Submissions by tim tagged hare

A submission for Daily Art Club

This took longer than you'd think.

I swear, Streak Club always messes up the orientation of photos I upload from my phone. Hopefully I remember to fix this on my computer tomorrow.

A submission for Daily Art Club


Today, I bought Kyle T. Webster's Photoshop brush megapack and just experimented (read: messed around) with my Genius tablet that for some reason I had yet to use during this streak. It had probably been over a year since I last touched Photoshop, too. Here's some of the better stuff.

A submission for Daily Art Club

What I have time for at the end of a long homework day.

A submission for Daily Art Club

Origami bunny by my friend Chrislynn. Pale attempts to describe the dreaded Hare drawn by me.

Yeah, remember when I said I'd put effort into these? Well I will, starting tomorrow. That's a promise.

A submission for Daily Art Club

Today, I attempted to draw myself based on pictures of myself (selfies, if you will). Oh, the vanity. It's strange to attempt internalizing the way you look to other people.

(Didn't feel like using actual art pencils or sketchpad.)

Today, I tried to elaborate on my icons from day one. Also included are doodles from Math Class.

I used my time on my Write Streak submission today, so I didn't have time to draw much. As consolation, take this rough sketch of the Hare, one of the more frightening of the Woodland creatures...