Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Sidenote: Pausing my Daily Art at the moment. Too much work, not enough discipline. And somehow, after three years, I felt like I needed a pause. Have some days in my life where I didn't have to think about that one image I still have to do.
joined 3,705 days ago
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@Jessfholt I guess that's a constant thing as an artist, "I should work more on..." I have a few of those too, including characters. ^^
@Kommi That's the best compliment. Thanks. =)
I really like the perspective and atmosphere definitely creates a cozy but damp feeling. I need to work on my environment art more.
I guess this sounds a bit weird, but looking at this made me think: Wow, I really wanna be there right now. Its so beautiful.