Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Experience gained and I certainly leveled up! Thanks to everyone who participated and the instructors!
Updated my sprites, especially the horse.
Thanks again for the feedback and criticism of my work. I've really enjoyed taking this course and learning along with everyone here! I've been impressed by everyone's work so be sure to keep it up and I can't wait to see what everyone keeps creating.
Time Taken: 1 hour 10 minutes
I'll be honest, I was very worried after I posted last night and read what today's assignment was that my sprites were too small to really be 'rendered' and have much of an effect. I'm happy to report though that shortly after working on this today I felt much better about it and realized how much of an impact it could make even on smallish sprites. I really had a lot of fun with this in picking the colours and trying to make best use of the limited pixels to really define the shapes of the characters.
I made a few decisions that I'd ask for feedback on specifically. First is changing the colour of the outline where the light is brightest, and perhaps if I should have added a mid tone? Secondly I wasn't sure (especially where these characters aren't in an environment) if I should extend the shadow beyond what I included in yesterday's exercise. Do you think it looks strange or odd how that is shown?
I'm actually pretty happy about how these turned out overall but would certainly welcome some criticism or feedback on how these were done.
Time Spent: 50 minutes
Wow, this one took me a long time. I was distracted by kids and other things happening in the house but I spent over two hours on this one. Part of that was the horse as well, cause I was using pictures of real horses and trying to use them as a guide, I think it turned out okay.
My three pics are a coal miner, an oktoberfest girl, and a horse!
I was probably slightly liberal with my colour use, in that I used a colour and then a few shades of that colour in the sprite, but overall I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
Wow, that one took some time. Using that many colours and trying to consider the angles and intensity of the light took a lot of concentration. Pretty happy with how it turned out though in the end. Certainly the longest I have spent on a lesson yet.
Time: 1:40 minutes
Once again a lot of fun to choose colours and try different curves. I did try some hue variations but didn't end up with anything I was a fan of so kept this one more basic in the end.
About 30 minutes on this one
Thank you for the feedback, the video was great and I enjoyed the constructive criticism of the work I had done.
I enhanced each of the objects with the feedback and played around with some of the shapes and curves to try and make them a bit more smooth.
On an unrelated note I accidentally discovered that you can set the zoom level with the number keys and that made this session go much faster as I could zoom in and out with ease.
Here is today's exercise. I'm excited to see everyone's interpretation of the shapes and the shading cause I know for myself I could go several ways for the body especially depending on how you imagine how it is shaped.
Started my clock a little late, but spent about 45 minutes on this one.
This one felt more difficult than the others. Some shapes I added shadows too and others I didn't. I'm not sure that I did a fantastic job honestly, but I'm interested to keep working on this for sure.
Time: 56 min
It was neat to be able to use the palettes from yesterday and see how they actually work, or don't on objects.
Time: 35 minutes
This was a lot more enjoyable than I initially thought it would be. I had fun playing with the curves and the different effects it could provide compared to the vertical shift. Hues were especially fun and I experimented a lot with those, some not very successfully initially, but I think I worked them out in the end.
Time: 42 minutes
Pretty happy with these overall but kinda hated myself for picking a tennis racket by the end.
Time: 59 minutes
I felt this one went pretty smooth until the triangle then it felt like I was struggling a bit. I adjusted the original image in mine while hiding the yellow then brought it back to compare after the fact.
The original lines were just general outlines I was trying to convey of things around me.
Time: 51 minutes
joined 1,167 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 14