Submissions from 2015-06-21 to 2015-06-22 (4 total)

A submission for Make games. 148

Still tweaking the player’s movement.

I’ve been brainstorming quite a bit today to decide what I’ll do in the next few days.

A submission for Make games. 148

Got so much done in so little time today!

- Found a way to have the same tilemap object created 3 times for each layer;
- Fixed left/right doors;
- Map now only displays rooms you've been to;
- Map only shows up when the player holds TAB;

This week I'll begin adding more items and enemies, after I'm done re-doing the basic tilemaps.


A submission for Make games. 148

I'm checking out iTween for the enemy movements. It's pretty easy to use, but i might need to modify it quite a bit. I want movement to be speed-based, not time-based (and since iTween is an animation system, it is time-based).

A submission for Make games. 148

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