Submissions from 2015-02-25 to 2015-02-26 (6 total)

A submission for Make games. 32

Put in a mockup downward attack, still needs thinking, lots of homework this term though so progress may be even more slowwwwweeeeedddd.

So I added tweening to the camera today.

Some other tweaks as well, including a background.

Check it out here!

Today I created a save/load system where the player can create a single save file and later load the game from it. It actually was easier than I had thought. I'll add an option to create multiple save files later. :)

I also did some AI studying, nothing much to tell about it, though.

If you would like to support Crystal Kingdom, please consider liking its facebook page and following it on twitter.
Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)

I started a new game project today, after about a hour I got signed distance font rendering and a custom menu system running using my self made GL based engine.

See and for more info

also, I just implemented a Futures model in moonscript.

UPDATE: improved SDF font rendering (yes, the heading line is supposed to be blurred) in YEng version 7.4.0