Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
This started off as a Volca Sample jam where I just layered 4 different kicks...
... this ended up as me trying to mix the damn kicks and bass so that all of this thing does not choke on itself.
Finishing up this year by absolutely totally cheating and building a Pure Data patch that shoots generative MIDI sequences at my Roland XV-5080. I did not have time at all to mix and work on this more, so here you have a quite "raw" version of it.
Thanks to everyone who has listened, liked and commented. I hope you have a nice year end holidays time and that next year will be even better than this one!
Got one of those Yamaha drum pads and it turns out they are very nice for banging in rhythm parts.
A Quick One Before the Eternal Worm Devours Connecticut
Uploading the full mixtape of last week's "restauration" project. Hope you enjoy the trip!
Not sure what style this is supposed to be.
Another old one found on the desktop. It continues for a long time after that part, but I did not have time yesterday to finish the rest. Besides, it would spoil the suprise too. :)
I re-did a thing from 2011.
Found this in another unfinished project. There are a lot of unfinished projects...
Continuing work on finishing the old project from 2 years ago. I must have re-done the bass 6-7 times and I am still not happy about it. No more time this week to mess around, so uploading it now.
I "finished" an old project this week because I am trying to get used to my new monitors by mostly mixing and listening to things.
This is kind of hiphop or something I don't know. The song itself does not make a lot of sense (or maybe I just spent too much time on it and now I can't see the point).
I did not have time to properly finish this one, but here you go.
Decided to finish this project I found on my desktop.
Some loops I got out of the arpeggiator on the Akai MPK Mini. Spent more time on mixing this than I should have - time will tell if I hate it in the coming weeks or not.
For this week I have a live set (with all the warts and cringy mistakes left in - I did adjust the gain on 2 tracks but nothing else) that I performed yesterday.
Also in high definition glory here:
This was sitting on my desktop, waiting to be finished. All sounds from Roland XV 5080. Hope you enjoy the trip. :)
I tried to make sense of an old recording of a jam session I had. Could have done better, but ran out of time. :(
Finally got monitors again. :)
I messed around with some pianos. Tried to keep it simple today and totally ran out of time cutting and mixing (as always). Hope you enjoy this weird vaporwave trip.
Inspired by (ignore the memes, the music is good) and italo disco I guess. That's what came out of my gear as I finally got around to setting it up.
I got lucky and had some time to polish up an old project and this time I took my time with the mix and structure to try and make a "real" song. It ended up being sort of like a melange of 2, because I am not very good at letting go and finishing stuff up early.
I think this could be a lot better, but I was basically working off an already recorded jam without access to the hardware I recorded all the sounds off of, which meant some doubling-transposing and lots of EQs.
Let's see if I hate it a few months from now.. :)
Early this week because my laptop goes in for repairs tomorrow. I feel the mix was a bit rushed and maybe a bit too busy with too many elements. However, this time I felt I almost got a real song structure in there (if you squint a lot).
weekly from
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@onezero Thanks! Glad you like it!
I really like these ostinatos over this pad progression. Uplifting and meditative!