Garnet dragons are docile with cat-like personalities. They represent friendship and loyalty and are often found in groups.
Kinda esoteric, but I'm using the etymology of each gem to inspire a BG piece (I need the practice!). Garnet comes from the Latin word "granatum" for pomegranate so I made a fruitstand that sells ~magical garnet pomegranates~!
Amethyst comes from Greek "amethustos" meaning "not drunken" because the stone was thought to have prevented drunkenness
so I drew a... wine.. house..? xD Anyway I like this one a lot better than the first in terms of getting more across with less. ECONOMY
Ahh I had a hard time even getting the WIP done ^; I may scrap this but we'll see how I feel tomorrow!
Amethyst dragons are sturdy and strong. They represent tranquility and clarity.
This is the dragon in my Gemstones banner!
This mermaid is based on a squid and has her gemstone on her head because diamonds are associated with the mind.
Emerald dragons are playful and curious, which sometimes gets them into trouble with larger and impatient dragons. They represent youthfulness and energy.
Diamond dragons (like real diamonds) are very resilient and can headbutt their way through anything. They also wrap their wings around themselves as a shield. Due to their durability and strength they represent leadership and fearlessness.
Sapphire dragons are calmer than their ruby counterparts. Although they are also excellent flyers, they are more likely to be found resting on clouds and watching the world below. They represent relaxation and wisdom.
EMERALD MEADOW ZONE || PB ( I've been trying to catch back up with all the entries in the streak! I've been posting up work in progress ones as I go along. Thanks for being patient. I have to catch up one everyone's lovely entries)
Aquamarine dragons often come to the aid of lost sailors. At night their fins glow a soft sea green. They represent hope and empathy.
Since today was aquamarine, naturally I had to draw a mermaid! \(^o^)/ I'm happy with how the gem turned out today.
Pearl dragons are very delicate and gentle. They encourage oysters to create more pearls by planting grains of sand in as many as they can find. They represent purity and joy.
I tried to play with the feather to give them a solid structure to reflect the structure of Aquamarines. I used stabilo pens to outline the dove and later colored it in with colorpencils.
I really, really didn't know what to do for today and at the last minute I decided Steven Universe fanart. I've like, never even watched the show before lol
Took a breather today by doing a study of a diamond instead of a full picture. It took a few tries but I finally found a style I liked, so I'm happy with it now.