Llamas were once natures greatest warriors, quite literally spitting in the face of defeat.

But once the llamas conquered the world, a great peace settled over everything… causing the llamas to forget their secret spitting technique as a lack of worthy foes followed. The llamas were later overthrown by the rest of the animal kingdom, as the llamas having forgotten the technique that had gotten them to the top of the food chain. Now llamas are treated like dirt, thrown out and cursed at. That is, until the 21st century, where a lone llama stumbled upon the his race's age old secret technique in an old leather bound book in the dark expanse of a sunken underground city – from the days the llamas conquered the world.

Now the young llama seeks vengeance, and is on a mission to get back on top.

In this thrilling first person spitter, well… spit on your enemies – because guns are for sissies.

Image retrieved from: http://giphy.com/gifs/askreddit-llama-9ohlKnRDAmot...

what llama excuse me

More submissions by hayden.jon6905 for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment


Want to eat but on a diet? Or forgotten how to chew? Then this game is for you!

If you have some remote sense of brain functionality, then you probably know or could have guessed that humans use different teeth for successfully eating a variety of different substances without choking to death.

Well, as the hundreds of the kids used to sing Michael Jackson's beat it during jump-jam…


If the certain item of food is not too hard and needs to be sliced – position the item of food at the front and bring the bottom jaw up to cut it with the front teeth.

If the certain item of food is too hard for the front teeth, but still needs to be cut/ ripped to pieces like a savage position the item of food between the canine teeth and spam the bottom jam while slightly moving it in different direction in the most effective way to savage that piece of food.

And if the food item needs chewing then mash it between the back teeth and swallow when ready.

Each piece of food may need multiple teeth uses and if you swallow while the food hasn't been processed properly, you will choke and die.

Image retrieved from: http://static.wixstatic.com/media/e6c1e1_bb0572382fe545c2adb87f88dd1ba66c.jpg/v1/fill/w_630,h_825,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/e6c1e1_bb0572382fe545c2adb87f88dd1ba66c.jpg


The goal of this game: complete simple daily tasks by controlling limbs.

"Well that's easy" you might say… ah… but of course there is a catch – the limbs on their own spasm and jerk in random directions, and the player must fight this force and complete the simple task before the timer runs out.

The simple tasks include:

  • -Successfully picking up and sipping a cup of tea without spilling any
  • -Hitting in nails with a hammer
  • -Picking an object up and move it without breaking anything
  • -Write a given word successfully (resembles it)
  • -Dice an onion
  • -Tattoo someone with a given tattoo design successfully (resembles it)
  • -Cut someone's hair to a given design
  • -Unlock a seven lock door
  • -Plug a charger into a power socket
  • -Was the dishes without breaking any
  • -Feed a baby with a spoon
  • -Put icing on some muffins

Image retrieved from: http://www.adweek.com/files/imagecache/node-detail/news_article/fea-michael-j-fox-01-2013.jpg


Recently while driving around, you have noticed that barely any drivers follow the road rules. One such incident where a driver the was tailgating you, turned into the median before you without indicating and what's more; stopping you from being able to turn into the median yourself. This pushed you over the edge, sick off these jerks not following the law you take justice into your own hands (with a little hint of rage).

3D driving simulator of sorts…


  • -Ram, smash and crash cars of the road and into obstacles to cause maximum damage to the other driver's cars.
  • -With every certain amount of damage dealt, your rage bar will fill up a portion – causing your speed to increase and your screen gets more and more bloodshot.
  • -Collect scrap from the wreckages of cars to use at the customs workshop to upgrade your vehicle for more carnage.
  • -Send a message to the drivers who don't obey the road rules.

Image retrieved from: http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/07/17/6360438430746455361161198118_cover.jpg

@#$% IT!

Playing as a student that has run out of ideas for his assignment – in which he has to come up with a new idea every day for a month – and in doing so, has given into his burning rage and just said @#$% it. As a way to quench his unyielding rage the player decides to break anything and everything and blow it all up.

The player is given a set amount of explosives and an assortment of tools, and the goal is to cause as much damage as possible in a certain amount of time.

Each stage is a fully destructible fully furnished building of different shapes and sizes; the harder the level, the bigger the building and the explosives becoming more scarce. The player will have to think strategically where to place the explosives to cause maximum damage. Every piece of debris can be broken into 10 pieces.

Image retrieved from: http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-and-blow-stuff-up-31.png


One day a detective who was thought to be someone else was killed by a criminal organization for "crimes" that he did not commit, but as he was wronged he was given a second chance – he was kept alive by exiting his corpse as ectoplasm. Although the detective cannot possess his own body (full of bullet holes and cannot sustain itself with the lack of blood and damage), but he may possess the bodies of others – and in doing so grants him to interact with the physical world again.

Playing as the detective's ectoplasm form investigate who you were mistaken for and what action caused the criminal organization to hunt down and kill him (thinking he was the instigator) – although the detective is simply livid with the criminal organization, and as an act of revenge possesses the criminal organizations men, working his way up the chain of command in order to kill them from the inside.

Gameplay: as the detective's ectoplasm form (third person) travel through air vents and gaps in doors in order to traverse the environment, possess the guards, grunts and leaders and use their men and weapons against them.

Dying while possessing a body will cause actual death, restarting at the last checkpoint (leave the body before it dies).

Goal: assassinate the criminal organization from within while investigating the case that lead to your death.

Image retrieved from: https://assets.vg247.com/current//2014/03/murdered_soul_suspect1.jpg


First-person shooter with a catch… whether by super heavy body armor or the solid carbon fibre coated steel plating of an android body case, characters can only be killed via headshot. In the year 2041 combat androids have been put into use to avoid human casualties on the front line.

Targeted towards the more hardcore first-person shooter gamers and the few that possess the skill and reflexes of a master sniper. These super precise, tricky fire fights are not for the faint of heart… or the rage quitters. The hit-box for the head will be a snug fit around the model itself, no helping hand here.

The assortment of weapons is general; assault rifles, designated marksmen rifles, sniper rifles, light machine guns, pistols and shotguns – all with their own positives and negatives.

Players will be able to customize the build of their combat android (parts do not change any stats or play style) and skins.

Image retrieved by: https://media.alienwarearena.com/media/artwork-gun-man-shoot-headshot-black-and-white-green-creative-1920x1080.jpg


You have spent your whole life on the sidelines of everyone's achievements and exciting events, and you have come to realize that you are just an extra or background character in everyone else's story.

The worst part about being an extra; is that extras are prone to early death and injury. Every main character has some end goal or nemesis to defeat, but as you are only an extra your only goal is to not die.

Your goal:

  • -To avoid any and all disastrous events that unfold to eliminate you (whether to unleash a main characters second form or give them a reason to get up and fight).

The catch:

  • -As you are an extra, the camera does not follow you. Whilst traversing the city streets you must change the camera view from one character to another so that you can see the dangers that seem to be magnetized to you.

Image retrieved from: https://i2.wp.com/www.aceshowbiz.com/images/still/iron_man_2_02.jpg


You must defeat whole rooms full of enemies/targets armed only with a mirror that can deflect bullets… somehow.

You may not move from the space you are positioned.

Bullets will be dispensed via enemies with guns, turrets and timed-bullet-dispensers.

Bullets bounce off every surface.

You must find a route to deflect the bullet to hit all enemies/targets, by ricocheting the bullets of walls, roofs and objects.

Most enemies/targets will be out of direct line of sight, but will be highlighted red via some kind of x-ray vision (maybe you are wearing special goggles or something, I don't know… I'm just the ideas guy).

There will be different types of bullets, example:

  • -bullets that split into two mid-flight
  • -bullets that blink or warp through the first wall they will collide with
  • -bullets that will activate a linear laser beam temporarily on collision

There will also be different materials placed on the floors, wall and roofs in some levels such as portals.

Image retrieved from: https://cdn.meme.am/instances/51877331.jpg


A chill-out first person adventure/building game for when you just want to, well, chill.

A post-apocalyptic city environment, although not caused by the usual apocalypses. This apocalypse is the disappearance of humanity as you know it, except for you; you have the world to yourself.

Since humanity up and left, everything requiring the human workforce has stopped working, but that doesn't mean it won't work forever… using your noggin to access, repair and even build new machinery to get functions back such as lights, water filtration systems, and petrol pumps to allow the use of vehicles. You may also choose to just wander the city, breaking into buildings just to see what the view looks like from the roof. You will be able to pick-up and move most objects in the game, allowing for decoration of buildings/ bases. This game will also have a unique companion feature, where it is possible to tame any wild creature that will then follow you on your journey…. Key word "possibly".

The only death scenario will be falling to your death, being caught in an explosion or drowning, but will respawn with no negative consequences.

Image retrieved from: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/87/68/b5/8768b59215c713dda6fbafc88fe76403.jpg


A bag-tag game played with 4 to 16 players split into 4 teams… except the bag is a bottle of strawberry milk.

Players work in teams to retrieve the "bag" (bottle of strawberry milk) and then defend it as long as possible via unarmed melee combat (a range of shoves, punches and kicks in order to knock over or stun enemies). The player holding the milk will have reduced attack speed and impact. If the player with the milk is pushed over the milk can be picked up by walking over it. The team with the longest time by the end of 10 minutes – wins.

Players are given free roam over a section of streets located deep within a sci-fi city. The players are equip with some advanced parkour equipment – allowing the players to wall-run, climb buildings and jump extended distances. There will also be an assortment of jump pads, boost pads and impact boosts scattered around the map.

Image retrieved from: http://f1x-2.deviantart.com/art/Robo-Parkour-440792016


Gorillas once roamed wild and free in the jungle, and the mankind put them into zoos for their own entertainment.

You play as a humble gorilla, and on the day you were brought to the zoo the humans gave you a name: Harambe. Your life had played out alright until one day a child fell into your enclosure, and in order to prevent the child's death they put a bullet in you.

And now children are swarming others of your kind, but you're not going to let that happen, not on your watch.

Playing as the spirit of Harambe; toss children away from gorillas before they get too close and result in the gorilla being shot.

A mobile game to be played almost-top-down, the gorillas will be somewhere towards the middle of the screen and children will run in from the sides of the screen. Toss children by tapping and flicking on them. The amount and speed of the children and gorillas will increase by level.

Image retrieved from: http://i2.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article8075004.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Harambe.jpg


A third person melee brawler that takes place on top of vehicles, on the motorway, while they are moving. And to make it worse; the vehicles players fight on aren't even theirs.

The players may choose from an assortment of melee weapons, and may customize their characters appearance via purchasing clothing items with currency earned via winning brawls.

Game modes:

  • -Free for all: 2-16 players
  • -Team fights: 8v8
  • -Solo fights: 1v1 (for a more personal experience)

Players can jump from vehicle to vehicle (if they are close enough), and grip/hang from the sides of trucks and bigger vehicles. Players can also choose to target the driver of said vehicles – attacking and/or killing the driver will result in the vehicle swerving out of control and potentially causing a pile up behind target vehicle and causing players to be hurled onto the road or even killed. (players will most likely die from being hit by a car, so try not to stay on the road for too long). If a player gets too far from the fighting area they will be killed.

Image retrieved from: https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/cs-5.jpg?w=580&h=435


A first person shooter with a twist. The twist being that everything is pitch black, and in order to see the players shoot as their bullets light up an area around them.

Strongly player versus player based.

This game doesn't exactly have different game modes – but different weapon levels.

Weapon levels:

  • -Assault rifles
  • -Pistols
  • -Snipers

Every player in the game is given that same weapon, or a choice from 3 in the same category (dependent on the weapon level the player has selected to play)

The mini-map will still be visible and will be the main way of maneuvering through the level – that is if the player wants to be stealth. Enemies do not show up on the mini-map, but as the players in-game sight isn't being used the other senses are heightened – the player will hear enemy movement when they are close, provoking the player to shoot to see (but it will also light up the area for the enemy)

Given that bullets play a massive part in sight: the player will have infinite ammo (but still need to reload – duh…)


  • -The color that the players bullets emit

Image retrieved from: http://www.spyderonlines.com/images/wallpapers/plain-black-wallpaper/plain-black-wallpaper-12.png


A 3D racing car game set in a science fiction world, covered in super cities and filled with even more underground – connected by a large tunnel system. The tunnel system, the raised highways and city streets are the perfect place to hold illegal street races – if you're skilled enough.


  • -Each player/vehicle has a set amount of points/durability at the start of the race
  • -If the player crashes; points will be deducted equal to the force of impact
  • (This forces players to be careful while driving, but if you don't mind taking a little damage you can push other players off roads or into obstacle to cause them great amounts of damage)
  • -When the players points are depleted completely they will be eliminated, going out in a blaze of glory (they exploded and then can spectate other players)
  • -Aesthetics of the cars can be customized, but you cannot alter the speed and amount of durability points

Art by Khyzyl Saleem

Image retrieved from: http://67.media.tumblr.com/9b9c03a01958155f4914a4cc3fb3265f/tumblr_nwcbuhJWTe1ty72f6o1_1280.jpg


Play as Howard the security guard.

Signs are put up to be followed, but some people just like to spit on the rules. Recently a large group of punks have started smoking right in front of the no smoking sign you put up yourself. The sign was put there for a reason; smoke hitting the faces of non-smokers, filling their lungs, choking the fresh air out of the atmosphere; it's disgusting. Smokers don't know what it's like to get hit in the face by a wall of smoke, because they can't smell it, and ignoring the sign, and not being able to see the reason it was put up – that is just straight up disrespect. And if there is one thing Howard hates, it is disrespect, it just grinds his gears.

Time to enforce some rules.


  • -Punch these young punks in the face in VR (for a more personal experience)
  • by using the Vive controllers to simulate throwing punches
  • -Sweet sweet justice
Image retrieved from: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/No_Smoking.svg/2000px-No_Smoking.svg.png


A maze game that will be played out on the surfaces of 3d shapes, such as; cubes, pyramids and even a dodecahedron. Each shape will be positioned inside of each other (easier shapes with less sides on the outside, and closer to the center there will be more complex shapes that have more complex mazes). In order to "crack" or "unlock" the current shape/maze the player must move a red ball through the maze and into the "key hole" (a red circle which contains a hole). The player will only be able to see one face at a time (with more complex shapes you will be able to see bits of the adjacent faces), when the player reaches the edge of a face, the shape will flip showing the player a new face. The payer will have to traverse all faces and figure out how to get to the key hole.

Image retrieved from: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/68/ea/95/68ea95872ef33818cc8b27cc40f3da68.jpg


You know those weak insignificant mobs that you slaughter when you are bored or waiting for friends to get online so you can tackle a more challenging monster? Well, did you ever think about what it's like to walk in their shoes? Standing shoulder to shoulder with their comrades as one by one they fall in battle, slain by one man; the one called "hero". Well, this is the moment where you walk a mile in the shoes of a lowly mob.

Asymmetrical gameplay:

  • -Mass multiplayer online: 1v20
  • -One player (randomly generated at the start of each round) will play as the "hero"
  • -20 player will play as mobs
  • -Goal:
  • Hero: kill all the mobs
  • Mobs: defeat the hero

There will be two game modes in this game; fantasy and sci-fi.


  • -The hero will play as a knight (equip with a sword)
  • -The mobs will play as goblins/orcs (equip with a rugged assortment of blades and clubs)


  • -The hero will play as a solider (equip with an assault rifle)
  • -The mobs will play as alien grunts (equip with low quality handguns)

Image retrieved from: http://9gag.com/gag/arKn31d


Tim Hardy is the name of the cities renowned furniture mover. Tom Hardy can move any piece of furniture into any house, no matter what shape and size it is.



-The goal is to get a piece of furniture through a doorway.

-Doorways will vary in size and shape

-The pieces of furniture come in an assortment of couches, tables and sculptures (all seemingly to be made by a modern artist as they are a jumble of stuffed up shapes, twist, turns and make no sense) the further progressed through the levels, the more complicated the furniture gets. (who the hell keeps making this stuff?!)

-Every piece of furniture will have a pivot point set in the center of said furniture, the player may click and drag/tap and drag at an point of the piece of furniture and the player will have to do this as well as move it via the pivot point (which when clicked/tapped and dragged will move the furniture through 3D space) to maneuver the piece of furniture through the door.

Image retrieved from: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e4wT3mrJMbQ/hqdefault.jpg


What's better than a racing game? A racing game with guns. Lots of guns.

Massive Multiplayer online: 2-60 player matches

Race types:

-Bullet race

-Free for all arena

Bullet race: players race around a series of tracks (which is set half in the sky, half underground) trying to shoot each other down to get to first place, weapons will be live all the time although the players will have a finite amount of ammo – players can replenish this by ammo, boost and repair pickups throughout the track. Ammo will also be replenished by dying, but the player will be set back a little bit (not optimal).

Free for all arena: a wide open bowl arena with multiple floors, ramps and pickups. Once killed players will be eliminated.


-Cars will be fully customizable in terms of aesthetics, with a vast amount of body parts and livery to choose from.

-A selection of weaponry, including rocket launchers, machine guns, mine launchers and mortar style weaponry that can be outfitted to the body of a car.

-A selection of gadgets such as NOS, oil slicks, road spikes and a grapple hook – but each car may only choose one.

Art by Khyzyl Saleem

Image retrieved from: http://66.media.tumblr.com/e4872e6385daa82e2bc6235a38539ae2/tumblr_npxv3zZbCr1ty72f6o1_1280.jpg


You have always dreamed of being in a zombie apocalypse, fighting to survive… but only in your dreams you were a survivor.

Unfortunately you are subject 0 in a soon-to-be zombie apocalypse, but can you find a cure before you turn?

Single player

-Playing as subject 0 while he tries to fight the sickness within him, try to make your way across the busy streets of Ochite city avoiding npc humans – when you get too close to someone the sickness takes hold and you temporarily lose control of subject 0 as he attacks/bites the victim.

-Trying to find a cure before you completely turn.


-Mass multiplayer (60)

-20 players spawn as zombies, the others as survivors that will have to loot and steal equipment and resources to survive; although there is a lack of resources and survivors can kill each other for loot.

-Zombie goal: kill and turn all survivors. Survivors goal: survive the time limit

Image retrieved from: http://images.memes.com/meme/395802

MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2016-07-19 to 2016-09-09