Submissions by Monica.Odette tagged multiplayer

Genre: Action, Adventure, Open World, Sci-Fi, Single Player, Multi Player - XBOX ONE KINECT & PLAYSTATION MOVE

Platform: Xbox One & PS4

Demography: E for Everyone. People from all ages can spend their afternoon or nights sharing wonderful and funny moments with their family and friends, together in a room or via online.

Game Description:
On August 1, 1999, the aurora borealis, (space that will be known from that day on as “The Aurora Bridge”), appeared on the sky and weird creatures entered on our world and wiped out the vast majority of humans, devastating the 50% of the planet. Our regular guns didn’t affect the creatures, so the humans decided to reveal a secret containment plan the higher ranks of the military and science developed for the last decade: “Project Titan”, special machines part-robot, part living organisms.

Not all the creatures that passed to our realm of existence through the Aurora Bridge were bad, since their realm was dying, and they genuinely just wanted a new peaceful place to live. These group took pity on humans and befriended them, letting use their DNA, alongside some of the DNA of the creatures collected by human soldiers from the battlefield, the scientific and engineers funded the missing link they needed to complete the project and were able to finish the construction of the Titans.

When the boundaries between the human and this creature’s realm begin to intersect, the titans will be deployed into the battlefield in order to face the enemies of Earth, obtaining their data to create new Titans and maintaining peace and defend this new world, in which humans and beings from other realms of existence can live happily together. The fight for the survival of planet earth has begun.

The game has special features and controls for people with disabilities:
The game provides a stripped-down experience in comparison to previous Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect and PlayStation Move game titles, maintaining the core gameplay of this, but with a focus on providing more routines and leverage of improvements to the motion detection capabilities, equally for regular players and players with disabilities

Similarly to previous installments in the franchise, players must mirror the movement routines of an on-screen character/Titan, as instructed by "flash cards" indicating specific moves in the routine. Players are judged and scored on the accuracy of their performance. Each level includes up to five to nine movement routines, five fitness-oriented routines and two "alternate" routines.

In total, the game can recognize more than 14,000 different movement routines, including the special routines for people with movement, hearing and vision disabilities. It also has special movement routines for people from old age, so they can play the game and stay fit without worrying to get hurt.

Additional to the story, the players will have the liberty to explore the world via Kinect or Move standards.

Music Link:

(Image Credits:

Genre: Simulation, Single Player, Multiplayer, Puzzle

Platform: PC

Demography: E for Everyone = is a game for people who just want to kill some time and laugh when you are waiting in a line on the bank, supermarket, or if you are in a bus traveling to your destination.

Game Description: you are just not cut out for war. But since it cost way too much to send you back home and since, your captain enlisted you into the Wasted Division to fix the army’s weaponry and vehicles. Is not what you wanted, either expected, but you are pretty contempt with it. Until that one faithful day in which you glanced at a mysterious toolbox, decorated with a bunch of eyes, carved runes, and with a weird seal on it.

It seems that you just found “The Hastur Toolbox”, one of the ancient artifacts that belonged to an old race that roamed the earth millions of years ago, known as “The Great Old Ones”, whom appeared to be really dexterous in the arts of crafting thing, since you founded an instruction book inside of that toolbox too.
Now with your new tools and ancient crafting building instruction, you not only can repair the weaponry and the vehicles of your troop, but also you can improve them with speed stats, tentacles and abyssal powers!

So, jump right into this demential mission and make your way as a lover of crafting and become the best mechanical worth to mention in the history books… or, at least get your name written on the future group photo of this war.

The player can repair vehicles and weapons by collecting scraps from the battlefield, solving the puzzles to repair them and the better you score, the better the vehicles and weapons will get.

Music Link:

(Image Credits:

Genre: Dating Sim

Platform: PC

Demography: M - Mature (people over eigtheen years old might be interesed in this game due its crude language, alcohol and drugs use and dark humor).

Game Description: Having an approximation to our world, only more futuristic, and actually, in balance with nature, this is a world populated by a race of sentient robots. Interesting fact about this race: they developed a special fixation on the taste, shape and textures of their fuel, making it a field of study so extent that at some point they evolved it, making it savorier and eye-pleasing. The most delightful of their dishes are desserts, and the most beloved ones are the Macarons.

The Players are presented as 25 years old built sentient robots individuals that are part of a large voyager-exploration cruise ship which will navigate trough their solar system on several mission, visiting planets and other civilizations on the journey. The player will have a time limit of eight weeks in order to win their chosen love interest to give them the most beloved of the macaron type: the elusive Space Unicorn Macaron.

But Beware! The universe is vast and full of dangerous mysteries, and there is a great change that some of them will try to ruin your path to eternal happiness. So, buckle up space cowboy, for this will be a mission to find your true love.

Space Unicorn Macaron is a text-based visual novel Dating Sim video game that follows a branching plot line, in which the player will impersonate one of the eight pre-set playable characters in order to choose between the ten different NPC robots and try to date the selected NPC. The player will move around the map locations each turn in order to gain points with their love interest.

You can get money and buy items to win their potential partner’s love. The story features multiple endings and there is a Multiplayer mode, in which there can be up to Five players playing the campaign at the same time, online or offline. Most of the game’s humor are meta and pop culture references, urban dictionary banter-based dialogues, self-referential ideas on robot fiction and dark, acid humor.
Bad boys love, hidden alternate story mode, alternative unexpected endings are up for the players to discover on their personal journey to find love in the most unexpected forms.

This game have special features that allows it to adjust to special types of controls for people with disabilities, (lacking of limbs), a special sound setting for people with lack of hearing, (deft), is blind-accessible and also have a special color adjustments for people with color blindness.

Music Link:

(Image Credits: FreePick, edited by me)

Género: Horror, Hack and Slash

Plataforma: PC, PS4

Demográfica: M (Mayores de 18)

Descripción del juego: Tomando elementos del Paris de 1,600; 1,800 y el moderno, el juego se desarrolla en la ciudad Steampunk Gótica Chic de Meowsy-le-Grand; la cual se encuentra habitada por gatos antropomórficos; conocida por sus avances en el campo de la ingeniería a vapor; esparciéndose por todo el continente; logrando hacer que la vida de sus habitantes fuera más sencilla y placentera. Con el paso del tiempo muchos han intentado robar los secretos de estos inventos; por lo que los reyes de la gran ciudad acuden a una antigua orden de caballeros para su protección. Este grupo se le conocen como “Les Chevaliers des Fleurs” (Los Caballeros de las Flores).

Tras haberse graduado de la academia de caballeros, el jugador formará parte de las filas de los Chevaliers y es enviado a diversas misiones para defender los habitantes de Meowsy-le-Grand y a los secretos tecnológicos que ésta alberga; enfrentándose a terribles criaturas de las sombras; las cuales codician el poder de dichos inventos.

Es un video juego de rol con elementos Hack and Slash en tercera y primera persona, similar a videojuegos como Bloodborne, Demon's Souls y Dark Souls. Los jugadores trazan su camino a través de diferentes lugares mientras luchan contra enemigos variados incluyendo jefes de nivel, recolectan diferentes objetos útiles que tienen varios usos posibles, interaccionan con diversos personajes no jugables y descubren más acerca de la historia y del argumento.

El combate requiere un ritmo acelerado y necesita de un enfoque ofensivo con el fin de que los jugadores puedan combatir contra diversos enemigos. La mayoría de las armas cuerpo a cuerpo; las cuales pueden maniobrarse con una mano; (por lo general; la mano derecha); o ambas manos, y armas de fuego arma de fuego en la mano izquierda.
El aspecto multijugador también está presente. Los jugadores pueden convocar a otros jugadores para que les ayuden en batallas contra jefes. Dichas convocaciones en el multijugador también están limitadas por la proximidad; los jugadores solo pueden ser convocados a una distancia específica entre cada uno de los otros, por lo general cerca de las entradas hacia las batallas contra jefes, para evitar que los jugadores sean convocados demasiado lejos para ser de alguna ayuda. Además, los jugadores solo pueden convocar a otros jugadores que tengan un nivel cercano al de ellos mismos, para así evitar que el videojuego sea demasiado difícil o demasiado fácil, para algunos de los jugadores.

El juego cuenta con subtítulos en varios idiomas y un modo especial para las personas que padecen de daltonismo.

Link de música:

Créditos por la imagen: Pinteres (Arte editado por mi)

Genre: Fighting, Sports

Platform: Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC

Demography: “T” for Teen (+14 years old)

Game Description:
First rule of the Robot Fighting Club is you don’t talk about the Robot Fight Club. Based on the real-life sport, RFC is a single-player, multiplayer robot combat competition which the player builds and operate constructed remote controlled robots to fight against each other in bizarre arenas.

The Arenas have booby-traps that are intended to make fights more interesting and unpredictable and to reward drivers who can avoid the traps while pushing or carrying their opponent into them. This booby-traps include Pulverizers, Spikes, Spinning Discs, Kill Saws, Pistons.

The robots have Interchangeable weaponry, so the player can customize its robot. The weapons are an effective method of damaging or controlling the actions of its opponent while at the same time protecting itself from aggression. These weapons can be:

• Saw Blades
• Spinner
• Lifter
• Stabber
• Overhead Axe
• High voltage electric discharge
• Liquids (glue, oil, water, corrosives…)
• Fire
• Explosives
• Projectiles
• Lasers
• Air Cannons
• Etc.

The great majority of the robots roll on wheels, which are very effective on the smooth surfaces used for typical robot combat competition and can be changed and customized. The robots can use Tank treads, walking legs, Gyroscopic precession, Magnetic Wheels, Flying, Hopping, Etc.

*Battle Rules
A robot could lose a match in several ways:
• Immobilization: A robot that is unable to move is counted out = 10 seconds of immobility to be precisely.
• Pit: Some of the arena hazards are the pits, large holes in the arena. A robot that falls or is pushed into this is eliminated.
• Removal from arena: If a robot is ejected from the arena.

If none of the above conditions were satisfied, the contestants will be scored the competitors on style, control, damage and aggression.
The Battle are separated into four weight: Light weight, Middle weight, Heavy weight and Super heavy weight

  • The Matches
    Matches are three minutes long. During a match, two robots do their best to destroy each other using whatever means available.
    There are only two events that cause the match to be paused resulting in people entering the arena:
  1. the robots are stuck together and cannot separate or that both have simultaneously become immobilized.

  2. The other scenario is that one or both robots have caught on fire.

At the end of the tournament, a series of 'rumbles' or 'melee rounds' is typically held in each weight class, allowing robots that survived the main tournament to fight in a 'free for all' in a 5-minute match, in which are too many robots at one rumble, and multiple rumbles are held with the top surviving bots competing in a final showdown.

Music Link:

(Image Credits: Pinterest)