All submissions (52)

A submission for Weekly Music 2017 52

So this one is a short droney melodic march. It is so tough working on things away from home. I miss my real computer. See you guys at weeklybeats!

Simple song with a slightly christmasy/lullaby feel.

A submission for Weekly Music 2017 50

The end of the year is the worst for getting anything done. Here's another half-assed loop thing.

Last couple of weeks has been rough with basically no time to work on music. Literally 30 minutes with Ableton Live for this track. Might as well be white noise for the quality of it.


Kinda calling it in this week. Simple call and response ambientish thing.

Mostly playing with cascading reverbs, delays and pitch shifts in this generative ambient track.

Had to take care of family this week, so really didn't have time to make anything more than an ambient generative patch.

abmient gen patch Nov 19 2017.mp32.5mb

So another ambient track, but in a minimal vein this time. I thought about doing a generative patch, but this was a simple tune that just sort of came together really quickly. Sketched it Live using built in instruments and then used outboard gear to print it to loops/scenes. I am really digging Roland's SE-02. It was used for all sounds in this track. Printing the poly sounds was a PIA, but worth it.

A short ambient track.

A submission for Weekly Music 2017 43

Downtempo glitchy thing again. I'm focusing on getting better at mixing lately so having a new song to mix every week is helpful. I feel like the mid highs are kind of kind of grating here, but my room isn't optimized yet, so I can't be sure.

quick downtempo thing...

Simple downtempo loop that turned into a full track. I should pull out ableton Push more often.

Continue to be short on time, so this is just a short ambient thing.

Part of a soundtrack for a horror genre exploration game.

Love this chord progression. Need to develop it more of course.

Short ambient thing made with ableton live. I'm testing out Adaptiverb with this. While It does sound musical, it mainly sounds like a delayed string pad in the background instead of reverbations.

Another quick jam thing... music equipment is being all hooked up after the move, mostly checking to make sure everything works at this point.

Pretty much calling it in this week except this is an all hardware ambient recording.

I am going to be on the road tomorrow, so I had to get something in quick tonight. I am hoping soon that i will have multiple hours during the week to work on music to create something better than this... hopefully next week.

Ambient piece with rhytmic features.

Just a quick thing... not really a song.

I'm having to revert to making algorithmic pieces to stay in the streak for the year.

Absolutely no time right now to work on a song, so this pathetic piece is just some sounds that meets criteria for making a "song" every week. Nothing good here.

In the middle of moving this week, so this is just an improv thing.

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