Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Today I made a water shader all on my own (which I've never done before) and while it's a little wonky at times, I think it looks pretty nice. I also lowered the resolution of the game and mostly messed with visual things. Now I have no choice but to actually work on the game tomorrow
Hello fish people!
I just wanted to say that I'm genuinely amazed with how well FishFest did, and how many people were so engaged in this daily streak. It's really cool to see and I'd really like to do some sort of sequel eventually. For now though, I just wanted to leave a note here for anyone poking around, just to let you know that the winning game is actually coming to Steam! This is really cool, you can check it out here.
Congrats to ItellaItella and Justin1L8 again for winning, this is really awesome.
I finished and published my game yesterday, but I thought I'd write something here I think that's how a postmortem works, idk, look at it if you'd like :)
I finished my fish game! Huge amount of work again today, I:
I'm super proud of how this came out, might even say it's one of the best looking games I've made
It's out at
I think I got a pretty good amount of work done today!
I made a title screen and info screen for the game, and found the Sokpop font (Mini Waku Waku) which looks super good in my game
I also added score counters, a transition, and made somewhat of a gameloop, even if it's still missing stuff right now. Super proud of how this game looks and I'm really excited to try and get a fish AI working for singleplayer
Sadly didn’t have a huge amount of time to work today, mainly finished off another project (finally)
I did start working on adding nets to my fish soccer game and I’m also planning on writing some crappy algorithm / ai for the fish tomorrow
I added a sandy beach around the edges of the screen, some collisions there, a beach ball, and some shells and sand dollars on the beach
I also switched to the compatibility renderer so that I can make a web export and had to mess with the water shader a bit to get it to look alright again
Didn't do too much today, but I did make some fish that swim when you press A & D and tried making a shader for the lighting
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@TheCurryGod “So Beautiful” by tv room
@Beebster it’s Godot’s shading language which I believe is very similar to GLSL
That is an EXCELLENT job. Did you use GLSL or some adaption of that?
What's the song? I need to know
That's Gorgeous! Keep it up, I'm very excited to see where this goes.