Have a busy schedule today so I gotta keep it short and sweet haha
Just played around with silhouette and color combinations :p
Time Spent: 57mins 34sec
Time: 30 min
Here is my day 1 practice! I found it hard to find colors to mesh properly and had good reusability. I'm happy with what I came up with.
Made a meter maid Judy Hops for today's challenge using today's Pixel Dailies theme, meter.
The first one took half an hour, I tried to simplify it into a tiny game character style. It was much difficult since there was so little space so I mainly focused on blocking out the bigger portions of the body and adding detail.
The second one was just a bigger one with an outline for fun :p
Time: 58mins 13secs
This took probably the longest at about 2+hrs haha. I did silhouettes and then tried to color in but found that I didn't budget enough colors for everything- definitely a learning experience
Had a busy day today so my brain kinda fried atm, can only come up with simple shapes :p
Creative juice kinda dried up, but doing simple exercises like these really helped me relax and kinda recharge myself
Time: 35min 39sec
Once again, just skipped over some steps here and there because I was late haha :p
Gonna go ahead and refine my sprites with resources I found online.
Time spent:45min 22secs
Light sources are always what I struggled with the most, so getting to practice this is nice. I put a drop shadow on the sphere but nothing else, I have a hard time quantifying those.
Time: 46 minutes
Oof ! Silhouettes are hard. I had a hard time with making the glove look ok (probably shouldn't have done it so tiny hahah)
55 min.
Never done this before, really fun to think about!
For future use I would probably add another blue and purplish palette as well as some really dark and light colors that ease the transitions between palettes, but I really dunno ^^
Time taken: 28 minutes
I'm not quite sure how to gauge how far away the light source is here. I feel like I had em all filled out pretty quickly, but then went back and fiddled with a bunch of individual pixels for a while until I got it in a position where I was happy with it
Had fun making some funky simple shapes. I tried to come up with ways of making something more complicated with just a few simple shapes too.
Curvy lines definitely need more attention for them to not look clunky and instead have a smooth finishing.
Time Spent: 33mins
This is actually my favorite part when working on pixel art.
Just simply fooling around with the colors to create a completely different texture or color mood is so much fun.
Time: 40mins 36sec
Bane of my existence still, but practice helps loads with revisiting the fundamentals of light and shadow. :/
Time spent: 35mins
Time spent: 1 hour 48 minutes
I take a loooong time with things but I started my time from when opened aseprite and started brain storming and my mind kind of wanders and I was jumping between what would feel right trying to stick to a size but I went from the largest down to the smallest being 16x16 and used 5 colors (i was trying for 3 initially but i got frustrated LMAO)
I was going for something like a player character that was going to be holding something but they ended up doing a little strut with a kind of villainous feel
I sound really goofy for taking a while but trying to make something so small and convey a specific idea can be VERY tough!
If anyone is still in progress don't be shy about taking a little while on your work!
That being said I hope this doesn't look to weird because I didn't realize using the grid would make life a little bit easier (thats under the "View" tab >Grid > Grid Settings)
Not going to lie, after all these years lighting is still my Achilles heel.
Reflection and refraction make the brain go brrrrrrrrrr...... Xp
Time spent: 47mins 22sec
Pretty happy with these overall but kinda hated myself for picking a tennis racket by the end.
Time: 59 minutes