Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Been drawing for awhile, lots of painting in Photoshop too. I discovered Hyper Light Drifter and thought it was really cool! So I began making pixel art/animation. Taking up programing in C# as well now to use Unity.
I played around with the light's a bit and reworked the code to some simple if statements in the Update() (Method/Function? I then went to work and read from C# In a Nutshell, I could grasp some of the concepts early on but eventually it began going over my head.
Keep up the good work everyone :D
Heyy everyone, my name's Alex I'm an artist who is starting off in programing. Making games is fun! :D
Managed to get this ball bouncing in Unity 3d. I was having trouble setting a bool canJump to true again after colliding with the floor. Learned about object tags in the inspector, even though I did not use it. Instead I just have a check if the ball is colliding with a gameObject named "Floor".
When you hit Space you AddForce to the rigidbody with a public variable float called jump.
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Best streak: 2, Completion: 0%
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Best streak: 2, Completion: 0%