I added a sandy beach around the edges of the screen, some collisions there, a beach ball, and some shells and sand dollars on the beach

I also switched to the compatibility renderer so that I can make a web export and had to mess with the water shader a bit to get it to look alright again


More submissions by PossiblyAxolotl for Daily Fishposting

I finished and published my game yesterday, but I thought I'd write something here https://logs.possiblyaxolotl.com/logview/?log=fish I think that's how a postmortem works, idk, look at it if you'd like :)

I finished my fish game! Huge amount of work again today, I:

  • made a song for the game
  • found and made sound effects
  • created a basic "AI" algorithm for the opponent fish
  • created a win sequence
    (see video below)

I'm super proud of how this came out, might even say it's one of the best looking games I've made

It's out at https://possiblyaxolotl.itch.io/fishball


I think I got a pretty good amount of work done today!
I made a title screen and info screen for the game, and found the Sokpop font (Mini Waku Waku) which looks super good in my game
I also added score counters, a transition, and made somewhat of a gameloop, even if it's still missing stuff right now. Super proud of how this game looks and I'm really excited to try and get a fish AI working for singleplayer


Sadly didn’t have a huge amount of time to work today, mainly finished off another project (finally)

I did start working on adding nets to my fish soccer game and I’m also planning on writing some crappy algorithm / ai for the fish tomorrow

Today I made a water shader all on my own (which I've never done before) and while it's a little wonky at times, I think it looks pretty nice. I also lowered the resolution of the game and mostly messed with visual things. Now I have no choice but to actually work on the game tomorrow


Didn't do too much today, but I did make some fish that swim when you press A & D and tried making a shader for the lighting


Daily Fishposting

Share your progress on your FishFest game daily

daily from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-09