From Death Trash.

Also added some impressions from the past that I did not post here on the Daily Streak:

The Bleeding Head Oracle.

Some etablissement.

And the last gif showing that you can quit dialogue anytime to shoot the NPCs.

AnimeCanuck9 years ago

I'm sure a lot of players will love that option to kill NPCs instead of listen to their dialogue... even though your dialogue is very funny.

More submissions by Stephan for Daily Art Club

Sidenote: Pausing my Daily Art at the moment. Too much work, not enough discipline. And somehow, after three years, I felt like I needed a pause. Have some days in my life where I didn't have to think about that one image I still have to do.

I don't know where this is going. Maybe nowhere.

Repainting some elements on the world map.

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,706 days ago
