Submissions from 2023-11-27 to 2023-12-04 (6 total)

The three-guitar-piece series continues. This time it's low-tuned Univox hollow body, in a variant of Fahey C tuning (in this case, Bb F Bb F Bb C--the same tuning, but a whole step down). I tracked this in two short sessions--one late Saturday and one Sunday afternoon...though finding the right through-line took a while. There's a sparse gentleness to this one.

No inline effects, but some compression/eq on the stereo out, and convolution reverb.

The title comes from the asteroid 518 Halawe.

My hands are freezing.
Anyway, I will revisit this and change some sounds as I like the vibe and progression.

I was pretty good this week at finding good excuses not to work on a track. I spent a grand 44 minutes on this one, and it does feel like it. Ok, especially for the upcoming Weekly Beats 2024, I need to get back to start a track early in the week, put more love and inspiration in it rather than a quickly produced simple track.

A submission for Weekly Music 2023 48

vocal from eliminate cyber vocals vol 1 pack... mostly still drumming atm... got bored of drumming over music so now i just drum to the sound of quiet... i think its better... can really flex without music...

1 download

I'm not going to pretend to know wtf this is.. but I'm having fun making this shit lately.. which I think could be more important than actually making "good music" lol.

A bit deeper. Trying to get used to the Push 3. It has so much potential but, I hate to admit it, I hate the workflow. More practice required.