Was having a look at some loopers in VCVrack this week. Will probably do more glitchy looping stuff in the future no doubt.

Vim - 02 - Lovely Picture Of Your Area.mp36.8mb

More submissions by vim for Weekly Music 2025

Lots of old stuff in boxes somewhere, degrading.

Vim - 08 - In A Box Somewhere.mp35.6mb

Glitchy, indoorsy sort of tune this week. Very hard to mix and master, these.

Vim - 07 - Framlents.mp33.0mb

Having a go at some driving krautrock-style beats that sort of sound like a more synthetic version of Simple Headphone Mind by Stereolab. Maybe a little too compressed, can never get these things right, but it does sound really solid to me and frankly that's what counts.

EDIT: I re-rendered it and did a bit of work . Obviously if you didn't hear the original you won't hear the difference, but just saying.

Vim - 06 - Built-Up Environment.mp38.2mb

Hectic week so rather rushed this, and I really would have liked to start this sooner as it has some nice sounds in it, plus I love tricky drums which you can do really well in a tracker. Could have left this until next week but nah, discipline!

Vim - 05 - Relaxation.mp32.9mb

Missed last week as I was having a nice long weekend away, and this week has been hectic,.

I didn't have time to put the percussion I wanted on this, maybe later.

Anyway, After a lot of VCVrack recently I am going back to my main love: Renoise.

Vim - 04 - The Future Was Meant To Be Great.mp35.6mb

More VCVrack with loopers, not sure about the percussion, the polyrhythm module I was using kept losing time.

May not be a track next week as I'm away but we'll see.

Vim - 03 - Slippery Noises.mp34.5mb

Back for another year, starting off with some spooky ambient made with VCVRack. I love the software but haven't figured out good ways to get well-mastered output from it, so you get some mad frequencies now and again. Still, I'm quite happy with this one.

Vim - 01 - A Building Glimpsed Through Early-Morning Fog.mp38.7mb

Weekly Music 2025

Write, record, and upload a new piece of music every week.

joined 10 weeks ago