Submissions by francis stephens tagged pvp

Zombie Boxing

Have you ever felt that fighting games didn't give you enough RPG? Have you ever wanted more zombie games? Me too! Zombie Boxing is here to fix that! In Zombie Boxing you play as a zombie boxer. You step into the ring against other zombies in a bid to smash the other zombie to bits. As you fight, the damage you do to your opponent does real damage to the opponent. Once you damage a certain part of their body enough it will be removed. Punch an arm enough and it's gone, punch there body enough and you can punch holes in it, punch there head enough and you win. As for the RPG elements of the game, the more you fight the more experience you gain. Experience can be spent on new combos and upgrading stats. The more you win the more gold you earn, gold can be spent on new body parts. Body parts all have strength, speed and durability statistics. Different body parts specialize in different areas. This lets the player literally build the fighter they want.

Zombie Boxing is made for console users. Using a combination of the left stick and bumpers for movement and the right stick and triggers for punch combos. Zombie Boxing is made for hard core PvPers it presents a unique stage for players to showcase their skills and out-play opponents like never before.

Dunedin Student Flat.

Dunedin Student Flat is a party game for up to 8 players set in a student villa. The aim of the game is have the lowest score at the end of 4 mini games. The game is scored with pineapple lumps and promotes success by punishing those who do poorly by making the controls more difficult for the player. The mini games are as follows.

Bike Jousting. -Bike Jousting is a free for all game where try to knock each other off their bikes whilst staying on their own. Being knocked off results in a pineapple lump and coming first lets you give out three pineapple lumps to players of your choice.

Juice Pong.-Juice Pong is a free for all game where the players stand around a circle table trying to roll ping pong balls into the opposing team's cups (two per player). Each player has a slow moving barrier to try and defend his cups but cannot launch while they are defending. When a ball hits a cup the cup is eliminated and when a player has no cups remaining they are out of the game. For each cup a player eliminates they can allocate one pineapple lump to a player.

Possum.-Possum is a game where each player is up a tree trying to finish their bottle of chocolate milk the fastest. A player can choose to either drink or throw acorns at other players. A player may get hit 3 times before they are eliminated and rewarded a pineapple lump. The winner gets to distribute 3 pineapple lumps to his opponents.

Nerves of Steel.-Nerves of Steel is played on the flat roof. Players are standing on the roof waiting for it to collapse. New Students keep joining them on the roof in groups of 1-5. The aim of the game is the jump off the roof just before it collapses. Players will get audio queues about when it is about to collapse. Whoever times it closest to the collapse gets to nominate 5 players to receive pineapple lumps. Any player still on the roof when it collapses receives two pineapple lumps.

Dunedin Student Flat is aimed at the more mature audience which is lacking in party games to play. This game would be released on the PS4 and players would be able to connect with their smart phones. This would make this easily accessible to people who aren't willing to spend money on extra controllers.

The Struggle to Continue is about an ancient race of humans who live on the isolated and barren world of Razak. Because of the scarcity of resources the Razakians live in many small tribes around the island so that they have enough resources to sustain their tribe.

Razak and its people were given life from the World Spirit Maru. As the population Razak grew the energy required by Maru to sustain their world and provide for its people became too much for the World Spirit.

In answer to this Maru came forth with a fair solution for this problem. Once per year she held a tournament for the Razakians. Each tribe would elect one person to lead and represent the tribe in a global tournament. Maru would judge the tournament and give her blessings to those who performed well.

In The Struggle to Continue you play as the leader of the small tribe on Razak. You will govern your small tribe for one year before going off to compete in the tournament. The player will have to allocate resources towards training and outfitting vs caring for and growing their tribe. The more you grow your tribe the more resources they will generate the following year. If you do well at tournament you will be greatly rewarded. However if the player invests too much in themselves and not in the tribe their tribe may wither away to dusts of Razak.

The idea that will really set this game apart is that the time leading up to the tournament is a single player affair but when the time comes to compete at tournament they will be faced off with other players representing their own tribes.

Each player must decide which path they wish to tread. Are you a competent leader who can govern your tribe and nourish them to greater heights? Or will you trust in your skills and lay it all on the line for greater rewards and the glory of emerging victorious? Will you keep a steady head and forge your tribe into a long lasting civilisation or will your ego cause your tribe fade into history?