Submissions by UserAgent tagged cm

Was going for an AB structure with this song, but the A and the B are kind of off kilter. I was trying to use the A part to build a ton of tension and then release it in the B part, but it seems as if the B isn't even in the same song as the A part. Perhaps an ABA structure would have worked better for this.

Track Notes/Self Feedback:

Melody: Just played all "melodic" parts improvised. I think I did a few different takes and picked the best ones, not a whole lot of effort went into making a good melody here.

Harmony: Simple Progression, nothing complicated needed or desired here.

Dynamics: The hand played dynamics probably could be more elaborate,

Groove/Beats: Only two beats really used here and a bit of chopping. Wasn't really focusing on the beats in this go around.

Sound Design: Spent a good amount of time on getting the sounds to gel together well. Was looking for kind of an ambient feel that would sound ok with an analogy style arp bass motion. Percussives could use a lot of work, very static.

Ambience: No significant ambience in this track.

Mood: Definitely a good mood (going for a frustrated tension) in this track especially the first part, I just feel like it could have resolved better with a different B.

Structure: AB structure probably isn't the best for the divergent ideas used in this track. Ideas in this track are probably better suited for an ABA structure.

Mix: Very little time spent on mixing, probably could stand to have a bit more focus on foreground/background

Plans for this track: May revisit it a few months, not in love with it, don't hate it.

A submission for Weekly Music 2017 8

Glitchy downtempo track with minimal melody. Just had to pump something out today, this weeks' been tough on the music making front.

Somewhat glitchy minimal melodic tune. Made in live. Created a good couple of A/B loops and then performed it into arrangement view, so transition are weak in this track. Focused a bit more on the mix this time around and gave some space to my higher pitched voice creating a band for each of them - they sit a bit better and more clearly. First time I've used vocals in a song in quite some time - one of the bass voices is me pitched down an octave.

As always, constructive feedback appreciated. Particularly, for the mix on this time around, I worked a bit more than usual on it.