Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
more ancient artifacts i dug up from a year ago (around october 2015) of some of the first character designs for lotti and elaina. i think their names were like...ami and eli or something. lotti has drastically changed, lol. but looking at the old work gave me the right motivation to try to draw them updated. i'm on a mission to make smolio a coloring book out of my drawings (one of these days)
this was harder to draw than it looked, lol. i also went with a slightly different palette for beedo because it looked better to my eye
bonus beedo below for u ash, ur welcom
almost forgot to post. i like the palette for hans (on the left) better than fletcher's.
oh above them are their family crests
joined 3,504 days ago
weeee coloring bok, that also means you gotta get back to inkining missy