combos se irán aprendiendo mediante el juego progrese.

-Flechas de movimiento:
Arriba para saltar.
Abajo para agacharse.
Derecha e Izq para moverse.
-Q: Puño.
-W: Patada.
-E: Momentum
-R: Bloqueo

LS: Movimiento. (universal)
Xbox:, Switch
A: Puño.
B: Bloqueo.
X: Patada.
Y: Momentum.

X: Puño.
O: Bloqueo.
Cuadrado: Patada.
Triangulo: Momentum.

Under Pressure
Genre: Arcade, SMASH.
Audience: People with silly humor, that love a chill high-score funny experience.
Platform: Mobile, Pc, Consoles.

In Under Pressure you play one of three different lads, Greg, Carl or Wilson.
You are playing with a pressurized tank and oh boy things are gonna get funny.


Mechanics are simple, hit the pressure gauge as much as you can in a 10 second period, depending on how much you hit the gauge is how far into the sky you're launched.

The overall goal of the game is to rocket as high as you possibly can.

During the button smash period a Valve will fly through the sky for 2 secs, if you're able to take it the smash button period will extend another 5 secs, the engineer in our company told us it's dangerous to attach many valves to one tank, but, the lads don't really care much about all that corporate nonsence as they say. So..., if you do take the Valve you'll be prompted another one on success, this can happen a maximum of 3 times, (we still care about the lads safety).

Tap to move Pressurized Tank, tap the Valve to take it.

Space to move the Pressurized Tank, Click the Valve to take it.

A on Xbox, Nintendo or O in PS to move the Pressurized tank, B or X to take the Valve.

Género: God Sim, city builder, RPG, Axonometric view, RTS.
Audiencia: Personas que buscan una experiencia relajante y divertida.
Plataforma: PC

En "Planes of Existence" tu objetivo es llevar una civilización a un estado utópico, puedes elegir entre 4 civilizaciones, los Ascendidos, los Autómatas, los Vicios y por ultimo, la Horda.


El usuario es otorgado una cantidad de puntos de creación, recurso autosostenible si es administrado correctamente, ya que se regeneran mediante el avanze de su civilización y el transcurso del tiempo en la partida, cosa tal, que no son finitos, pero el progreso se vera afectado por el manejo óptimo de dichos puntos.

La condición de victoria se puede definir en una de dos condiciones bastante sencillas:
-1) Dominio completo del planeta, ya sea mediante esclavización de las demás civilizaciones o destrucción de ellas.

-2) Alcanzar un estado utópico, alcanzando la mejora máxima de todos los 9 tipos de estructuras de cada civilización.

Las 4 civilizaciones tienen 4 diferentes mecánicas y por lo tanto las funciones de sus 9 edificios o "lotes", sus mejoras y sus 9 recursos varían entre clase.

-Los Ascendidos utilizan material biológico para crear estructuras mecánicas, por ende sus estructuras son en su gran mayoría científicas y sus armas son biológicas.

-Los Autómatas son estructuras cibernéticas intercomunicadas, es decir que cada estructura o lote es una mente propia, carecen de unidades móviles y no necesitan alimento y bebida para subsistir, se puede pensar de ellos como una mentalidad de colmena, donde cada estructura tiene un costo de operaciones básico que incrementa según sus capacidades se extienden.

-Los Vicios son criaturas retorcidas, se subdividen en 7 casas primarias, cada una cumpliendo una función básica para la sostenibilidad de su estructura social, los vicios son una civilización bélica y arrazan con las civilizaciones adyacentes mediante se expanden.

-La Horda es una sociedad pacifica, nómadas, sus estructuras son titanes, los cuales ayudan a la población con las necesidades y la protección, cada titán empieza como un elemental no mas grande que un adulto de la tribu y sus mejoras le permiten ascender a el estado "titán" donde son estructuras completas andantes.

-El Mapa:
-Los mapas son formados aleatoriamente entre partidas, y contienen todos los diferentes tipos de bioma:
Bosques, Desiertos, Pantanos, Montañas, Tundras y Yermo.
-Cada mapa posee 3 tipos de recursos que varían según el bioma:
Flora, Fauna y Minerales.
-Los climas varían según el bioma.

Las Estructuras:
Las estructuras se subdividen en 3 tipos diferentes:
-Progresión Cultural/tecnológica

Estas subdivisiones varían dependiendo de la civilización que el usuario escoja en la partida, esto no quiere decir que se ve forzado a utilizar uno o dos subclases de estructura, sino a que su distribución es diferente; Ej: la Horda contiene mas estructuras de recolección que militares, mientras que los Vicios poseen mas estructuras militares.

La progresión de estructuras fuerza al usuario a tener que expandir su civilización, ya que, incluso si todas las estructuras requieren de los recursos básicos que están dispersos en todos los biomas, las mejoras requieren de tipos de recursos especializados.

Numpad: permite elegir entre el roster de lotes y recursos disponibles al usuario.
Mouse: Herramienta principal, mover el cursor.
Click Derecho: Seleccionar, dirigir y posicionar.
Click Izquierdo: Permite ver el menú de opciones entre los lotes.
Tab: Cambio entre Roster de recursos y roster de lotes.
W, A, S, D: Movimiento de Cámara.
Esc.: Menú, cancelar acción.
Shift+CD: Selección múltiple por clase(Ej: Todos los recolectores)

-Esquina superior derecha: Reloj,Clima y Bioma
-Centro Superior: Cantidad de puntos de creación y modificador de regeneración representados por una barra ornamentada con energía en el centro (varia de ornamento y color dependiendo de la civilización).
-Esquina superior izquierda: Dropdown tab. con la lista y cantidad de recursos que posee la civilización
-Esquina inferior derecha: Botón de mapa, representado por un Planeta.
-Centro inferior: Barra de lotes y recursos con sus respectivos números y un pequeño botón de selección entre barra de recursos o lotes.
-Esquina inferior izquierda: Avatar que muestra la unidad o estructura en selección y tiene una rueda de opciones disponibles.

Platform: PC, Xbox, Ps, Switch.
Genre: Isometric, Hack & Slash, open world, kill them all.
Audience: 18+

Larton is a crab, and Larton is angry.
Born from desperation, madness and mayhem Larton was first introduced to violence when he was just a child; When some lads from his park started throwing rocks at him and calling him names.
That... that was the beginning of the creation of a monster engineered to destroy, that was 10 years ago; Now Larton has channeled his hatred and anger towards mankind and evolved into something completely twisted. From Pain beams shot from his eyes to mustard gas for well, his gasses Larton is now a machine of complete annihilation.
Lartons Overall goal aside from murdering any living being you stumble upon is to get revenge from the 4 lads that tossed rocks at Larton in the park, The Finance Lad, The Army Lad, The Government Lad and The Corporate Lad.

Core mechanics:
Pain Beams: Lazers that kill anything that they hit (even you) they bounce on 3 surfaces before vanishing.
Chela Blade: Severs, mutilates, close gorey combat.
Pincer Shield: Deflects projectiles (even your Pain Beams)
Mustard Gas: Mustard gas farts. Literally.

The setting of the game is a futuristic cyberpunk London in the year 2050, Larton will be killing people, mostly people with lazer guns and cyborgs, the yakuza clan, occasionally old ladies and any women that's having a park walk with her baby (bonus points), but mainly any institution personel such as the police, privateers, soldiers and any filthy businessman that Larton stumbles upon.


Credits: the Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Fiona Apple, The White Stripes
Artwork: Andy Silvera

It's a mobile shoot em' up stage based game with a hardcore one hit ko and from scratch stage reset twist.

Composer: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi
Artist: Andres Silvera

Andy streak#1.docx13kb

GAME 1100 - Diseño de Juegos

Ensayos semanales de conceptos de juegos, 2 a la semana.

daily from 2018-01-22 to 2018-05-31