Submissions from 2024-04-06 to 2024-04-07 (27 total)

hello hello

  • Can get food out of fridge, shows food on head, can carry one at a time

  • Trash can in-case you grab wrong item.

  • Can put correct items in bag. If the item hasn't been cooked or sliced it will let you know, and if it's not in the order it will let you know.

  • Various improvements to models (someone told me they looked uncanny, I agreed)

  • Finn the Fish has alternate sprites when the Suspicion meter is above 80%.

  • Main song slightly updated

  • hooray!


shop? yeah. health? yeah. did it really take you an entire week to add enemies? heck yeah. all i need now to finish my game by tomorrow is a time machine. I'm definitely not gonna make this game in time.

so uhhhh i sorta forgot to start on time, so im just gonna make a game in 2 days :D im sure this will go great (it has many fish)

I'm gonna be making a space invader's type game, but instead of spaceships you are a fish. So far I've only been working on it for a few hours. I have the basic gameplay down, I have a gamestate system, and i have a very dumb fish texture. I'm making this from scratch using raylib, so perhaps starting 5 days late wasn't the best thing to do, but whatever. How bad could it possibly turn out?

I was crazy busy today so I didn't get much of anything done. I'm also crazy busy tomorrow, so I am just hoping I can put everything I want into the game. Wish me luck.

Another no image post, just putting this here for everyone to know that the game is almost done!

I just need to update the UI, get some effects going on, and overall polishing the remainder of the game!

Making a racing game and went with this low poly, low rez design with a normal map for fun. I think they're a pretty neat fish, all things considered.


Hello everyone I'm back to show some progress on shotgun goldfish! I have decided to REMOVE the sound/keybind settings because I didn't make the original prefabs modular enough. This is unfortunate but luckily sound can be changed on the player side and the prefabs will just be locked to WASD space and left click on mouse.

Overall today I just did some balancing for all the levels to make them overall easier and less rage inducing. All sounds have now been setup better so that none of them are super loud! The game is now basically finished so ill plan to spend about 6 hours getting extra polish tomorrow and then post the game. I look forward to seeing feedback on my first jam game!

The title and ending cutscene is not complete with music you will only find in those places but I still need to have music fade in and outs between levels

My plan is to have 15 min a really polished gameplay so that I don't take to much of all of yalls time!

Energy Burger

As i said yesterday today is more or less the last day for me to work on the jam and i got a lot of shit done today

Implemented a tutorial and stuff, drew like 15 more Images for the thing, and squashed hella bugs.

and implmented a win and loose state in the game, so thats swag and awsome.
Gona focus on paytesting for the rest of today and what little time i have left after work tomorrow

I made some serious progress on one of the mini-games for my game. Also updated some of the assets for the background and obstacles.

Some sprites added.
Infinite horizon implemented.

Need to work on movement and rythmbar,
some interesting backgrounds.

This is my first attempt to do pixelart, so styles of each sprite are bit different.
Fish was done with wikipedia picture as a reference ; )


I finished my fish game! Huge amount of work again today, I:

  • made a song for the game
  • found and made sound effects
  • created a basic "AI" algorithm for the opponent fish
  • created a win sequence
    (see video below)

I'm super proud of how this came out, might even say it's one of the best looking games I've made

It's out at


Sorry for not updating the past two days, I had a lot to do :) So I'll just update you on everything I did for that time.
I didn't do a whole lot the past two days cause I had a lot of shit to do Thursday and Friday I travelled for like 3-4 hours. I've actually been on vacation this week LMAO, so not the best time to do something like this but I will power through because FEESH! But I worked on the script a bit and added a credits section in my doc because without it I'd probably forget all the places I got my shit from LMAO. I also made some (shitty) assets and thought about mechanics for a fishing """"minigame""""*. Didn't actually put it into the game yet but should be a fairly simple process since I have the plan.
*does not deserve to be called a minigame.
I might not have done much yesterday, but to compensate I plan on finishing the script today! I'm about halfway done and I know where the story is heading. Getting that idea of where the story was going was really the biggest hurdle. I also started drawing a CG simply because I felt like drawing. It may or may not actually make it into the game by the deadline. I take a lot of time to draw. I might also start putting things into the game and proofreading my script today because god knows it needs that.

Today is most likely the last day of dev I'll have free to make any changes so I'll submit tomorrow. I'm really proud of the progress I've made with the game from start to finish and in general with my game development learning.

I got a massive amount of feedback from both online friends and friends in my personal life about what they thought of the game, how it felt and things they thought I could improve to make the gameplay experience much more enjoyable.

It was all extremely constructive, but the main gripe people had was how the movement felt unintuitive. They expected the W key to propel them forward in the direction that the mouse rotated them to or that they could point and click to move the fish where they wanted. A learning experience clearly, WASD movement has its place but its not here in this game.

I revamped the movement system to use mouse point and click and honestly it feels 100x better. Everything is more fluid.

More values were fine tuned to make the game feel more balanced but still a challenge.

I think it's in a good place for my first game jam submission.

Things I would have liked to add:

  • High scores
  • Sound effects to various movements and attacks (Nom noms)

Maybe I can do that post Jam

Anyway, here's a picture of my trello board I've been using to track my work

After making my game prototype, i also added a game menu with modals and custom sprites and mouse cursor and a boot screen.

Next i will work on sprites and gameplay.

<video src="2024-04-06-21-44-14.mp4" controls></video>


I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. 🤡

Salomon - Game3 - WebGL - Unity 2022.3.5f1_ _DX11_ 2024-04-06 23-27-21.mp434mb

Oh, we are getting dangerously close to the end of this jam!

Today I added a final boss to my game, when you finish the 5th level you have to beat him to finish the game! And the boss is angry (does he look angry? What do you think?)

I also added some indicators to show the state of the enemies ("!" if he sees you, "?" if he loses you, "Zz" if you dazzle him).

Tomorrow's programme is a few bug fixes, testing and hopefully some sfx.

Still a lot of work to be done, but it's starting to come together nicely!
Also check the music sound track by jimbarn17

fish_music_idle_3 (1).ogg2mb


  • Added Menu
  • Improved Info
  • Improved UI
  • Fixed Shop

Pretty significant progress, tomorrow I will probably add music, settings, and art for the tools. Thinking i'll add classical music, similar to the one in steep step.


Greetings! The Name is ItsMeDevRoland, I Manage to Pull off the
game Map, haven't work with the 5 minigames yet but
i choose 5 easy to make minigame as my time is quite limited..
Theres currently no Quest Just yet But im working on Some Prototypes Before
Starting on the Real Pain...
See ya for Day#6 and Day#7

  • Added music
  • Resized obstacles
  • Added ocean zone to HUD (zones are sunlight, twilight, midnight, abyss)
  • Increase difficulty each zone (increase spawn rate and velocity)
  • Make mines disappear on contact, with explosion sound effect