Submissions by francis stephens tagged mlgarts

Zombie Boxing

Have you ever felt that fighting games didn't give you enough RPG? Have you ever wanted more zombie games? Me too! Zombie Boxing is here to fix that! In Zombie Boxing you play as a zombie boxer. You step into the ring against other zombies in a bid to smash the other zombie to bits. As you fight, the damage you do to your opponent does real damage to the opponent. Once you damage a certain part of their body enough it will be removed. Punch an arm enough and it's gone, punch there body enough and you can punch holes in it, punch there head enough and you win. As for the RPG elements of the game, the more you fight the more experience you gain. Experience can be spent on new combos and upgrading stats. The more you win the more gold you earn, gold can be spent on new body parts. Body parts all have strength, speed and durability statistics. Different body parts specialize in different areas. This lets the player literally build the fighter they want.

Zombie Boxing is made for console users. Using a combination of the left stick and bumpers for movement and the right stick and triggers for punch combos. Zombie Boxing is made for hard core PvPers it presents a unique stage for players to showcase their skills and out-play opponents like never before.