Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
pull out the zip pull out the rooollll
enjoying the possibilities symmetric drawing opens up
adobe after effects has paint bucket tool WORKS on video footage. need to keyframe things. this is no keyframing. this is also 8 fps and quarter quality. looks alright in real render. might be helpful to use camera in 4k filming instead of 1080p for crisper lines. mirror phone app im using doesnt use 4k it only goes up to 1080p but i dont think its too difficult to make a phone app that films 4k mirror image and displays on screen. filming pretty far back atm phone is bout 1cm from eyeball
this was before i got the script working. the script is working now it selects based on colors ive inputted into arrays that are too similar. i have colorblindness. the boring colorblindness 5% males have. everything redgreenbrownorange look like shit brown to me i think is formal definition. it makes making color palettes easier for me. i can draw with any color and it look like any other color. this was colors generated before i fixed terrible coding i wrote on original script. script should start spitting out good color palettes in couple days under conditions im encoding for which is 'unique from every other color to me'
wrote script for cutting out colors from randomizer. selecting 13 colors per palette atm, then drawing all 13 colors on page, then typing each clashing color into each corresponding array that was talking about yesterday. seems to work alright atm. selecting 13 colors from initial 70 colors it gets down to ~45 colors atm left in the array at the point after last color is chosen... probably still a lot more clashing colors. would probably be faster if i inputted non-clashing colors and had randomizer temporarily NOT select any confirmed non-too-similar-color-pairing. half of this tedious grind is memorizing where each marker goes in the box irl. also small amount of fun looking at the colors next to each other... i been drawing with just pen for looooong time so it amuse to see color
grinding 4-6 color palette creation
from 100 alcohol markers. 30 was too dark didnt pop off the black lines. 70 colors. for greens might have 10 greens some are more green-blue some are more green-brown some are lighter green some are darkergreen. thing with the palettes i want is i want 4 to 6 colors per palette where each color is unique enough from all other colors in palette. this is easy to do in programming if each color has an 'array' (list) a list of colors its TOO similar to... only tricky part is 70 * 69 colors is 4,830 combinations. so need to draw a lot of colors on the page to create array of similar colors for each color, yellow prob gonna look too similar to light yellow, recently i found grey look too similar to magenta
once i have it coded in arrays for each color i can create randomizer and it might spit out half-decent color palette every 2/3 runs of script.
i think this is halfdecent way of creating color palettes for specifically... 4-6 colors where u have fixed-e.g. 70 colors. might be slightly relevant concept for ppl who work in low poly or pixel art. pick 70 colors and painstaking create array for each color where if its too similar to another color it doesnt get selected in color-palette-randomizer generator. idk why the im always talking about randomizer JUST IF I LOOK AT A BOX FUCKING OF 70 MARKERS I CANT PICK 5 RRRRAAAAAANNNNNDOOOOOM markers every time but that just randomizers are pretty lit wig why so aggressive idk why is this page turn into useless tutorial page rip i use to talk about fun stuff lizard ppl
love the sounds of painting in this. why is wiggly paint more fun than regular paint? maybe less apprehension since more uncertainty. idk dont philosophize about fun app why u gotta ask question. nice amount of random vs choice! sounds for each brush
attempt selling out to addiction machine i become zombie
following junichiro horikawa youtube tutorials. dont think theres a better way to learn procedural than this... he has a whole series on VEX in houdini.... blender will take another ~3yrs (made up number) to catch up to houdini for procedural... houdini only good procedural graphics software for 3d atm afaik.... horikawa has a playlist of 26 vids with length of about ~50 hrs on VEX in houdini
im getting closer to halfway through this 50 hours... this n word not english native speaker so can speed video speed up to 1.25x to make it what... 40 hrs... and then my advice for how i learn from youtube is to have either 2 screen, or 1 screen. and have youtube vid on left half and copy every single action into your own houdini program as you go. often pausing the video and pressing left-arrow-key to rewind time by 5 seconds. this means the 40hr of content will take maybe a total of 50-80 hr depending how much u want. but i cant recommend junichiro content enough... i am only amateur at procedural but he really showing me a lot of ways to make fundamental building blocks of how VEX work in houdini... like i said.. blender not there yet for procedural for another few yr... then blender probably overtake houdini but u gotta know houdini for procedural for next at least 2 yrs in my noob opinion and no one gonna show it better than junichiro. he then has around ~250 hr of livestreams on youtube, divided into 2hr streams where in each stream he'll recreate some 3d graphics implementation of algorithm.
i think along with choosing some of these might need to learn some python->houdini, python also has implementation in blender but python->houdini + VEX looks pretty good to me... future of 3d graphics is prob largely procedural and no one do it better than houdini and junichiro san so jump on this hype train today... i am noob this is financial advice. most u guys probably into 2d. i dont know if theres much interesting work to be done in 2d with procedural... prob not... this more for 3d hype train
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a massive pain in ass with these input systems is because they require custom hardware... [is shit on qwerty hardware imo]... this means u have to create your own whole system for alphabet input. replace normal typing for the hardware you go with. this is pain in the ass caus qwerty layout on qwerty keyboard can do decent speed already [~80wpm on qwerty is comfortable enough...] 80wpm on e.g. hardware with 1 key for each finger = 10 key total is interesting problem. 5 keys on each hand means if you break into left-right presses you have 5*5 options = 25 options. 26 letters in alphabet * 2 for capitals + ~20 symbols = ~80 symbols need to be able to input yet you only have 25 options for an ~ideal 2press lefthand-righthand. so you stick etaoinshldr (most frequent letters in english alphabet) on the best/most comfortable keypress combinations for your hardware, then make the other symbols etc. 3press combinations? its a system that needs careful design. i made some SHITTY input system with this input layers/input chains idea years ago and got it to 50wpm then threw in trash... but that wasnt 1 key for each finger... and it was on qwertykeyboardhardware.
so is pain in the ass any input system you make you probably want to not use qwerty hardware and if you want advanced system you still want alphabet input so have to design something for it. i wouldnt advise trying to design for above 50-100wpm.... text input speed shouldnt be big factor of how slow/fast inputting into computer is with these systems unless you're trying to replace stenography. i wouldnt advise chording in general... just bias but i think chording-systems like stenography are generally kind of trash compared to single-input chains but whatever it depends entirely on the frequency distribution and total number of pieces of the data you're trying to input e.g. letter 'e' in english language comes up 7% of time in all text or something really highest character... out of ~80 characters maybe. so entire system has to be designed for the total number and expected frequency distribution of those pieces of data. and expected frequency distribution could be unknown or change depending on what you're building for
generally just think chording is slower when you could break it into 2 presses instead of pressing multiple things at once. get more options that way and is more comfortable probably. depends entirely on hardware... id be more bias to single press chains probably but yea with some hardware chording could be dank i guess... dont know id prob try do single press chains instead
other weird ideas are press strength... e.g. a midi key on weighted midi controller [piano keys].... a really fucked up idea is have the time inbetween keypresses trigger different chains. this one sounds nightmare to learn but gives higher amount of data per second or whatever... i probably wouldnt try to max out somethin that extreme... id prefer build modular reusable easy-to-learn modules that less likely to completely fail/really hard to learn/dependent on timing/dependent on press strength... in general if designing these input systems id be favoring modularity and user comfort and not spending 200 hr on design of layers... caus it easy to get stuck redesigning layers for 100 hrs with ridiculous complex frequency distribution ideas of what would be most comfortable or most speedy...
quick and dirty easy to learn modular things that can be reused if possible and easy-enough muscle memory is sort of goal id wanna take building these input systems in future. old muscle memory can probably be phased out by superior module replacement in future if required if you build with modularity from the start then just replace modules if u really want to later and that module could have more optimizations or more comfort...
hard to give much advice bout building input systems like this caus so many different designs can come up with. and dependent on whatever hardware you can figure out. and hardware could be point of failure if it just doesnt work as expected at speed...
i think the other reason i didnt like chording was it adds more time to muscle-memory learning... and that it wasnt comfortable. idk i was interested in chording even tho looks like it has pitfalls never rlly messed around with chording... i think in general the single press is faster but there might be certain total-amounts-of-end-of-chain/frequency distribution where chording might be better... even if it takes longer to learn. not sure
fun fact be input system where u can add layers to it on-the-fly using the input system itself... this is very complex input system fun fact... and not that useful caus any layers you add in = new muscle memory to learn. but it would be standard in any input system both complex and advanced. theyre not really static code for input system imo... the code would change every day of using it with more layers always being added and layers that fall out of muscle-memory being deleted. theoretical
in above image... whenever end of input chain is reached.... when text is inputted into computer.... system automatically goes back to "main" layer. can have multiple main layers etc. as complex as needed
i also wonder bout rolling motion. rolling fingers from pinky to thumb and omitting certain finger-presses. dont know never made anything like this. made some crappy voice-to-computer one... was alright
modern voice-to-computer you can say '125626346436' as fast as you want and 99.9% it will get it accurate once you get used to the voice-to-computer software you use... not bad way of harvesting human input into computer... not rly as fast as finger movements probably. maybe combining multiple types of user input but then make system more complex. an ideal hardware might be each finger has 10 options instead of 1 option. 10 tiny little keys or 10 hardnesses or 10 motions or something idk... think thered be a way to get more than just binary input from each finger but would make layers even harder to learn into muscle memory. probably not easy to build input systems
id probably try use asetniop 'preliminary typing gloves' metal plate keyboard as hardware. its some guy's cheap method of building hardware for chording-input-system. might work for this single-press type input system
then if you learn muscle memory 100 200 hr. then change something. u dont want have to relearn new muscle memory. unless already similar to other muscle memory you already learned. muscle memory transfers between input systems if theyre similar enough, perhaps in some cases so eh. and then how optimized do you make the layers for better press combinations or less press combinations. theres a lot of design work just in designing layer structure. more complex layer structure can increase muscle-memory-learning time
if u wanna do anything massive and practical with these input layers the input system get fairly massive little bit complex etc and then what are you doing? spamming macros into another piece of software? or rebuilding the software you want to use as well... or creating your own software to use with input layers? yrs of work possibly
theres a user on github called 'carptunnel' has code uploaded for the piano inputter i made... from memory it was pretty rough code just to get it working and im not certifi programmer
never rlly used one for practical purposes. made a piano note inputter a year ago that was maybe useable. built it for qwerty tho and found qwerty doesnt work dat well for these input layers.... might build another one later. cbf providing any proof of whether these input systems work. pretty sure they do caus ive done some inputting with them over yrs and then threw in trash