Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
I've always wanted to learn to draw, mostly because there are so many reasons I'd want to draw. For one thing, I really like cartoons, and to be a storyboard artist you have to draw. I guess now I'm finally going to start learning.
The rows of little drawings of various quality are part of an exercise in a learn-to-draw book of no particular choice of my own. (It was a gift. For my brother.) I was supposed to draw simple shapes, but I got carried away with characters and faces. They're more interesting. I surprised myself with the little elephant in particular.
The person is self-portrait of sorts. The one thing I doodle over and over again in class is this cartoon version of my own head, so I figured a good place to start these dailies was by showing what I already draw.
I was going to upload a version of the self-drawing traced and colored in Sketchbook on my Note 4, but part of my work didn't save. I was pretty angry for a moment, but it wasn't that much work anyway, and I'm not sure I quite liked how it looked. I'll probably try again tomorrow.
This is a great start! You've got a unique style developing already!
Great start!
I swear, Streak Club always messes up the orientation of photos I upload from my phone. Hopefully I remember to fix this on my computer tomorrow.
Hi! So, yesterday was the first day I missed all year, but it was on purpose. It was late at night again, and I could have drawn something quick just to keep the streak, but I was tired of doing that. I let myself get away with posting crud all the time, and it's not giving me any practice or any benefit other than not having to sit down and draw. So, I missed the day as a protest of my own shortcut-taking. Now, I've actually put effort into drawing some stuff. I intend to keep doing that!
I drew, again. It's just that yesterday and today I drew little sketches on a storyboard for TV Arts, and I don't feel like finding it in my backpack just to take a picture. Don't think I even have it with me today.
Think not of how little work I put in to these, but how it shows I care that I bother to stay up at night staring at a bright phone screen only to put out this crud.
TV Arts thumbnail boards. One of which, thanks to bad erasers, turned out creepier than I ever could have done on purpose.
@Bobbo Wow, I do? I thought that was just the amateurishness!
(Don't worry, I'm half joking, I'm not too self-critical.