Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
A half-baked attempt at making a sci-fi lap racing game.
At least the speed-changing sound works but its implementation is questionable and it seems to have blocked any other sound effects...
Unfortunately, there's no win/lose condition implemented
Requires blender (use blenderplayer) to play.
The goal of this minigame was making the easiest possible game demo that has movement and collision detection for teaching purposes. Here's the source with German language commentary:
function love.load() -- hier werden zu Beginn einmalig Befehle ausgeführt sx,sy = 700,300 -- stehen für Spieler X- und Y-Koordinate cx,cy = 50,300 -- stehen für Computer X- und Y-Koordinaten end function love.draw() -- hier werden Bilder und Formen gezeichnet"fill", sx, sy, 50) -- Großen Kreis (Spieler) zeichnen"fill", cx, cy, 25) -- Kleinen Kreis (Computer) zeichnen end function love.update() -- hier werden Veränderungen berechnet if love.mouse.isDown("l") then -- falls Mausknopf/Touchscreen gedrückt/berührt if love.mouse.getY() > sy then -- wenn Maus/Finger höher als Spieler ist... sy = sy + 10 -- Spielerbewegung nach unten else -- ... in allen anderen Fällen sy = sy - 10 -- Spielerbewegung nach oben end end cx = cx + 5 -- Bewegung des Computers nach rechts if cx > 800 then -- Beim Berühren des Rechten Randes cx = 0 -- wird der Computer nach links versetzt cy = math.random(1,600) -- wird die Höhe des Computers zufällig berechnet end -- Wenn Spieler und Computer einander nahe sind if math.abs(sx - cx) < 50 and math.abs(sy - cy) < 50 then cx = 0 cy = math.random(1,600) end end
I figure some of you could use this to learn some German! :D
Needs LÖVE to run
On Saturday I made this game in <7 hours at Berlin Mini Jam and on Sunday I fixed scaling on Android and made it a bit easier. On Desktop you'll need LÖVE to play. Music used from my music streak entry.
PSA: don't let your cat explode!
Something about a heart. It's an arcade tower defense survivor made in LÖVE, which you'll need to play.
Making this, I learned a little bit about quads and rotation and got reminded how non-straightforward managing lists of removable entities is.
I was at re:publica on Tuesday and had the joy of attending a workshop where we put a recordable greeting card sound module which was already rigged with conductive textiles instead of buttons inside a self-sawed puppet. I'm cheating and using this as my weekly submission even though it's just a toy. :)
More info about the puppet:
Inspired by a VR experience at A MAZE. / Berlin, I started a scene to walk through in first person with Oculus Rift in mind (but not in use... yet?). Made at Berlin Mini Jam.
The genre is fantasy, biographical, biblical (old testament) or cartoon.
Just following a blender tutorial and picking information from other sources. Includes a 'puzzle' to get to the 'goal'. Also boxes. :)
To play you have to get Blender and run the room1.blend file.
D'aaw. Seconds too late...
I made a tiny game you can play using LÖVE.
I guess I have a week to tweak it since I insisted submitting in the last, last second ^^
The music speeds up with every level. This is directly inspired by Anja's Mixit.
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You and blender surprises me every week.
That's a working racer. I like it. :) I did even manage the jumps.
As you have said, there is something funny going on with the sounds.