Submissions by Monica.Odette tagged storyrich

Genre: Dating Sim

Platform: PC

Demography: M - Mature (people over eigtheen years old might be interesed in this game due its crude language, alcohol and drugs use and dark humor).

Game Description: Having an approximation to our world, only more futuristic, and actually, in balance with nature, this is a world populated by a race of sentient robots. Interesting fact about this race: they developed a special fixation on the taste, shape and textures of their fuel, making it a field of study so extent that at some point they evolved it, making it savorier and eye-pleasing. The most delightful of their dishes are desserts, and the most beloved ones are the Macarons.

The Players are presented as 25 years old built sentient robots individuals that are part of a large voyager-exploration cruise ship which will navigate trough their solar system on several mission, visiting planets and other civilizations on the journey. The player will have a time limit of eight weeks in order to win their chosen love interest to give them the most beloved of the macaron type: the elusive Space Unicorn Macaron.

But Beware! The universe is vast and full of dangerous mysteries, and there is a great change that some of them will try to ruin your path to eternal happiness. So, buckle up space cowboy, for this will be a mission to find your true love.

Space Unicorn Macaron is a text-based visual novel Dating Sim video game that follows a branching plot line, in which the player will impersonate one of the eight pre-set playable characters in order to choose between the ten different NPC robots and try to date the selected NPC. The player will move around the map locations each turn in order to gain points with their love interest.

You can get money and buy items to win their potential partner’s love. The story features multiple endings and there is a Multiplayer mode, in which there can be up to Five players playing the campaign at the same time, online or offline. Most of the game’s humor are meta and pop culture references, urban dictionary banter-based dialogues, self-referential ideas on robot fiction and dark, acid humor.
Bad boys love, hidden alternate story mode, alternative unexpected endings are up for the players to discover on their personal journey to find love in the most unexpected forms.

This game have special features that allows it to adjust to special types of controls for people with disabilities, (lacking of limbs), a special sound setting for people with lack of hearing, (deft), is blind-accessible and also have a special color adjustments for people with color blindness.

Music Link:

(Image Credits: FreePick, edited by me)

Género: JRPG, Estrategia por Turnos

Plataforma: Nintendo Switch, PC

Demográfica: Mayores de 14 años

Descripción del juego: A pesar de todos los avances tecnológicos que se fueron logrando al pasar los años, la era de los humanos ha llegado a su fin. Ahora; 500 años después; varias de las Súper Computadoras que fueron creadas por ellos han decidido que es momento de repoblar el planeta nuevamente, teniendo sumo cuidado de no dañar su equilibrio que la tierra volvió a tener tras la muerte de los humanos.
Estas Súper Computadoras crearon su propia raza: los androides. Aunque en cierto modo se parezcan a sus predecesores mecánicos, guardan ciertos rasgos y ciertas similitudes con los humanos, como lo son ciertos rasgos faciales y estructurales externamente.

Durante cientos de años, los androides construyeron ciudades y edificaciones en la tierra; siempre manteniendo el equilibrio del ambiente y sin afectarlo de manera negativa; mantuvieron la paz y el equilibrio en esta nueva era. Pero no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que una nueva amenaza apareciera. Una raza antigua proveniente de otro planeta amenaza con “reclamar la tierra”, pues afirman que ello fueron los que la crearon como parte de sus experimentos de Terra-formación para la obtención de materiales y recursos que evitarán la extinción de su longeva y tiránica raza.

La batalla por la supervivencia ha comenzado.

El gameplay consiste en combates por turnos en un mapa dividido en casillas, en donde el jugador podrá ir movilizando sus unidades/personajes por un mapa con el objetivo de derrotar a los enemigos y cumplir con misiones del capítulo. El juego cuenta con aspectos de RPG tradicionales como el usar su dinero para comprar armas y objetos especiales de las tiendas, visitar pueblos, tener conversaciones con NPCs y/o los antagonistas, así como intercambiar objetos entre personajes y adquirir puntos de experiencia en cada lucha para aumentar el nivel y las características de cada unidad.

Cuanto más vaya avanzando en la trama, más personajes, unidades e historias serán añadidos. El romance y la amistad son temas esenciales a través de la historia, característica que servirá para obtener conversaciones de soporte. Dichas conversaciones pueden aparecer teniendo a las parejas juntas en cada turno mantenerlos. Esto activará la opción de conversación de soporte entre los dos personajes en determinados momentos de la historia. Incluso, si se logra obtener un nivel de apoyo "A" o “S” entre dos personajes, estos podrán tener un final común al concluir el juego.

Los personajes/unidades a los que se les acaban los puntos de vida y mueren, no pueden volver a usarse en lo que queda de juego.

El juego contará con expansiones o DLCs los cuales contarán con mechas especiales de franquicias como Gundam, Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan, Evangelion, Transformers, entre otras.

Las batallas se sostienen en diferentes tipos de terrenos, lo cual afecta al desarrollo de la misma, pues algunas unidades se mueven o pelean mejor en ciertos terrenos, y tienen todo tipo de dificultades en otros. Además, los terrenos también afectan los ataques de los robots y en otras instancias, los ataques puede que necesiten de atmósfera o de ciertos terrenos para ser más efectivos; (ataques de soporte o ataques entre dos o más unidades).

Link de música:
Créditos por la imagen: Yulin Li

Genre: Single-player, Japanese Role-Playing or JRPG
Platform: PC, Mobile Devices, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox 1
Demography: E for Everyone (All Ages)

Game Description: is a single player, role-playing video game the player controls the protagonist and his companions in a game’s two-dimensional fictional world, navigating through it via overworld map, depicting the landscape from a scaled-down maps, in which the player can speak with the NPC’s to learn about more the story, solve puzzles and challenges, the world, procure items and services, encounter enemies and advance in the story.

Halo-Epoch takes place in a world similar to Earth and is the Story of Alyx and her friends, Mimi, Seren and Perry, all rookie aspirants to angels, who train night and day to get their wings and become official Guardian Angels, in order to get the proper certification to protect the humans at the Human Realm. But this goal is not one to get slightly, due several dangers that prowl the Human Realm they must face, such as psychic-monsters, evil black magic wielders, shadow beings and daemons.
Whit the help and guidance of the Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim and all of Heaven’s inhabitants, the protagonist and her friends will learn how to overcome many of the obstacles and supernatural battles against the forces of evil that they will have to face in the near future.
The game features turn-based battles, in which the player can access a menu in which selects an action from a list of such options to fight, such as attacking using different kinds of weapons or elemental attacks, as well as use abilities and items.
Under this system, each character also has an action bar that replenishes itself: after three turns in-battle, and almost instantly when the battle is done. When a character’s action bar is filled, the player will get access to a special unique action known as Special Ability.
Outside of battle, the game contains some strong role-playing video game traditions in which uses a random encounter combat system, purchasing special items that can enhance a particular skill or aspect, each party member has a special skill that will be required to solve puzzles or in order to find hidden objects to progress in the story. More party members are gained as the player advances through the game and the characters are rewarded for victorious battles with experience points, money and sometimes items.

The game has an "Automatic mode” is made available in which the game positions any of the five playable characters to perform attacks on enemies and many other interactions with the environment, (such as jumping, talking with NPCs, etc.), in which the player only needs to press one button to execute elaborate combos, unless they wish to perform their own choice of movements or attacks. This mechanic is incorporate to give accessibility to people with disabilities, making it also compatible with special kinds of controllers for them too.
There is also a special mode for people with Color Blindness available on the game, just go to System Setting and activate it.

Link de música:

(Créditos por la imagen