Submissions by JoseHerrera tagged tatctics

Genre: (Simulator, Shooter, FPS, Tactics, Action)

Platform: (Console, PC).

Demographic: (18 years and older, this game tries to be appealing to a global audience).

Art of war is a large scale PvP based war experience in which players will progress through different ages of war during every match. The game is played in a first person POV(point of view), as a player you must move and fight throughout a medium sized map against enemies for the victory, the rules go like this:

Teams will kill each other to reach the maximum amount of points required to win the match, after an X amount of points each team will get the chance to advance to a new era of warfare (note, each map will have preset eras, this means you won’t always get to play like a soldier from the Victorian era or from the Roman empire era) advancing comes with benefits that can help bring either team closer to wining like: more health, better body armor, and better weapons.

The game will have 3 gamemodes at launch

Progressive warfare: Teams will fight each other in a team deathmatch style game mode but will progress warfare eras as they get more points.

Temporal protection: A defending team (in modern era) will have to protect time stones (huge time pillars that allow it’s users the ability to go forward in time) in different areas of big maps, the attacking team (which starts in a very primitive era) must capture each time stone and push the enemies back each sector, until they run out of time stones, at the end if the attackers succeed, there will be a final “last chance” style conflict between both teams with limited respawns in a modern (or close to modern) era style, this fight will be the chance of the defending team to get either a draw or a loss with extra points, now, if the defending team wins, they will push the attackers into “retreat”, the attacking team must run back all the sectors they captured back into a wormhole to scape the arena alive, depending on how many make it back without dying the team will get a bonification.

Genocide: This has to be the most simple mode, it’s a free for all game mode, no teams, only each player’s will to survive, every 5 kills they get access to more advanced era until someone gets 30 kills. (Once a player reaches 30 and wins the match ends).

Credits to: Chivalry 2, Arma 3, and hell let lose for the art used in this concept.