Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
You are a brave adventurer who has been cursed by an ancient evil, descend down a series of floors below the surface of a mystic world to end your curse.
This is a rogue style game, with turn based combat against hundreds of unique enemies. Each floor consists of a one fight encounter using turn based combat, you gain experience and loot after each victory, potentially finding rare weapons or armour, and occasionally a new spell/attack.
You must adventure through as many floors as you can until you inevitably die. On death you keep rare items, and your current level/experience, basic gear and items are lost however. The goal is to progress further and further each time after death, achievable by the levels you have gained and the rare items you have collected. Explore the many themed layers below ground until the hero can finally reach the a final boss room and escape the cycle of death which haunts them.
As you progress through floors of the game, the theme changes, new types of monsters will emerge (keeping to the themes), including a change in music and art E.g. Icy fissure -> Jungle depths -> Crystal caverns -> Molten chasm.
The progression should be noticeable to the player and should feel rewarded as the game is played through.
Game features
Inspired atmospheres / themes from
'Our War' is an interactive drama survival horror game, that has you play and decide the story of a group of friends who find themselves stuck in a war.
The game starts off by introducing the characters and the scene to the player in a friendly environment, to show the controls, mechanics and how the game works.
At different chapters of the game the player will control a particular characters, and have to make choices that heavily influence the outcome of the game. Choices will have to be made in terms of, player interactions with one another, and interactions with the world and environment.
Game play include- Interactive button sequences, stealth mechanics, third person shooting.
In an un-specific country, a group of friends have met up for the weekend before they start their road trip down the country. However before they leave on their trip, a tragity happens close by, an explosion from a far followed by the sound of planes overhead. War has begun and the urge to survive kicks in.
Try to get every character through this tragity will be a tough mission, filled with touching moments and jaw dropping events. The theme of the game itself is not for all, and is recommended for a mature audience.
Gameplay heavily influenced by the latest title 'Until dawn' and mixed with the incredible story 'Tomorrow when the war began'.
Play the role of a lone heroine, the last living legacy of her people, who were mercilessly slaughtered by a race filled with selfish hatred, and greed.
Partake in a touching and deep journey, as Lyriea discovers the truth behind the death of her people. Carrying the power of an entire race, Lyriea seeks vengeance on the villains who caused so much pain.
The two main focus points on 'Vengeance' are
-The Deep, and tragic story line that will make the player truly feel for the protagonist, taking part in this touching story.
-The free will and opportunity to choose any form of combat the player likes, for their play through of the game.
With a string of pearls styled storyline, the player will progress through a story line, that is altered by the choices they make about themselves.
Lyriea, still young, may choose any form of vengeance she likes. The powers of magic, darkness, nature, the sword, the bow, the elements.
In this action game, you will be given the choice to evolve Lyrieas skills in many different forms, and what you choose will only grow stronger and evolve as you play through the story. Each choice may change aspects and outcomes of the game.
Gameplay- Combat will be specific to how you have evolved the protagonist. The aim for combat being more about the experience and enjoyment, rather than skill. However the game itself will increase in difficulty to keep the player in flow, the story being why they push so hard to achieve through the game.
Designed to be experience on PS4 and Xbox1, aimed and recommended for mature audience.
Do you enjoy digging? Collecting all in the earth that shines and sparkles? Of course you do!
But field work is dirty and very hands on. Which isn't appealing to all!
Welcome to Dusty's school of MineralMancy! Learn the secret art of MineralMancy, control the rocks stones and minerals in the earth without even touching them. Become a master at this sorcery, it will rock! MineralMancy will Steel your attention entirely, with hours of fun gameplay in a fun puzzle themed game.
The ground is filled with a whole collection of minerals, gems and exciting shiny collectibles! You just gotta collect em!
In your own digsite, you are free to prospect as you wish! Each part of land can be a select able puzzle, and as you finish digs, you will unlock more puzzles. Dig deeper and deeper until you get to the earths core!
Gameplay- The puzzle game will be similar in style to popular games such as Bejeweled. But with MUCH more shiny prizes and a wider array of sparkling loot! However unlike the generic swap style of these games, as a powerful MineralMancer you will have access to a variety of spells to rearrange the rocks and minerals in your levels!
Unlocking new spells as you progress through the game.
Rock'n'roll - Rotate 4 minerals in a square.
Dusty Drag - move an entire row or column across.
Steel it - Remove a mineral from existence, dropping anything above it down by one.
And much more.
With a wide variety of game modes. Such as deep digging, endless gameplay. To Times digs, where rocks are not replenished from the top of the screen. Treasure mode, where you must try and obtain the required amount of points in a certain amount of moves. The possibilities are endless.
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Galaxy wars is a unique take on the MMO stratergy genre.
You own your own planet to build and upgrade a settlement on. Your planet is one of the millions in your galaxy, all of which are nice and cozy. You will be free to rotate around the entire planet, building what you want, where ever you want.
Galaxy wars has two unique features which makes it appealing to most gamers.
-Free ability to build on your planet, over time get every building, upgrade them all to the maximum level, and make your planet the most efficient, aesthetically pleasing fortress in the galaxy.
-Intergalactic combat! The buildings on your planet will produce units for you to send into battle. When you have accumulated enough units, you may go to war with another player! With real time combat, group and mobilise your space fleet in combat. Direct them all in one battle screen. The victor gains the spoils of war!
Your world- Over time accumulate the resources required to buy a various array of buildings. These resources are gained through buildings that will be given to you at the start of the game, such as a space rock quarry and a martian gold mine. The buildings you may purchase will give a number of benefits for you. Such as a higher income of resources. Access to high level buildings. Aesthetic buildings and structures. Buildings to produce a wide array of combat space ships, each with weaknesses and strengths. Some will be expensive, some will be cheap.
All buildings and units will be up gradable to allow for a large amount of gameplay experience.
Combat- When you have an army amassed, you can search for enemies to fight. In 1v1 combat each player will have their armies on either side of an overhead map. Players then drag and drop over the units to select them, then direct their path of flight. There will be a single button to press that will apply for all fights. Selected units will travel where directed. And will only fire on enemy crafts if in range and if not moving. The button, when pressed will stop the movement of all selected crafts.
Compared to incremental games like clash of clans but giving the players more freedom in their building. As well as alot more non combat content to enjoy. The battle system makes the player feel more included and takes their own skill into matter rather than leaving the majority of combat to RNG.
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The Gods of Olympus do get bored from time to time, so the grand Olympus Olympics were announced!
Whats better way to spend time than an overpowered battle between immortal beings, doing mortal sports!
Just like in the Olympic games, there is an event for every included sport. The participants being each of the olypian gods, such as Zues, Apollo, Hermes, Hades, Hera, etc.
This game is intended to be a party game, played with your friends. Not to be taken too seriously, all for fun and laughs. Each playable god will be overpowered in their own ways, having unique interactions at each different sport. E.g. The Javelin toss. Zues may decide to throw his lightning bolt instead which could go good or bad, Poseidon may throw his trident, and get it caught on another javelin.
The appeal to the game is the amount of craziness, and hilarious interactions between each god, to the sport, and to other gods. Combinations of different gods participating will have different effects on each other in particular sports.
Being a party game, the game play will be among a max group of 4 players, where you select a god to play, and are put into a random sport event. The controls for all the events will be clearly displayed before the round begins. And will be easy enough to learn off the bat. There will be no mastering of complex mechanics. Only hit and miss with funny out comes.
With a large amount of playable characters, playable sports, and the entirety of all the different interactions between the gods and sports. The game should be fun for hours of game play at a time, and perfect for group play sessions.
Strawberry apples!? Yellow flavored Oranges!? Pineapple berries!?!?
In this world, full of fruit farmers the world comes to your company for the next big and exciting thing. Unlock any ordinary fruit farmer you have no limit to your fruit arsenal. There is no telling how many different creations you will come up with in a year, and thats why you are the best!
Play as the magical fruit farmer. Little do the people know that you only have ordinary fruit seeds! The secret to your wonderful success is the magic soil you grow your trees, bushes and plants in. With a wide array of different magical soils, every plant seed will react differently when planted in each one. And when you mix soils even more wonderful things can happen!
Gameplay- Grow and build your second company from scratch. Starting with just a few seeds, and some magical soil. Get planting and find some new fruit!.
With mechanics to games such as farmville, plant crops in selected areas, choosing which soil and which seed to use.
With an interface to put seeds together, and soil together.
Successful new fruit gives you more income to fund the growth of your company and your orchard.
Increase the size of the orchard, with more room for different plants. Make your orchard as unique and beautiful looking as you want.
With thousands of fruit combinations to grow, and hundreds of different variations of product to make from your fruit. Knock out the sales each year with your innovative new creations!
Plants take time to grow and harvest, research too. So the game is designed to be played in short bursts while you wait. However, for the more professional gamer, there will be micro transactions to speed up the process!
Years ago the world plumeted into chaos when monsters began to awaken from underground. The world was taken by storm by these savage and feral creatures, civilization as we knew it burnt to the ground.
Many great heros took charge and drove the foul beasts back. Their numbers seemed to fall, but so did ours. We couldnt risk fighting anymore, too many were lost and man kind was on the brink of extinction.
Leaders around the world mustered the last of their forces and skilled builders to set up walls around the surviving cities of the world. These cities became mankind's safe havens and sanctuaries. The world began to stabilize, and we began to manage our resources well enough to live in these safe zones.
The world now looks to new heros, with a very specific job. The foundations of our lives so shattered there is no means of communication between the worlds sanctuaries. You are one of these legendary runners, dedicating your life for mankind to race between the worlds cities, and deliver the worlds most important information!
As the worlds most heroic messenger only you are brave enough to travel through the most dangerous environments known to man. Dodging monsters, traversing harsh conditions, and deifying death itself!
Gameplay- gameplay swaps between multiple perspectives and challanging gameplay types. The most common being the 2d sidescrolling perspective, jumping over obsticles and ducking under environment. When the camera swaps to overhead display allowing you to move your character to each side, monsters may chase you, charge at you or claw at you from the sides. The camera even swaps to first person view, allowing you to have nearly free choice in every direction. These different camera perspectives indicate the difficulty of the run.
You will be quested by the cities leaders to deliver messages to another city. The difficulty of each run varies, running between multiple cities to get to a destination might be safer, than taking a direct route there. So choose your runs carefully. The game is rogue style meaning when you die, your out of the game.
The objective of the game will be to deliver crucial message that will save the future of mankind. The game is not too long, but will ramp up difficulty as you progress.
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Clouds, with consciousness! As the spirit of clouds and rain, you take for form of all clouds, in the worlds sky. Life doesn't change much for you. Every so often the high council of nature decide when and who shall commit a national disaster. Not being picked very often.... you are always up to mischief!
'Rainy day, a month of evil' is a game where you commit acts of evil over the month for the happy town of Smileton. Always stuck up, far too happy for any sane person! Time to bring a little rain to the party!
Gameplay- the objective of the game is to do as much evil as you can each day in different parts of the town. With 31 different levels for 31 different days there is much evil to get up to.
Manage a set of clouds, highlight the cloud to cut parts out, and order them to move across the overhead map, if the cloud has water, it can rain! The more water in a cloud the heavier the rain. Send clouds over water to get rain, and try to manage your rain output. Sometimes the wind will be on your case, so you will have to re position your clouds at times. Watch carefully for great opportunities to get extra points! Buisness man getting ready for a meeting? He isnt going to be having a very good day mwuhahaha. Use thunder to frighten civilians! Make sure you watch out for wind blowing away umbrellas and strike!
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Dharrock, a powerful viking from an ancient time, loved and respected by his people, has gone missing. Frozen in a block of ice during the hunt of a great mammoth, Dharrock drifted timelessly through the frozen seas. Centuries past, before a lowly villager found the frozen vessel along the snowy shore.
Our village has been in dire need of a hero, warlords and bandits ruined our farms and threatened to burn down our home.... that was the day we found him. The body of a man frozen in ice. He must be blessed by the gods to have lived in that icy prison. In time he had come to terms with what had happened and stayed at our village.
Play as Dharrock, and adventure this new land you have been bought to. Protect the villagers that aided you, and once again become a legendary hero beloved by all those who are oppressed by this nation of cruel warlords.
Gameplay- The game is an open world action role playing game that can be compared the the beauty and adventure of games such as Oblivion and Skyrim.
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Shields up is a super fun arcade game that is appropriate for all ages and should be appealing highly to players who like music and a bit of sleight of hand.
Play as a group of heroic adventurers from across the lands, all with a unique trait and set of lore and awesome quotes. The game is musical, and can be compared to games such as 'Tap tap mania' or 'Bit trip beat'. Progress through a uniquely depicted story line with your hero's, interacting with the musical aspects of the game as you do. The music and the environment tells the story as you progress.
Gameplay- The game is a 2d side scroller where your heros march through the land. The background / scenery and the ground will move, your players will be stationary on the screen as they all march / run.
Like bit trip beat, musical notes that will be depicted interactively, will come from the right side of the screen and towards your hero's. There will be multiple types of musical notes in two ways. First of all, each hero can counter each type of musical note. Meaning you must swap between the heros as you go. Marching in a line, the hero at the front will be dealing with the notes, and by pressing the hotkey for another hero will swap them out to the front. Some of the notes will have to be clicked by the player, and some will just require you to move your hero up and down by jumping.
One of the heros is the shield warden! A young woman who bares her shield with pride. She can reflect notes off her shield and shoot projectiles from her shield to intercept notes. All the heros will have unique abilities, stories and themes. Making micro transactions a good installment to the game for additional heros.
The game is a relaxing adventure for players who like music and enjoy in depth lore. The game play can be set to different difficulty for the more experienced players who enjoy the skill based challenge, while casual modes will be more suited for the players who enjoy the adventure.
As a major add on to the game, many heros from across the land may have join your adventures, like popular protagonists from different games people know and love (If allowed by their respective owners). Your own music may be added for custom game play, and players may also have the option to create their own levels if they wish!
Have you ever thought about a career that will put your art right out there in the world? Want to get recognized and loved for your work?
Then dont play this game!
Play as an aspiring young tattoo artist, regretfully with no history of artistic talent, your not the best suited for this job.... but your customers dont know that!!
But when you get to drinking, your talent and skills are unleashed! You can draw to your hearts desire! There is one catch, your hands may be a biiiiit shakey and wobbley.
The objective of the game is ink your customers as best you can. Luckily in your drunken state your artistical talent is flowing, so you can see an outline of the desired tattoo on your customers skin. And the customer will tell you what colours they like the best while your drawing. So keep an ear out!.
The controls are not for the feint of heart. The movement of your hand/wrist can be controlled by the position of the mouse, the rotation of your wrist by the scroll wheel. And to get inking, click the mouse. Your going to have to pick up and put down the tattoo gun, to pick up wet wipes for the customers skin. You will have to do this every 20 seconds of inking you do, so make your time count!. Your fingers and thumb are controlled by Q,W,E,R,T.
The fun of this game should come from making mistakes and the interactions and outcomes that follow them. Apart from the punishing play style of the game, its more for a laugh than to be creating actual art! So dont feel bad about your wobbley drawings. Post your favorite drawings online for the community to see, and have fun.
An amusing and very fun game for IOS and PC.
You play as an aspiring young chef who has opened his store in the belly of the beast. Your fresh meat out here! But nothing will stop you from accomplishing your dream, of becoming the ultimate chef!
The growth and knowledge of your cooking skills is unlimited!
Customers will approach your store, and ask you for a specific meal. Never having made this meal before, you immediatly get to work in your kitchen . Being such an amazing and fast chef, to the customer you wont be gone longer than 10 minutes! Justifies the length of time a player may spend in the kitchen and when not playing.
Game play-
Depending on the size of your store, you will have access to a bunch of indigence types. Meat, Vegetables, Spices, Fruit, Sauces, Drinks. And a selection of cooking stations such as, pan, pot, deep fryer, Oven, Bbq, microwave.
To discover a recipe, open the indigence interfaces, drag and drop anything into the cooking station of your choice. If the indigence don't mix together, no worries there is no penalty. But if the majority of the indigence match without any irregularities, voilà! You just made a new a meal! That meal will then be put into your ultimate cook book. And your always free to remake any of your old recipes too! Your store grows the more you complete your cook book, and you will slowly become the most popular store in town!
You will find similar mechanics in games such as Doodle god, dragging and dropping multiple 'elements' to create a completely new element.
The game is not a timed, intensely fast paced cooking game, where a player completes orders, orders, orders under a time limit.
Rather, it is a fun and exciting sandbox where you can make nearly every combination of meal you can think of, filling out the worlds best cook book page by page. When a customer asks for a specific meal, it will be one you have not learnt. This mechanic is to tell the player that 'this' is a possible meal to make, i should make it. This hint system makes the came feel more immersive rather than having an interface pop up, giving you a direct hint.
An example of gameplay- Your latest customer asks you to make chicken burritos. In your kitchen, from the vegetable tab drag and drop lettuce and carrot into the cooking area, from the breads tab, a flour wrap, and from the meats tab, chicken. Wahoo, you made a chicken burrito! If you look in your cook book you can view your marvelous creation, which depicts mouth watering art, and the indigence you can use to remake it.
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A game made for Playstation, Xbox and Pc. The game is a party mode game, most enjoyed with all your friends.
Max players of 5, 'I wanna be the ninja' is a 2d platformer game where you compete against your friends to reach and complete objectives.
Game controls, characters can move in all direction and double jump. There are two weapon slots, the majority of the time will be throwing weapon, and melee slash. You also have a quick dash button that can be used in any direction to evade or to move faster. The final button will be to interact with something, this will depend on what game mode your in and what your interacting with.
There are two main sets of game styles, the first being a free for all, where all players play as ninjas competing for an objective, the other style is that one single person plays as the ninja, either in secret or all players will know.
When all players are ninjas, the game is a free for all. There are multiple maps and each map can be one of many objectives. Much like Heros of the storm having their maps have different themes and side objectives/mechanics.
Some game mode can be, the person to hold the flag for 1 minute wins, players fight for the flag and try hold it for as long as they can, in a free for all arena, another game might be free for all ninja basketball, players race to get the basketball and take it off the other players, trying to score the highest before time runs out.
Where as when only one player is the ninja some of the game mode can be- A 1v4, where the ninja is overpowered and must be bought down. Or it could be a hidden ninja, where no player knows who the ninja is, all players having the same appearance.
In this party game there will be a huge amount of game modes creating a ton of content for players and friends to experiment and have fun with.
Game themes and gameplay style inspired by 'N+'
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Harbor master is a fun IOS game designed for players who are constantly on the go, with only little time in between their busy lives. However it is deigned to entice the player into playing for long periods of time.
The aim of the game is to provide a long lasting amount of game play that is not entirely reliant on full dedication to playing the game.
While including micro transactions for serious players who want to get things done faster.
On the newly discovered island of 'Your island Name' you are the appointed harbor master, in charge of the entire dock! Your the boss of all the merchants, shops and ships on the islands coast.
You have the power to do the following-
Expand your dock along the coast line, to dock more ships, the hold more merchants and civilians, as well as make space for stalls and markets on the dock itself. Improve the structure of your docks, build unique landmarks to attract people from other lands as well as from your own island. Erect a lighthouse on the coast, make a fishing platform, and even make watch towers by the harbor entrance. Each building and upgrade you invest in benefits you in multiple ways such as increase population, and popularity as well as increased security and stability.
Create new markets and buildings to the dock and coastal area, such as a fish market to sell food and fishing equipment. Also buildings and workers for the production of ships and boats to use for your men, or to sell to anyone wishing to buy.
Once you have a large variety of ships that you command, such as merchant ships, patrol boats, transport ships and even battleships and destroyers. You may itemize and modify the ships and crews to your taste, and send ships off on mission, or jobs.
Three main interface tabs will be used for gameplay- The first being a currency tab, showing your resources, what buildings and ships you have. The second being what you can build, and new things you can produce, each clearly displaying what is required. The third tab is the interface for each building, ship and anything that you can control. Such as sending ships to battle, sending trading ships and agreeing on trades with civilians and with others from across the sea.
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An inspired incremental game made just for those people who love massing resources and money, buying upgrades and shiny new things.
Hoarder will be available on steam for when your at home, and to have open in the background. However it will also be available for IOS for when your away from your computer, or in bed etc.
Like other games people are addicted to, such as Cookie clicker, and Clicker heros. You will start off with just the ability to harvest Gold from a gold mine, but also have the ability to harvest wood from the forest. Each click of the goldmine or forest area, grants one gold, or lumber. With 10 gold and 10 lumber the player can make an axe or pickaxe, to increase the resources gained per click. Upgrading their pickaxe/axe again with another 50 of each resource they can now gain 5 resource per click! With 100 wood make yourself a small farm, providing +1 'food' (enough food income to feed one person regularly) . With one food, and some more resources, buy a lodge to house one worker. The worker can be assigned to work in multiple places, he can mine or cut wood!
Over time amass more workers to provide steady income of resources, and build more buildings! Buy a lumber mill and a masonry to unlock more buildings, and resources! Assign workers to the lumber mill to produce planks, and to the masonry to produce bricks.
With these new resource incomes, continue to build new buildings. House more people, upgrade your buildings and tools.
Make weapons, and turn workers into warriors bring you back meat from beasts! With better weapons and armor, make better warriors who will fight monsters for awesome loot.
The objective of this game is to intrigue the player by letting them discover new content as they progress, drawing them in to keep playing so they can discover what they unlock next. At certain points of the game content will completely evolve to ensure the player is hooked. An example is the point where the game goes from gathering, where workers can only be assigned to gather resources, to where you can unlock weapons and armor, unlocking combat jobs where your workers over time bring back loot from hunting beasts and fighting monsters.
The armies of the devil himself, sit at the doorstep of the greatest city known to man, 'Edenia'. Being the beacon of mankind, if Edenia were to fall the world of man would surely follow.
As the commanding general of Edenia's forces you have taken it apon yourself to lead the charge and repel the forces of evil that threaten mankind.
Gameplay includes three main features-
Setting up defensive structures around the entrances of the city, to repel the attacking invaders or slow them down.
Take the fight to the front lines, battle the forces of hell with your soldiers.
Defeat Satan's generals, which will erase all the forces they command, with each boss defeated brings you close to Satan himself.
Defense- Erect structures at key points around Edenia, at each entrance to the city you may build offensive towers, to attack any demons that assault the city, Mage towers, archer towers, Crossbowmen, cannons, ballistas. You may build walls to slow down these attackers, or build dents in the land to slow them down. Invest in upgrading each of these towers to increase effectiveness making it easier to defend the city.
Attack- You may choose to move your forces out to attack the enemy directly, providing you with income and experience. Use your money to upgrade your soldiers, and provide yourself with more units to help attack, and prepare for the Demon boss.
Bosses- Once you feel your forces are strong enough, fight through hordes of hellish monsters to take out the demonic boss, defeating him will be a tough task, and you should only attempt this when well prepared. When you win, all of the demonic forces will be wiped out, but soon later another one of the Devil's commanders will bring another army. Each subsequent boss and their armies, will be tougher and more rewarding to fight.
Gameplay- All this happens in real time. Which means your city may be assaulted at any time, so choose wisely when you wish to leave your base and fight the enemy head on. Upgrading units towers and purchasing any new features happens instantly, so players must only manage where they place their forces. After a boss is defeated there will be a large reward, including bonuses, new units and structures, and upgrade to your player. There will also be a nice time gap between the next forces of hell, so they may rest after a challenging fight.
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A 2d platformer heavily inspired by 'I wanna be the guy/boshi'
The game revolves around the player completing a simple 2d level, from a start point to a finish point. But once they reach the end through simple means of player movement. They discover they are put back to the start of the level.
Slightly confused, a player will surely repeat their last course of actions, moving to the exit. But this time, they will be met with a block that falls in front of the player. Not being able to move anywhere due to this obstacle, the player will discover the jump button, jumping over the block to the exit. Once they reach the exit, once again they are put at the start, and one again the same thing happens, and a new obsticle/interaction will be introduced to the player.
Each time you complete the level, you will start to notice that from an empty room, the level is slowly turning into a slightly frustrating maze that tests your memory, and skill.
The first level relatively simple introduces all the mechanics to the player in a way where they are not being taught at all. The following levels get harder and harder, as players master the game, the difficulty increases to keep flow.
The game will begin to get frustrating in the higher levels putting the higher skilled players to the test. The game using intentional frustration to motivate the player through the difficulty of the game, relateable to games like dark souls and I wanna be the guy.
You have probably one of the worst cases of insomnia known to man kind! Yes, you have been cursed with the eternal sleepiness!
There is not a moment in the day where you are not sleepy!
However at night, you must remain awake at all times. To do so! You must get the required amount of sleep during the day!
BUT OH NO!!! You have a daily routine to take care of, such as school! And work! But none the less you must succeed. Or face the consequences.
During the day, your character will automatically go about his daily routine. BUT being the day time, you are VERY sleepy!
The challenge: Get the required amount of sleep during your daily routine, without anyone of importance noticing. For if you are noticed, you will be in BIG TROUBLE.
Game play- You must find a balance between sleep and work. You will have two bars on your screen. One at the top depicting how much total sleep you must acquire, while at the bottom will be a different bar called the 'Drowsiness bar' This bar will constantly fill its way up to the end, and when it reaches the end you will fall fast asleep into a deep sleep for the rest of the day, which means BEING CAUGHT! So it is important you keep this bar from filling up.
How? By closing your eyes for short periods of time will rest you slightly. Use this rest for times when you are under the eyes of important people. This will slowly deplete the 'Drowsiness' bar. However if you keep your eyes closed for too long you will also deep asleep, so only use this for short amounts of time. This is your best ability because you are unlikely to be called out on this!
Another ability you possess is the 'Short Nap' Make your self inconspicuous and take a short nap for a time of 5-15 minutes! You must only use this if you are certain nobody will catch you in the following time. This will get you a large chunk of your total sleep. But its risky!
Unlock awesome abilities and items to help you sleep!
-Eyes open glasses! (Glasses with a pair of open eyes covering them! Nobody will even know your napping!)
-Eye drops! (Your Drowsiness bar will fill up slower)
-Gr8 M8 (Your #1 bro by your side will keep an eye out for you while you have a snooze!)
-POWER NAP (Same effectiveness of a Short nap, while only taking half the time!)
Can you survive!?!?
Fresh out of highschool, you need a job and fast! Where else to turn in such dire emergency, than the fast food industry!
How hard could it be! Take some orders , make some food, give it to the customer! Pffff couldn't be easier... Right?
Day 1!
Morning, you have ONE HOUR to have EVERYTHING READY! GOOOOOOO!
-Thrown in deep you must do the following within the time limit!
-With no instructions, you must figure out the distinct task at hand! Good luck!
Prep all the ingredients! Cut tomatos! Drain pickles! Find everything from the shelves and fridge!
Clean the tables, Clean the counter, CLEAN EVERYTHING
Lunch time, you have THREE HOURS to serve EVERY customer! GOOOOOOO!
-Crunch time. Serve all the customers, make all the food correctly
-You should know where everything is now, cook my son!
This SICK twist on the fast food industry must have you trembling in fear by now.
The game is played from first person view, requiring you to control the camera to take note of everything around you, you dont want to miss an order, and you dont want to let anything burn.
The gameplay should be easy to figure out, interacting between yourself and the customers, the food and the store itself. None the less, everything you must do by yourself, which makes this game a challenging struggle for the player.
The majority of negative outcomes that occur should be viewed as a funny interaction, rather than a demoralizing defeat.
Levels increase in difficulty, introducing small new mechanics for each new level.
Play three levels for four different types of fast food stores.-
Burger joint-
Sub store-
Fried Chicken-
As a boy, you have always dreamed of becoming a wizard! Nothing lit your eyes up like the concept of magic, mysteries and spells.
And now you've done it! As of today you are the apprentice of the Great and Powerful Wizard, known as Tim!.... yes.... Tim...
All your dreams are coming true, what wonders await you in this new life journey you are set on! Oh so many spells, magics, the awesome robes! The shiny glowing books, scrolls with the strange glyphs! Everything!!
However, on your first day, the day you are to report to your new master Tim... Entering the strange temple of which he resides... it is empty. The place is a mess, books shredded and papers everywhere! Desks and chairs broken, paintings torn down, ink spilled everywhere. Not a wizard in sight!
Tim has been kidnapped! And you are going to save him!!... But how? You have yet to learn anything.... Ah-ha! There, a staff with a small glass stone adorned on the top, that will do! And next to it, this old dusty book seems to be intact! Now all you need is.... Of course! Robes, there behind that surviving cabinet.
Now your ready! Staff and book in hand, adorned with robes of grey, off you go into the world to save Tim!
-The Arcanium is a story game, about the strange and amusing adventure of a young apprentice, searching for his master. Travel across the lands, and befriend all sorts of different people. Complete small quests, and helping those around you. Slowly but surely becoming a beloved wizard to all.
This game is about the fun of playing with small magic. Of course the spells you may learn early on will appear to have little use. But as you get into all sorts of qwerky, and strange situations... They may just come in handy.
This is not a game about fireballs and big blasts of magic. Rather the simple and delicate sides of a magician, the little things that most overlook.
Unlock spells as you progress through this world, writing them down in your Arcanium (your book). Interact with the people you meet along your journey, some may require help from you. And with the knowledge and small secrets you know, your the man for the job. They may even reward you with scrolls, which you understand as a spell.
Slide your way out of sticky situations with your cunning intellect.
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But nice game idea! Turn-based combat, Reincarnating, Epic Loot, OH MY HEART~