I've been using duolingo recently and they've invested heavily in keeping streaks going. Should streak club have similar kinds of functionality regarding streaks?
- Streak Freeze: some kind of item you can use to skip a submission but still keep your streak going
- Lingots: a currency given that you can use to buy items like Streak Freeze. We could also make Late Submit an item you have to buy
- XP: Should you get experience for doing things?
- Achievements: I've always thought we should have something like this
- Leagues: Does it make sense to have a streak leaderboard where you get upgraded as you keep your streak active (or XP active?)
I don't know if it makes sense to make the same kind of currency model for streak club.
I am interested in the idea of XP though as a means to encourage engagement, for example leaving a daily comment could give you some exp, and if the person likes that comment in response you get some exp back.
Lastly, I've wondered if streak "clubs" should always be isolated, or should people have an account wide streak going. Do things like XP work globally or is it per streak?