Submissions from 2023-07-10 to 2023-07-17 (5 total)

A submission for Weekly Music 2023 28

[VOLUME WARNING] not mixed

Tried to stick to what comes easiest - basic chord progression with piano.

I've been using the valhalla shimmer reverb frequently, finding it inspiring with the long reverb tails from this plugin. Also being inspired by trailer music.

Open to roast. I can't really figure out how to MIX everything... EQing in general... maybe also if i tweak even one of the track volumes itll mess up e.g. a grouptrack saturation etc. probably need to plan out tracks more as i make them and make sure things arent clipping more often. the grouptrack saturation is something i saw in a fox stevenson stream. saturating the lead and bass together and it sounds pretty gnarly having them both go into the same saturator... but then makes mixing harder maybe. i mean ive already got reverb and other distortion on the lead before its getting this saturation with the bass... might need to rethink signal flow to use this technique. anyway im happy with this small step of progress making a 1min 45 track. the chord progression is 6-7-1-1 if 1 is the rootnote of minor scale... think its used quite a lot in modern electronic music. pretty sure theres a lil nas x song with this progression... virtual self porter robinson song has this bass progression... i guess its just a bassline so the chord progression might be something completely different... but its a nice simple bass progression. the 1 doesnt hit til the end of it its always moving forward


Earlier this week I was thinking of a simple rhythm and found myself tapping it out on the steering wheel: 4/4 on the left, double-time on the right. I brought it into Ableton Live as a kick/floor-tom combo, and started tracking guitar against it. Ultimately...I took the percussion out of it, but it was a way to start.

There are four tracks of guitar here (PureSalem Mendiola) with a touch of convolution reverb. There's a bit of grit on some of the tracks, from turning on the vintage circuit of the UA Volt1.

The title comes from the former Rt. 498 in Maryland.

Nothing to say really, was just doing something rather than nothing. Can't be making classics every week.

An experiment trying to do a trip hop track. I had to ditch a whole sax section that just sounded clunky. I love the idea of sax but struggle to do it with synth sax libraries, even good ones. Need to study that more.

The vocals were made on vocaloid.

brotherman. I hate making excuses but work is crazy for the month.. It's going to be a true trial to just keep up with submissions. but I persist.