Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Since I messed up and took a rest day yesterday, I had to play catch-up today.
My challenge for the day:
I added squats to my list, so now I can't forget!!
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Completed my challenge for the day:
Rest! :)
Completed my challenge for the day:
It's my first day trying a counter-balance air squat for this challenge. It's like the first week's squat, but in the air instead of over a chair.
Completed my challenge for the day:
Since today was supposed to be my rest day but I already took it, I have to keep keepin on.
Completed my challenge for the day (which I was supposed to do yesterday):
Behind a day.
Completed my challenge for the day (which I was supposed to do yesterday):
I forgot and took a rest day today instead of Sunday. :/
Completed my challenge for the day:
Rest! :)
Completed my challenge for the day:
daily from
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