Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Late-summer sunshine is the best. Now I'm pretty sure I've made a few tunes that sound similar to this but I must embrace it and if that means I keep re-making this sound forever that's no bad thing, frankly. Get over yourself-Vim.
Not sure why, not feeling very Christmassy at all this year.
Unexplained hardware issues, computers are too complex.
I like to thinks most things are, but I have my doubts.
Love autumn and winter, plus I've been listening to a lot of stuff on the 12k label at work, and I'd been wanting to do something a little more free-form and live than previously. Really like this if I'm being honest.
Sadly had to break my streak last week due to an ear infection that, sadly, I'm still not quite over. In fact my hearing is borked, everything sounds out of tune, almost chipmunk-y. Hopefully that'll sort itself out soon. Anyway, made a simple 90s thumpin' beat to get through the murk in my middle ear.
Was feeling I was slipping into a bit of a rut so I just thought I'd do something a bit different and see what happened.
Yes, it's November, it's cold, it's raining. It's great!
This was a surprisingly difficult tune to pull off and towards the end I got really fed up with it, to be honest, hence the rough bits.
Will never get the hang of subtle mastering, sorry.
I'll need to remaster this at some point as I made this with a heavy cold and am literally deaf in one ear. Anyway, .been wanting to an epic chunky amen track for a while.
In some ways it doesn't feel like a year but in others it feels like a lifetime.
More Gameboy, mainly made on lunch breaks.
I thought I'd have a go at making a chip-tune in FastTracker 2 just like the old days. It's not amazing but was enjoyable and made me want to try something more.
Got my old Gameboys customised and back in action this week so here's a tune made with LSDJ. First time I've used it in a good 10 years but it came back really easily.
I am crap at track titles, they're always a last-minute thing, and they're always rubbish, so I said you should think bigger in the future. Anyway, more of a groove than a track based on this rusty bass arp. I actually quite like it. Might develop something similar later.
My attempt at a straight dance/breaks track. I find it difficult to cope with more than a few elements, they all blend and create the sonic equivilent of brown.
Rush job as my mind was elsewhere this week. Next!
Went a bit mad on the cabinet simulator here. I think I'll use this as a basis for something else, really like this sound.
Didn't have as much time this week so polished up this track which, again, is probably too slow and doomy for many but perhaps it's what I've been feeling like at times.
Where is all that money going?
weekly from
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This is lovely.