Just 10 minutes of ghosting planes exercise from the Draw a Box website…

More submissions by Kooda Loutre for Daily Art Club

35 minutes of ghosting planes exercises. I’m not happy with the results so I’m not posting a photo. :Þ

I was super tired today and didn’t feel like doing exercises. So instead I drew some crap on a big piece of paper (A3) with an ink brush (a few of them where not drawn today but most of them were).

Draw a Box, lesson 1, part 1, exercise 3: ghosting planes.

1 hour or training.

Had a pretty busy day today, I only took 20 minutes before bed to train my drawing skills.

Again, Draw a Box exercise: ghosting lines.

Still exercising with Draw a Box.

Finished exercise 1 and started exercise 2.

I’ve been struggling to draw these last few weeks. I always have this problem of not knowing how to learn, what to draw, etc…

I found the Draw a Box website on the Art resources discussion and decided to start learning with this method. I hope I’ll keep at it for a long while!

First lesson, part 1, exercise 1.

25 minutes of work.

Didn’t feel like drawing these last few days. But here we are again! :D

Sketch done super quickly not to break my streak. I’ll try to post a second one today to make it up. :Þ

Very quick sketch before going to bed.

Focus was on volume.

Inspired by this cool drawing from Matrices.

I started drawing regularly a few weeks ago, so why not join this streak? :D

Today’s doodle inspired by this drawing.

I left other doodles on the page as a bonus since I didn’t join this streak earlier.

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,186 days ago
