Submissions by NeithR tagged 4-colors

Spent 54 minutes to make this pixel piece. I made this piece to participate in Weekly Challenge with theme "Breaking the Law" in PixelJoint.

Inspired from long ago mistake I did as programmer when making healthbar. One day, a programmer forgot to set healthbar to limit. When the character took more health than the max, the healthbar will keep expanding breaking the frame limit. It might not look like a crime, but it is a crime in quality of the game. Yeah, bad glitch.

Also, the one restriction I decided break for the challenge was the transparency required in this challenge.

Made a grayscale bush tentacles monster for 19 minutes. I made it based on the Pixel Dailies's theme today.

First I made the bush, then I made the tentacles. After that, I added eyes to make it more monster.

Experimented with health bars for 45 minutes. I experimented the health bars at full state, damaged state, and decreasing state.

I also experimented the health bars with variant of shading and forms.

I am back. Looking at how far other people's pixel art and how much I need pixel art for my future game, motivated me to do more pixel art experiments again. This time with cracked glass. I did this experiment for 40 minutes.

At the start, I started with just a circle then add some lines from that circle. After more next glasses, I tried to add more detail into the middle.

Made an animated chicken for Tiny Sprite challenge. The size is 16x16 pixels(in the preview, it is zoomed with size 64x64 pixels) with 4 colors and 2 frames.

I realize I am not good enough on drawing chicken... especially the detail still as plain as the last time I made a chicken in my pdf game. Perhaps I will experiment with bird too in the future.

Experimenting with frames this time for 35 minutes. I did this experiment especially when I had an interest with the frame with the previous experiment especially for presentating the original size from the zoomed scale.

So, I was experimenting on lighting the frames. First, I tried with the short lines. Second, I tried with longer lines. Third, I tried to give a little dither to the line. Forth, I tried to give lighting with the brighter goes more up or left.

Also, I tried with different frames. The first one with one color. The second one with 2 colors with the left and top has brighter color and the bottom and right has darker color. The third one with bolder frame.

Experimenting with stars. Took 13 minutes to do this experiment. I am glad this one was very easy. As usualy, I did it with 4 colors.

In this experiment, I decided to change my way of presentation, by providing the original size and the zoomed version. Also, instead of just using blue range color, I decided to use yellow and red too for the brighter color.

Experimenting with cloud again which I failed several days ago. I did this experiment for 50 minutes. This time I am more satisfied than the previous cloud experiment since it is more convinced to me that it looks more like cloud. Also, I was trying to remember on how to make the backgrounds less plain as sky, using the line transition.

Before doing this experiment, I looked again on references of cloud photos. I copied it to graphics gale and reduce the color depth into 4 colors. It made me easier to get the pattern. After that, I made the cloud again from scratch while making the pattern I learned from the image.

Experimenting depth using color. I did this experiment for 70 minutes, including the too-failed one that I deleted. I am still not good on using depth.

After examining a lot of reference, I decided to use the color to set the depth. I also used the darker color to make it look farther. After that, I tested using the girl I made several days ago to test the depth. I am planning to do this experiment again in future, especially I will need it if I am going to make a game again which in the past I didn't use it which made my game background looked duller.

Experimenting on potions especially on what will happen if I change the color within 4 colors. Did this experiment for 100 minutes.

Several months ago, I made a set of potions too, but that one was more focused on the glass shape. This one is more focused on colors. Also, I tried to make them more detailed.

Experimenting with texture this time for 60 minutes. The test object is the moon, with little modification. I still only use 4 colors to make this moon.

At first, I couldn't feel the texture. After I added some dithering near the bigger part of the cluster, I can feel the texture on the moon. After that I keep adding more dithering. Finally I can understand more on how to texturing.

Experimenting with clouds for 70 minutes. It didn't turn well. I still couldn't draw cloud very well. Most often the cloud I made wasn't convincing or it looked like a rock.

Even the cloud are failure. At least from this experimenting I will know which method I shouldn't use to make cloud. Also, I will do more clouds experiment in the future especially to find the better method for me to make the cloud.

Experimenting with rocks this time with 4 colors which was taken from my previous experiment. When making the rocks, I also checked photo reference, but couldn't follow the detail nor the shape. I tried different ways when making the rocks.

I tried making rock by making the outline first using some kind of polygon feature then fill with to turn it into the cluster. Then I added shapes with different colors inside the cluster.

The other ways I tried is making the outline first. After that I added more lines inside the outline. After that I gave it colors.

Experimenting on poses this time. I am still not good enough at posing so I tried with smaller sprite to pose it easier. It took 200 minutes to do this experiment included thinking what pose I should draw.

When posing using 4 colors, I still found some problems. It was when same color touched each other from different part of body. Perhaps I will research more on this in the future, especially in this experiment I was only focus on pose.

Several days ago, I experimented 2 colors to experiment on clustering pixel. This time I will try with 4 colors. This will add more detail into the art. I did this experiment in 200 minutes. Also, I was using GraphicsGale while the previous one I used GIMP.

For the start, I had a trouble on how to pick up the palette for the 4 colors. After looking at many references, I managed to pick my own colors. After that, I modified the art from the 2 colors.