Started 9 years ago (2015-05-23T12:00:00Z).
Ended 8 years ago (2016-05-21T12:00:00Z).

A design or quick sketch of an environment.

Time to practice perspective, colouring, lighting, rendering and anything else that you should probably know when it comes to environments. And of course pull some cool placed out of that imagination of yours while you're at it.

Recent submissions (21 total)

is it too late to join this streak? lol. well...did some practice anyway...

school art is killing me i don't think im going to have much time to make personal drawings ;_;

"it will be fun" they said.


tried coming back to some cloud studies

*Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.

i need to study trees. and grass. and anything green.

Will water ever stop being a mistery?

I really need to walk around the beach until winter strikes

it's raining really hard so i'm drawing part of the view out my window

based off a short story by my friend!

spent a bit more time on this since i didn't draw another new environment today :P

this is all i have this week OTL. better than nothing tho haha

i did this for stress relief. Based off the view out my window.

I obviously won't make it in time (it's 11pm at my place), so here's a WIP

I'm pretty happy with the colours, and considering this is my first attempt at a "proper" background, i'd say this is alright.

I've got a long way to go.