Submissions by JoseHerrera tagged action

Género: (Shooter, Action, Tactics, Tactical shooter)
Plataforma: (Consola, PC).

Demográfica: Un shooter hecho con el enfoque de entretener y satisfacer a aquellos fans de los shooters, cansados de recibir el mismo juego cada año sin ningun tipo de cambio ni variedad).

Descripción del juego: WWc (WorldWide conflict) Es un shooter militar que intenta reunir lo mejor de algunas franquicias famosas y construir sobre esa base un juego refrescante, divertido e único, que pueda reunir a un publico variado.

WWc es un juego cuyo mundo toma lugar en una version ficticia de este mundo, en el cual todos los paises han formado facciones para enfrentarse entre sí en una lucha por el dominio de recursos vitales a nivel mundial.

El juego contará con un mapeo intuitivo de los controles tanto para teclado como mando, para que los jugadores no sientan que están entrando a un mundo alienigena para ellos (pero tambien tendran las opciones de mapear botones, tanto en consola como pc), se jugará en tercera y primera persona, y el jugador podrá cambiar entre estos cuando desee (los unicos modos de juego anclados a primera persona son las variantes competitivas de los modos de juego establecidos).

El juego tendrá varios modos de juego en lanzamiento como los clasicos:

Tdm: 2 equipos de 6, 8 o 10 jugadores se enfrentaran en una partida hasta que alguno llegue al limite de puntos (dependiendo del tamaño del mapa y la cantidad de jugadores los puntos necesarios variaran)

Search and destroy: un modo competitivo y casual en el que los equipos intercambiaran roles entre atacantes y defensores de ciertos objetivos y el primero en ganar 6 rondas gana la partiad. (modo sin respawns, una vez que el jugador muera tendra que expectar a su equipo hasta la siguiente ronda) (partidas de equipos de 6 u 8 jugadores)

Domination: Modo de juego en el cual 2 equipos se pelearan por 3 o 5 objetivos a travez de un mapa, estos objetivos le daran puntos al equipo que los tenga bajo su control, mientras mas objetivos tenga un equipo mas puntos ganará a mayor velocidad, asi hasta que un equipo llegue al limite 100 o 150 dependiendo de la cantidad de jugadores. (Partidas con equipos de 6 o 10 jugadores)

y contará con otros modos de juego en mapas grandes como
Ground war: una partida de domination con vehiculos en mapas grandes que permitan una experiencia masiva que incite al juego en equipo. (Cantidad de jugadores estimada por partida serán 40, en equipos de 20)

Arms superiority: Partidas en mapas masivos basadas en las capturas de objetivos a travez de estos, los equipos empezarán las rondas con 100 puntos, al capturar objetivos estos sumarán puntos constantemente al equipo que los halla capturado, los equipos perderan un punto por cada jugador perteneciente a este que muera, las partidas acabarán cuando algun equipo alcanze 700 puntos o cuando algun equipo sea reducido a 0 puntos, todo esto mezclado con el uzo de vehiculos para que el transporte sea constante y que el flujo del campo de batalla sea mas consistente. (Estimadas partidas de 70 jugadores con equipos de 35).

Demolition: ambos equipos se enfrentaran en mapas de mediana escala para defender y atacar objetivos, cada equipo tendrá 6 bases en las cuales los jugadores podrán elegir reaparecer y tambien utilizaran para llamar refuerzos (como un bombardeo, una pantalla de humo o vehiculos pesados entre otros), estas bases tendrán que ser defendidas mientras intentan destruir las bases del equipo enemigo, el primer equipo en quedarse sin bases o el que tenga menos bases al finalizar la partida será el perdedor. (Partidas de 2 equipos de 34 jugadores)

Con mas juegos programados para salir durante el primer mes de lanzamiento y un sistema de temporadas gratuito post lanzamiento.

(Mas detalles en base a la jugabilidad y la personalizacion en los trailers)

El estilo musical tendrá una direccion intensa, que pueda reflejar el frenetismo y la accion de cada partida:

(Battleroyale mode incoming)

(Creditos a los creadores de CROWZ, WW3, Battlefield y Call of duty por las imagenes y el apartado musical utilizados en este proyecto)

Genre: (Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Open-world)

Platform: (Console, Mobile, and PC)

Demographic: (Ghostly Stream is a third-person, action game made for people around the world that like Sci-Fi settings mixed with a Hack ‘n’ Slash gameplay against hordes of enemies).

Game’s description: Ghostly stream is a third-person, action-packed game, in which the player can either fight all enemies at once or try and lock-on to a single enemy to focus his combos and abilities.

This open-world game takes place in the streets of some of the most famous cities of Japan, streets that are flooding with people and monsters.

In this game you, the player, will play as 1 or several Yokai divers, hunters of different styles and ages that fight the Yokais, monsters coming from the Mirror plain that seem to have no specific weakness, origin nor purpose.

As a Yokai diver the player will fight during the day with smaller but faster enemies in their human form, but at night the player will enter the Mirror plain, a place in which his body is made fully out of void energy, although the divers are faster and stronger in this plain, the monsters will too, they will be bigger, stronger, and maybe…smarter?

The player will have full freedom to change the game’s day and night cycle at his will so that he can explore both worlds to his heart’s content.

All of this experience will be accompanied by a great array of cosmetics to customize both the character, his Void form, and maybe even a mascot.

The music department will be composed of electro music that is meant to drive the action of the battles, but, when not in battle, more charming and instrumental music will play to give charisma to the world itself.

Main Theme

Overworld Theme (Day)

Overworld Theme (Night)

Common Fights

Mirror world Fights

Credits to: Inti creates, The creators of the "Trinity seven" series, the creators of "sword art online hollow realization", and the creators of the Rockman ciel OST for the music used in this project.

Credits to the creators of Dusk Diver and the creators of Toko xanadyu ex+ for the inspiration for this project and the visuals used in it.

Genre: (Action, multiplayer, PvE, co-op, horror, terror.)

Platform: (Console, PC).

Demographics: (Game made for mature audiences across the world).

Game description: A hunter must hunt is an action hunting game in which you play as a hunter of the bloody church, an institution that was founded to protect humanity from the evil plyxes, a kind of creatures made from all the evil of the humankind, that prey on human souls either as specters or monstrous beings that can only be killed by an extreme amount of energy or by the use of holy weapons made by the church.

As a hunter the player will be faced against impossible odds, as they try not only to survive the nights of the hunt but as they also try to unravel the story and protect the innocent.

the game will be played in a third-person PoV and will base itself purely on the player's skill to dodge and attack whether it is with melee or firearms. The player will always fight for its right to live and for the sake of other characters' lives, since every character will be important to the plot, even one of them meets their demise the story will be greatly changed.

The game will be played around a dark atmosphere, and that atmosphere will be fully represented with its music department, with songs such as:

(Credits to from software for the music used in this project and for the art style)

Note: even though this game is heavily inspired by bloodborne and other games of the same style, it is not aiming to be a straight-up copy.

Género: (Platformer, Side-scrolling, action, indie).
Plataforma: (Consola, Móbil, VR, PC).
Demográfica: (Juego para personas jóvenes de 13 en adelante fanáticas de los juegos de acción en 2D, como Megaman, o ASG).

Descripción del juego: Shigami Strike es un juego de acción en 2D al más puro estilo de Megaman, con un apartado visual clásico pero nítido y pulído. En este juego los jugadores se enfocaran en atravesar las zonas y matar al jefe final de la forma más rápida posible, solo contaran con una espada y una cantidad infinita de kunais, los jugadores han de mezclar sus ataques con mecánicas como, saltos, “dash” (un breve empujón de velocidad en la que el jugador se está moviendo), “backstep” (Un corto salto hacia atrás en contra de la dirección en la que mira el jugador) y “Parry” (Un movimiento de bloqueo que, de ser utilizado en el momento indicado, no solo negará el daño de cualquier enemigo, sino que también le dará al jugador una entrada para hacer ataques extra).

El jugador deberá utilizar todas las mecánicas del juego en conjunto para encadenar combos, mientras más enemigos destruya en combos, más “xp” conseguirá para subir de nivel, esto también va de la mano con el tiempo que utilizan para finalizar el nivel, esto les permitirá no solo sentirse como unos profesionales en el juego, sino que les permitirá presumir en internet también.

Apartado musical

(Crédito a inti creates, y capcom por las imágenes y el apartado musical)
(Credito especial a los creadores de Kamen Rider por la canción "Revolution" utilizada en este proyecto)

Genre: (Simulator, Shooter, FPS, Tactics, Action)

Platform: (Console, PC).

Demographic: (18 years and older, this game tries to be appealing to a global audience).

Art of war is a large scale PvP based war experience in which players will progress through different ages of war during every match. The game is played in a first person POV(point of view), as a player you must move and fight throughout a medium sized map against enemies for the victory, the rules go like this:

Teams will kill each other to reach the maximum amount of points required to win the match, after an X amount of points each team will get the chance to advance to a new era of warfare (note, each map will have preset eras, this means you won’t always get to play like a soldier from the Victorian era or from the Roman empire era) advancing comes with benefits that can help bring either team closer to wining like: more health, better body armor, and better weapons.

The game will have 3 gamemodes at launch

Progressive warfare: Teams will fight each other in a team deathmatch style game mode but will progress warfare eras as they get more points.

Temporal protection: A defending team (in modern era) will have to protect time stones (huge time pillars that allow it’s users the ability to go forward in time) in different areas of big maps, the attacking team (which starts in a very primitive era) must capture each time stone and push the enemies back each sector, until they run out of time stones, at the end if the attackers succeed, there will be a final “last chance” style conflict between both teams with limited respawns in a modern (or close to modern) era style, this fight will be the chance of the defending team to get either a draw or a loss with extra points, now, if the defending team wins, they will push the attackers into “retreat”, the attacking team must run back all the sectors they captured back into a wormhole to scape the arena alive, depending on how many make it back without dying the team will get a bonification.

Genocide: This has to be the most simple mode, it’s a free for all game mode, no teams, only each player’s will to survive, every 5 kills they get access to more advanced era until someone gets 30 kills. (Once a player reaches 30 and wins the match ends).

Credits to: Chivalry 2, Arma 3, and hell let lose for the art used in this concept.

Genre: (FPS, Shooter, Tactics, PvP, VR, Action, SciFi).
Plataform: (Consola, VR, PC).
Demographic: (18+, el juego esta hecho con un mercado mundial en mente).

Game description: Worlds, collide, and the time line is so broken that past and future are no longer part of the equation, the only factor that matter’s is that we win this war, in this world an unexpected accident in a nuclear reactor in Russia gave place to one o the worst events in human history, for factors still unknown, the fusion reaction spread a wave of sigma energy worldwide, which lead to time/space gaps opening and allowing armies to invade our world, are the future and the past coming together to destroy us? Or have we tapped into alternate realities as threats? will all this war and suffering ever end? Victory seems so close but still “Out of reach”.

In this FPS armies will fight in long maps across the whole world, whether it is in the past, the present or the future, three teams will fight each other simultaneously for complete control of the battlefield, in game modes like dominion or obliteration the players will fight as infantry and as crews inside different vehicles, the objective will be to capture strategic points to push away the enemy reinforcements or straight up massacre them until there is no enemies left.

As a player you will be free to choose what weapons you will use in each class, where will you spawn and in which team you want to stand with,
The music is something very important aspect of the game, that’s why every team has it’s own theme, which will play in a very subtle way when the match starts and will play strongly once each team is about to win.




Each theme has some way to represent each team, from a more classic orchestra for the enemies from the past, to a more techno and lifeless theme for the enemies of the future.

Credits to: the battlefield franchise for it’s musical and visual section.

Génere: FPS, Hero shooter, Sci-Fi, Action.
Plataform: (Console, PC).
Demographic: (+18, focused on adult audiences from any country).

Game description: Momentum, as the name implies it’s a first person shooter based on a dystopian future in wich society has crumbled and there is no wrong or right anymore, just survival of the fittest, and in this case the fittest is you, those who fight with a gun in hand and the will to survive and conquer are called nolanders.
Momentum is a game focused on movement, the player will be invited into a constant state of movement, fostered by maps with wholes that lead to instant dead, double jumping, wall running, run n’ gunning, map areas that have zero gravity, stage changing events and opened maps that resemble old arena shooters, all of this will including gun customization and a variety of skills each nolander can use to it’s own free will.

For this game the music design goes for a more techno approach that can represent the far future it takes place in, with music like:

Visual and art design are one of the most important aspects of the game, since the game takes place in a future in wich society has collapsed you can expect a world that evolves and exist around this concept, with great cities flooded, buildings and houses claimed by nature, destroyed monuments or cities that have yet to fall to the predatory hands of man.

Credits to: Titanfall 2 for it’s art