Submissions by Monica.Odette tagged puzzle

Genre: point & click, 2D graphic

Platform: PC

Demography: T for Teen. This game is for people who is dealing with some challenges on their life, moreover, the Single-Parents and the future adults: the teenagers.

Game Description:

Sometimes, life is a mess, and I compulsively take are of other people, other issues, when I don’t know how to take care of myself.

The story revolves around 4 different characters, each having different age, reflecting four different and specific stages of life: a teenage father, who was abandoned by his high school girlfriend, a professional workaholic young adult woman who become a single parent and now has to find a way to make both situations work, a forty years old woman dealing with the fact that although she is a successful business woman, she is unmarried, has no children and struggles with the idea that her beauty is fading, (accordingly to society’s standards), and that her prime has passed. Lastly, but not less important, and old man who acknowledged his past mistakes and wants to find a way to reconnect with his link with his son.

The gameplay is very simple: the player just has to move though the scenario with the joystick’s controller or keyboard’s arrows, interacting with the different items with the correspondent button. The game is more focused in the narrative, the interactions and the characters’ stories more than anything else.

This game also provides special features that allows it to adjust to special types of controls for people with disabilities, (lacking of limbs), a special sound setting for people with lack of hearing, (deft), is blind-accessible and also have a special color adjustments for people with color blindness.

Music Link:

(Image Credits:

Genre: Pixel Art, Point and Click

Platform: PC, Mobile Devices (Tablets & Cellphones)

Demography: E for Everyone. If you are one of those people who are looking more than just to play a game, this game is for you. It’s an experience for all kind of players, full of wonderful and thoughtful moments that will educate others about the trials and obstacles people with disabilities encounter on their everyday life and how the Service Animals are a mayor force of change and hope not only to the patients, but also for everyone that are around.

Game Description:
January 12, 2015. The night sky was clear, and a soft snow shined bright perched at the scenery outside the windows’ view. Nathan and his parents traveled back to their home on the family car after a visit to the grandparents’ house, but tragedy strike when a drunk trucker slept on the car’s wheel and in a desperate attempt to avoid collision, loose control on the slippery road and fell from a cliff.
Almost a year have passed. Nathan is still recovering from the trauma: he lost both of his parents and one leg. Now, Nathan lives with his grandparents and needs to use a wheelchair.

Nathan was qualified to be a prosthetic leg owner in order to improve his quality of life. The doctors and his grandparents are very optimistic about this, but Nathan has his doubts.

Therefore, his grandparents decided to acquire a Service Dog in order to help Nathan on his recovery, (physically, mentally and emotionally). This my story.
Hello! I’m Poppy! And I am a Service Dog.

This game also provides special features that allows it to adjust to special types of controls for people with disabilities, (lacking of limbs), a special sound setting for people with lack of hearing, (deft), is blind-accessible and also have a special color adjustments for people with color blindness.

Music Link:

(Image Credits =

Genre: Simulation, Single Player, Multiplayer, Puzzle

Platform: PC

Demography: E for Everyone = is a game for people who just want to kill some time and laugh when you are waiting in a line on the bank, supermarket, or if you are in a bus traveling to your destination.

Game Description: you are just not cut out for war. But since it cost way too much to send you back home and since, your captain enlisted you into the Wasted Division to fix the army’s weaponry and vehicles. Is not what you wanted, either expected, but you are pretty contempt with it. Until that one faithful day in which you glanced at a mysterious toolbox, decorated with a bunch of eyes, carved runes, and with a weird seal on it.

It seems that you just found “The Hastur Toolbox”, one of the ancient artifacts that belonged to an old race that roamed the earth millions of years ago, known as “The Great Old Ones”, whom appeared to be really dexterous in the arts of crafting thing, since you founded an instruction book inside of that toolbox too.
Now with your new tools and ancient crafting building instruction, you not only can repair the weaponry and the vehicles of your troop, but also you can improve them with speed stats, tentacles and abyssal powers!

So, jump right into this demential mission and make your way as a lover of crafting and become the best mechanical worth to mention in the history books… or, at least get your name written on the future group photo of this war.

The player can repair vehicles and weapons by collecting scraps from the battlefield, solving the puzzles to repair them and the better you score, the better the vehicles and weapons will get.

Music Link:

(Image Credits:

Género: Horror, Hack and Slash

Plataforma: PC, PS4

Demográfica: M (Mayores de 18)

Descripción del juego: Tomando elementos del Paris de 1,600; 1,800 y el moderno, el juego se desarrolla en la ciudad Steampunk Gótica Chic de Meowsy-le-Grand; la cual se encuentra habitada por gatos antropomórficos; conocida por sus avances en el campo de la ingeniería a vapor; esparciéndose por todo el continente; logrando hacer que la vida de sus habitantes fuera más sencilla y placentera. Con el paso del tiempo muchos han intentado robar los secretos de estos inventos; por lo que los reyes de la gran ciudad acuden a una antigua orden de caballeros para su protección. Este grupo se le conocen como “Les Chevaliers des Fleurs” (Los Caballeros de las Flores).

Tras haberse graduado de la academia de caballeros, el jugador formará parte de las filas de los Chevaliers y es enviado a diversas misiones para defender los habitantes de Meowsy-le-Grand y a los secretos tecnológicos que ésta alberga; enfrentándose a terribles criaturas de las sombras; las cuales codician el poder de dichos inventos.

Es un video juego de rol con elementos Hack and Slash en tercera y primera persona, similar a videojuegos como Bloodborne, Demon's Souls y Dark Souls. Los jugadores trazan su camino a través de diferentes lugares mientras luchan contra enemigos variados incluyendo jefes de nivel, recolectan diferentes objetos útiles que tienen varios usos posibles, interaccionan con diversos personajes no jugables y descubren más acerca de la historia y del argumento.

El combate requiere un ritmo acelerado y necesita de un enfoque ofensivo con el fin de que los jugadores puedan combatir contra diversos enemigos. La mayoría de las armas cuerpo a cuerpo; las cuales pueden maniobrarse con una mano; (por lo general; la mano derecha); o ambas manos, y armas de fuego arma de fuego en la mano izquierda.
El aspecto multijugador también está presente. Los jugadores pueden convocar a otros jugadores para que les ayuden en batallas contra jefes. Dichas convocaciones en el multijugador también están limitadas por la proximidad; los jugadores solo pueden ser convocados a una distancia específica entre cada uno de los otros, por lo general cerca de las entradas hacia las batallas contra jefes, para evitar que los jugadores sean convocados demasiado lejos para ser de alguna ayuda. Además, los jugadores solo pueden convocar a otros jugadores que tengan un nivel cercano al de ellos mismos, para así evitar que el videojuego sea demasiado difícil o demasiado fácil, para algunos de los jugadores.

El juego cuenta con subtítulos en varios idiomas y un modo especial para las personas que padecen de daltonismo.

Link de música:

Créditos por la imagen: Pinteres (Arte editado por mi)

Genre: Single-player, Japanese Role-Playing or JRPG
Platform: PC, Mobile Devices, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox 1
Demography: E for Everyone (All Ages)

Game Description: is a single player, role-playing video game the player controls the protagonist and his companions in a game’s two-dimensional fictional world, navigating through it via overworld map, depicting the landscape from a scaled-down maps, in which the player can speak with the NPC’s to learn about more the story, solve puzzles and challenges, the world, procure items and services, encounter enemies and advance in the story.

Halo-Epoch takes place in a world similar to Earth and is the Story of Alyx and her friends, Mimi, Seren and Perry, all rookie aspirants to angels, who train night and day to get their wings and become official Guardian Angels, in order to get the proper certification to protect the humans at the Human Realm. But this goal is not one to get slightly, due several dangers that prowl the Human Realm they must face, such as psychic-monsters, evil black magic wielders, shadow beings and daemons.
Whit the help and guidance of the Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim and all of Heaven’s inhabitants, the protagonist and her friends will learn how to overcome many of the obstacles and supernatural battles against the forces of evil that they will have to face in the near future.
The game features turn-based battles, in which the player can access a menu in which selects an action from a list of such options to fight, such as attacking using different kinds of weapons or elemental attacks, as well as use abilities and items.
Under this system, each character also has an action bar that replenishes itself: after three turns in-battle, and almost instantly when the battle is done. When a character’s action bar is filled, the player will get access to a special unique action known as Special Ability.
Outside of battle, the game contains some strong role-playing video game traditions in which uses a random encounter combat system, purchasing special items that can enhance a particular skill or aspect, each party member has a special skill that will be required to solve puzzles or in order to find hidden objects to progress in the story. More party members are gained as the player advances through the game and the characters are rewarded for victorious battles with experience points, money and sometimes items.

The game has an "Automatic mode” is made available in which the game positions any of the five playable characters to perform attacks on enemies and many other interactions with the environment, (such as jumping, talking with NPCs, etc.), in which the player only needs to press one button to execute elaborate combos, unless they wish to perform their own choice of movements or attacks. This mechanic is incorporate to give accessibility to people with disabilities, making it also compatible with special kinds of controllers for them too.
There is also a special mode for people with Color Blindness available on the game, just go to System Setting and activate it.

Link de música:

(Créditos por la imagen

Género: Aventura, Fantasía Oscura, Supervivencia y Horror, Acertijos de Apuntar y Hacer Click

Plataforma: PC y Móvil/Tabletas

Demográfica: Mayores de Años (18+)

Descripción del juego: “Casa de Muñecas” es un juego de Apuntar y Hacer Click y de Aventura en el cual mediante la búsqueda varios objetos, solucionar puzles, y hablando con muchos personajes para aprender más sobre el mundo y progresar en la historia. Ambientada en Irlanda durante la década de los 1950 y tras una furtiva visita nocturna a la casa de su novio quien se encontraba enfermo, la joven Fiona regresa a hurtadillas a su casa; por lo que decide tomar el camino de regreso a través del bosque, en el cual los pobladores locales aseguran que suelen aparecer extrañas criaturas durante las noches.

A medida que avanza a través del bosque la protagonista ayuda las diversas criaturas de la mitología irlandesa como los Huldufólk, los Nokkens o Pookas y participa en el Festival del Solsticio de las Hadas. Pero la celebración se vuelve rápidamente una tragedia, pues el festival se ve interrumpido por el ataque de una malvada Moura, dejándo accidentalmente un bolso de terciopelo índigo tras el alboroto; el cual contenía unas pequeñas gema mágicas, las cuales le podían otorgar ciertas habilidades a quien las consumiera por un corto periodo de tiempo.
Sin muchas opciones disponibles y con la ayuda de las gemas mágicas, Fiona decide atravesar el engañoso bosque con el objetivo de recuperar el medallón de las Hadas. Entre más consuma las gemas para resolver los diversos acertijos o puzzles, enfrentamientos y escapes de diversos enemigos.

Durante su travesía, Fiona irá teniendo recuerdos de la tóxica y tortuosa relación con su abusiva madre; perdiendo cada vez más y más la noción entre lo real y lo ficticio.

A pesar de tener una historia en principio “lineal”, la historia cuenta con un valor agregado en su Re-jugabilidad. Aparte de contar con varios mecánicas y modos de juego; los cuales proporcionan accesibilidad a personas que padecen de algún tipo de impedimento, dislexia y daltonismo; haciéndolo compatible con los diversos controles o mandos especiales para las personas con discapacidades.

Link de música:

Créditos por la imagen: (Varias Imágenes de Pinterest)
Imagen final editada por mi.