Submissions by hayden.jon6905 tagged possession


One day a detective who was thought to be someone else was killed by a criminal organization for "crimes" that he did not commit, but as he was wronged he was given a second chance – he was kept alive by exiting his corpse as ectoplasm. Although the detective cannot possess his own body (full of bullet holes and cannot sustain itself with the lack of blood and damage), but he may possess the bodies of others – and in doing so grants him to interact with the physical world again.

Playing as the detective's ectoplasm form investigate who you were mistaken for and what action caused the criminal organization to hunt down and kill him (thinking he was the instigator) – although the detective is simply livid with the criminal organization, and as an act of revenge possesses the criminal organizations men, working his way up the chain of command in order to kill them from the inside.

Gameplay: as the detective's ectoplasm form (third person) travel through air vents and gaps in doors in order to traverse the environment, possess the guards, grunts and leaders and use their men and weapons against them.

Dying while possessing a body will cause actual death, restarting at the last checkpoint (leave the body before it dies).

Goal: assassinate the criminal organization from within while investigating the case that lead to your death.

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