Submissions by MarkCroucher tagged food

An amusing and very fun game for IOS and PC.

You play as an aspiring young chef who has opened his store in the belly of the beast. Your fresh meat out here! But nothing will stop you from accomplishing your dream, of becoming the ultimate chef!

The growth and knowledge of your cooking skills is unlimited!

Customers will approach your store, and ask you for a specific meal. Never having made this meal before, you immediatly get to work in your kitchen . Being such an amazing and fast chef, to the customer you wont be gone longer than 10 minutes! Justifies the length of time a player may spend in the kitchen and when not playing.

Game play-

Depending on the size of your store, you will have access to a bunch of indigence types. Meat, Vegetables, Spices, Fruit, Sauces, Drinks. And a selection of cooking stations such as, pan, pot, deep fryer, Oven, Bbq, microwave.
To discover a recipe, open the indigence interfaces, drag and drop anything into the cooking station of your choice. If the indigence don't mix together, no worries there is no penalty. But if the majority of the indigence match without any irregularities, voilà! You just made a new a meal! That meal will then be put into your ultimate cook book. And your always free to remake any of your old recipes too! Your store grows the more you complete your cook book, and you will slowly become the most popular store in town!

You will find similar mechanics in games such as Doodle god, dragging and dropping multiple 'elements' to create a completely new element.

The game is not a timed, intensely fast paced cooking game, where a player completes orders, orders, orders under a time limit.
Rather, it is a fun and exciting sandbox where you can make nearly every combination of meal you can think of, filling out the worlds best cook book page by page. When a customer asks for a specific meal, it will be one you have not learnt. This mechanic is to tell the player that 'this' is a possible meal to make, i should make it. This hint system makes the came feel more immersive rather than having an interface pop up, giving you a direct hint.

An example of gameplay- Your latest customer asks you to make chicken burritos. In your kitchen, from the vegetable tab drag and drop lettuce and carrot into the cooking area, from the breads tab, a flour wrap, and from the meats tab, chicken. Wahoo, you made a chicken burrito! If you look in your cook book you can view your marvelous creation, which depicts mouth watering art, and the indigence you can use to remake it.

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