Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
As my mind continues to bounce between ideas I decided to play around with making a randomized tile map with a player object that can move from tile to tile with WASD. FFT was stuck in my head today and it kept throwing the logic at me to do this, so I had to sit down and type it out. It's a nice start to having a tile-based game prototype to pull from later if I need to.
Gonna have to post a no-picture update tonight. I was working with getting some A* pathfinding integrated, but was side-tracked by something non-game related. Hopefully I'll have something to show over the weekend.
Spent some time rearranging some scripts first, then tackled a very basic pathfinding method to get to the proper location while following the tiles in between. That's all I've got time for tonight!
Didn't have much time tonight to work on pathfinding (to have them walk a path across each tile to their destination), but I put in the highlighting and click to move in a straight line to the end tile. More prototyping fun :)
I've been researching a little bit more about streaming services, but have been too busy to work on the game in the past few days. Tonight my mind started to wander with zombie themes (been watching a lot of zombie movies lately) so I sketched out some brief ideas to not feel totally unproductive.
Looked into Hitbox for streaming because they advertise about a 2 second delay compared to Twitch's 18. Unfortunately they don't use IRC, but HTML5 websockets instead. So I either need to design around the longer delay, giving me an easier setup, or research websockets and how to connect and read the chat data from them.
Since I hit that roadblock tonight I decided to draw/write out some ideas to get something in for today's streak submission. These are just general things that I talked about with some of the other team members at work today. I'm glad I at least jotted them down so I don't forget them.
For the Global Game Jam 2015 my team made a 4-player game using xbox 360 controllers. Since this setup it not ideal for people to actually play the game I decided to set up some Twitch chat controls for it instead. I found and made use of OpenTwitchPlays and HexChat to accomplish this. Even though Twitch has approximately an 18 second delay (or longer) it still was good to get something working through the IRC chat. I'm interested in this kind of game that makes use of crowds of people for input (like Choice Chamber), so I might be researching this in the future.
Martian Mascot Four Man Button Jam on Twitch
I'll include a screenshot of some friends who logged on to try it out.
I scripted some minor input commands to hook up to OpenTwitchPlays and also made the UI scalable, which I hadn't had time for during the actual weekend jam period.
Here's the game on the Global Game Jam site if you wanted to take a look at it:
Martian Mascot Four Man Button Jam on GGJ
We're still finding areas to polish up, so hopefully I'll have more on this project to add to the streak!
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Sweet man great job!