Submissions by Monica.Odette tagged pixelart

Género: Point & Click, Horror

Plataforma: Nintendo Switch, PC, Dispositivos Móviles

Demográfica: mayores de 16 años. Este es un juego que puedes jugar en cualquier momento, ideal para jugadores casuales que les gusten las buenas historias.

Descripción del juego:
Jonathan “Jhonny” Gómez, un vendedor de libros raros de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Éste se gana la vida engañando a la gente para que le venda valiosos libros antiguos por un precio y luego los revenda a coleccionistas privados. Un día, Johnny se reúne con el rico coleccionista de libros de nombre Plenkov, quien recientemente adquirió una copia de "Las Trece Puertas hacia Reino de las Sombras". "Las Trece Puertas" supuestamente contiene los medios para lograr todos tus deseos; sin costo alguno; como usualmente es estipulado en los contratos con espíritus malignos. Plenkov contrata a Gómez para verificar si el libro es real y adquirir el legítimo por cualquier medio necesario.
Cuando Jhonny se encuentra realizando los estudios, accidentalmente recita las palabras del ritual, haciendo que una puerta extraña se manifieste detrás del él. Confundido e incrédulo, Jhonny abre la puerta y una misteriosa succión lo traga hacia el interior de la puerta, siendo transportado a otra dimensión.

Cuenta con Accesibilidad para adaptar controles especiales para las personas que carecen de alguno de sus extremidades motoras y para las personas con dificultades o carencia de visión. El juego cuenta con subtítulos en varios idiomas y un modo especial para las personas que padecen de daltonismo.

Link de música:

Créditos por la imagen:

Genre: Pixel Art, Point and Click

Platform: PC, Mobile Devices (Tablets & Cellphones)

Demography: E for Everyone. If you are one of those people who are looking more than just to play a game, this game is for you. It’s an experience for all kind of players, full of wonderful and thoughtful moments that will educate others about the trials and obstacles people with disabilities encounter on their everyday life and how the Service Animals are a mayor force of change and hope not only to the patients, but also for everyone that are around.

Game Description:
January 12, 2015. The night sky was clear, and a soft snow shined bright perched at the scenery outside the windows’ view. Nathan and his parents traveled back to their home on the family car after a visit to the grandparents’ house, but tragedy strike when a drunk trucker slept on the car’s wheel and in a desperate attempt to avoid collision, loose control on the slippery road and fell from a cliff.
Almost a year have passed. Nathan is still recovering from the trauma: he lost both of his parents and one leg. Now, Nathan lives with his grandparents and needs to use a wheelchair.

Nathan was qualified to be a prosthetic leg owner in order to improve his quality of life. The doctors and his grandparents are very optimistic about this, but Nathan has his doubts.

Therefore, his grandparents decided to acquire a Service Dog in order to help Nathan on his recovery, (physically, mentally and emotionally). This my story.
Hello! I’m Poppy! And I am a Service Dog.

This game also provides special features that allows it to adjust to special types of controls for people with disabilities, (lacking of limbs), a special sound setting for people with lack of hearing, (deft), is blind-accessible and also have a special color adjustments for people with color blindness.

Music Link:

(Image Credits =